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HPC in the Cloud Guy Tel-Zur.

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Presentation on theme: "HPC in the Cloud Guy Tel-Zur."— Presentation transcript:

1 HPC in the Cloud Guy Tel-Zur


3 Sign In

4 EC2 Dashboard

5 EC2 AMI for scientific computing in Python and R AMI ID: ami-84bd41ed Source:






11 Launching Instance


13 Connect using PuTTY


15 Install VNC server from the following packages: * xtightvncviewer * xvnc4viewer

16 Add a user As root: useradd telzur mkdir /home/telzur chown –R telzur /home/telzur su telzur As root: useradd telzur mkdir /home/telzur chown –R telzur /home/telzur su telzur

17 Passwordless ssh ssh-keygen -t dsa cd.ssh cat./ >> authorized_keys2 Use a lightweight window manager such as icewm

18 Open ports 5800,5900-5901… in the security group for VNC to work

19 Install a light window manager apt-get install icewm

20 HPC Cluster

21 16 cores

22 EBS /dev/sdh  /vol change made in /etc/fstab

23 Installations yum install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran Lapsck Python-devel Need more repositories: rpm -Uvh release-5-4.noarch.rpm release-5-4.noarch.rpm yum install atlas.x86_64 blas.x86_64 lapack.x86_64 yum groupinstall XFCE (startxfce4) yum install glibc-devel.i386

24 Test MPI


26 1:41 AM PDT We are currently investigating latency and error rates with EBS volumes and connectivity issues reaching EC2 instances in the US-EAST-1 region. 2:18 AM PDT We can confirm connectivity errors impacting EC2 instances and increased latencies impacting EBS volumes in multiple availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region. Increased error rates are affecting EBS CreateVolume API calls. We continue to work towards resolution. 2:49 AM PDT We are continuing to see connectivity errors impacting EC2 instances, increased latencies impacting EBS volumes in multiple availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region, and increased error rates affecting EBS CreateVolume API calls. We are also experiencing delayed launches for EBS backed EC2 instances in affected availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region. We continue to work towards resolution. 3:20 AM PDT Delayed EC2 instance launches and EBS API error rates are recovering. We're continuing to work towards full resolution. 4:09 AM PDT EBS volume latency and API errors have recovered in one of the two impacted Availability Zones in US-EAST-1. We are continuing to work to resolve the issues in the second impacted Availability Zone. The errors, which started at 12:55AM PDT, began recovering at 2:55am PDT 5:02 AM PDT Latency has recovered for a portion of the impacted EBS volumes. We are continuing to work to resolve the remaining issues with EBS volume latency and error rates in a single Availability Zone. 6:09 AM PDT EBS API errors and volume latencies in the affected availability zone remain. We are continuing to work towards resolution. Quality of Service ????

27 BBC

28 Who is affected by EC2? Source: (partial list)




32 Saving the computer as an AMI



35 2 X 16cores !


37 Add graphical WM (xfce4) using remote desktop (VNC) – Open port

38 Price $1.60/hour for this xlarge machine $4,290 for 1 year $6,590 for 3 years This is the TCO ! $1.60/hour for this xlarge machine $4,290 for 1 year $6,590 for 3 years This is the TCO !

39 vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Change: password authentication from no to yes Rload sshd by /etc/init.d/sshd reload

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