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Chapter 20 Science and Exploration 588-601. Study Island TCAP Review Homework TCAP Practice –20 points Must work a little in each category –At little.

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1 Chapter 20 Science and Exploration 588-601

2 Study Island TCAP Review Homework TCAP Practice –20 points Must work a little in each category –At little at least 8 questions correct Not timed The categories you have already answered are not a part of this grade. However, reviewing these sections can only help for TCAP. Due by: Monday, April 21, 2014

3 Bell Work Copy Chapter 20 Terms

4 Bell Work  Scientific Revolution  Theories  Ptolemy  Nicolaus Copernicus  Johannes Kepler  Galileo Galilei  Sir Isaac Newton  Scientific Method  Henry the Navigator  Vasco da Gama  Christopher Columbus  Ferdinand Magellan  Circumnavigate  Sir Francis Drake  Spanish Armada  Plantations  Mercantilism  Capitalism  Market Economy

5 In the 1500s, Europe was undergoing dramatic changes. The Renaissance was well under way. During the Renaissance, educated people began to focus more on the world they lived in. It was a time of great achievement in art, writing, and education. The stage was set for another revolution in thinking.

6 The Scientific Revolution marked the birth of modern science. Chapter 20; Section 1

7 Name/YearsLife Area of Science Theories, Inventions and Experiments Church or People’s Reaction Aristotle and Ptolemy Nicolaus Copernicus Johannes Kepler Sir Issac Newton Francis Bacon Rene Descartes 1. What is the Scientific Revolution and why was it important to history? 2. Where does the word science come from? 3. What is a theory? 4. What is scientific knowledge based on? 5. Who painted the famous painting of Greek thinkers in the early 1500s? 6. Why was the church troubled by the Scientific Revolution? Chapter 20-1 The Scientific Revolution

8 Chapter 20; Section 2 Great Voyages of Discovery Discoveries and inventions helped scientists study the natural world.

9 Chapter 20-2 The Age of Exploration 1. Why did people seek to explore the world in the 1400s? 2. What advances in technology made exploration possible? 3. What country takes the lead in the Age of Exploration? 4. Why did the Europeans explorers call the Americas the “New World?” 5. Why did France and England send explorers to the Americas? 6. How did the voyages of discovery change the way the Europeans thought about their world? Name and YearCountryLands Explored or DiscoveredEffects or Claims Prince Henry the Navigator Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Galileo Galilei Sir Francis Drake Hernan Cortez

10 Chapter 20; Section 3 New Systems of Trade The Scientific Revolution had broad effects on society, changing ideas about the physical world, human behavior and religion.

11 Chapter 20-3 New Systems of Trade 1. How did new settlements led to new lands and trade systems? 2. What is the Columbian Exchange and how did it change lives around the world? 3. What is mercantilism? How did it create new patterns of global trade? 4. Why did the power shift from Spain and Portugal to England and the Netherlands in the 1600s? 5. What was shipped to the Americas from Africa by the Europeans? _________ 6. What is a market economy? 7. What is capitalism? How did capitalism begin?... _____

12 Instructions 30 Points 1.Numbered off into groups. The number signifies the chapter section chart you will complete. 2.Work on charts individually for 20 minutes 3.Collectively meet in groups for 15 minutes –Quiz each other to make sure everyone understands the information –Split information up so that everyone presents a piece on block day –Create a 15 question quiz to give the class after your presentation (we will use the white boards) Write quiz questions on the back of handout #3.

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