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Published byZachary Shelton Modified over 11 years ago
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Paolo ROSA Head, Workshops and Promotion Division, ITU - Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Strategies to decrease the Standardization Gap Training for Central & European Administrations ITU, Geneva 26-27 January 2009
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 World Summit on Information Society, Tunisia, 2005 Action Line Possible Moderators/Facilitators С1. The role of public governance authorities and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development ECOSOC/UN Regional Commissions/ITU С2. Information and communication infrastructureITU C3. Access to information and knowledgeITU/UNESCO C4. Capacity buildingUNDP/UNESCO/ITU/ UNCTAD C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTsITU C6. Enabling environmentITU/UNDP/UN REGIONAL COMMISSIONS/UNCTAD C7. ICT Applications E-government E-business E-learning E-health E-employment E-environment E-agriculture E-science UNDP/ITU WTO/UNCTAD/ITU/UPU UNESCO/ITU/UNIDO WHO/ITU ILO/ITU WHO/WMO/UNEP/UN-Habitat/ITU/ICAO FAO/ITU UNESCO/ITU/UNCTAD C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content UNESCO C9. MediaUNESCO C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information SocietyUNESCO/ECOSOC C11. International and regional cooperation * PS: ITU is MODERATOR for Action Lines C2 and C5 And FACILITATOR for Actions C1-C3-C4-C6-C7-C11 UN REGIONAL COMMISSIONS/ UNDP/ITU/UNESCO/ECOSOC WSIS Actions and ITU
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 WTSA-08 : Issues for developing countries
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Before WTSA-08 Some statistics –Participations –Contributions Issues for discussions –Facilitating the participation –Facilitating the understanding of ITU-T activities –Reflecting African countries requirements Resolutions related to Developing Countries (DC) Other issues –Chairman – Vice Chairmanship –Paperless Meeting
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Participated number of Countries (Last Study Group meeting)
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Number of Participants (Last Study Group meeting)
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Contributions at the last SG meeting (Logarithmic scale)
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Numbers: SG Chairmen & Vice- chairmen (nominated at WTSA-04) 1 13 33 Study Groups ChairmenStudy Group Vice Chairmen Developed countries Developing countries
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Facilitating participation In the past Todays situation TSB TSAG TSB TSAGSGs WTSA Regional Offices
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Facilitating the participation In participating to the WTSA, developing countries had a control over SG activities WTSA role is changing, member states participating in TSAG have more power between two WTSAs Necessity to participate to TSAG and to SGs –Direct participation –Through regional Groups –Through representatives –Using new remote technologies
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Facilitating the understanding Many actions have been taken –Free access to technical ITU-T Recommendations –A manual for beginners has been developed and will be updated –Development of guides aimed at developing countries for help implementing ITU-T Recommendations –Seminars, Workshops, Regional meetings and Forums Presentations available online Audiocast recorded and available online for most events –Close contact and increased cooperation with ITU Regional & Areas Offices, and Centers of Excellence –TSB staff identified as contact point for the Region –Website has been improved, e-flash etc…
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Facilitating the understanding Some ideas of what could be added –What developing countries could do? –Electronic meetings after each SG? To inform the results of interest for developing countries with Questions and Answers period… –Regional groups, Block meetings in the regions –Remote participation –What else?
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Reflecting regional requirements Develop a Question of particular interest for the region Discuss the issue in the region –Regional Groups Submit contributions –How to submit? Individual member or after regional consultation? Reply to the Questionnaires from ITU-T –Nominating a regional contact point for each SG of interest
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 PP-06 Resolution 123 (Antalya, 2006) Recognizes: "the continued shortage of human resources in the standardization field in developing countries, resulting in a low level of developing-country participation in meetings of ITU-T and of ITU-R and, consequently, in the standards-making process, leading to difficulties when interpreting ITU-T and ITU-R Recommendations;"
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Three dimensions Any TIME connection Any THING connection Any WHERE connection Source: ITU, Adapted from NRI (Japan) On the move Outdoors and indoors Night Daytime Between PCs Human to Human (H2H), not using a PC Human to Thing (H2T), using generic equipment Thing to Thing (T2T) On the move Outdoors Indoors (away from the PC ) At the PC
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 The concept of Opportunity Index (OI) to measure the information society Infodensity ICT capital [telecommunication network infrastructures (fixed, mobile, internet) and of ICT, including equipment (cables, routers, etc), Info-use Three indicators: Internet users every 100 inhabitants PC owners every 100 inhabitants Houses and TV sets proportion disparity
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 The digital divide by income group Source: ITU/UNCTAD/KADO Digital Opportunity Platform.
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 ICT penetration by OI categories H,U,M & L Levels based on the ICT Opportunity Index (OI) overall average value (Ref Country)
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Digital Divide Standardization Gap & Participation Relationship Increase Participation & Capacity Building Standardization Gap & Poor Access to Technologies Digital Divide -----------------------------------
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 The Standardization Gap The standardization development gap: persistence of the wider digital divide in ICTs. Unequal access to technology and the ability to use that technology ability to access, implement, contribute to and influence international ICT standards, ( ITU Recommendations) digital divide measures disparities –among different regions (e.g., urban/rural), or –between different groups within society (e.g., by age, sex, race, income, etc) PP-06 (Res. 123) and WTSA-08 Resolutions
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Bridging the standardization gap ITU-T mandated to bridge the standardization gap between developing and developed countries. Action plan established: Improve standards making capabilities Develop guidelines Consultancy Human resources building Fundraising?
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Tech Watch briefing reports Remote collaboration tools (March 2008) Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (February 2008) ICTs and Climate Change (December 2007) TelePresence: High performance video- conferencing (November 2007) Intelligent Transport Systems and CALM (October 2007) …
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Technical Flyers Numbering, Naming and Addressing VoIP QoS & QoE NGN ASON B-PON ; CWDM; DSL ; G-PON Optical Fibres and Cables OTN ; OTS Synchronization over packet networks Accessibility H.264 ; H.350 Multimedia Communications ASN.1 Security IMT-2000
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Res.76 Report to the Council 2009 Feasibility, economical and regulatory issues ITU-T Recommendations Training and testing laboratories Impact on the market Study Groups support Interoperability Conformance ITU Conformity ITU Interoperability ITU Mark: products and services
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Workshops trend % Days out N. Of Days in out 70 90 80 20 60 50 40 30 10 40 10 30 20 50100 2002 2003 20042005200620072008 Gv a
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Workshops: some activities 5 Forums Bridging Standardization gap in the Regions The Fully Networked Car – A Workshop including Demonstrations on Information and Communication Technologies in Motor Vehicles Geneva, 5 – 7 March 2008 ITU Symposium 2 on ICTs and Climate Change, Kyoto and London, April and June 2008 ITU-T/IEEE workshop on the next generation optical access Geneva, 19 – 20 June 2008 ITU Workshop: ICT Standards and Intellectual Property Rights, 1 July 2008 Workshop on "From Speech to Audio: bandwidth extension, binaural perception", 10-12 Sep 2008 Side events at WTSA-08
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 The ITU Centre of Excellence Network 3 PROGRAMS 4 Prog./5 partners CoE AMS OAS/CITEL IDB BELL SOUTH IIT CTU Telecom Policies New Telecom Techniques Regulatory Issues ICT based Business 5 Prog/ 5 Partners CoE ASP Technical Awareness Regulatory Issues Business Management Rural connectivity Spectrum management Regulatory Issues Business management New Technologies Spectrum Management Rural Connectivity 5 Prog./2 partners CoE AFR-F SFM IIT 6 Prog./2 partners CoE ARB ALCATEL IIT Telecom Policies Regulatory Issues Business management New Technologies IP Awareness Rural Connectivity Regulatory Issues Business management New Technologies Spectrum Management Rural Connectivity CoE AFR-E CTO Airtel IIT CoE Africa 5 Prog./3 partners 5 Prog./ ? Partners CoE EUR+CIS Tech.Awareness Policies & Reg. Issues Corporate Management Internet Technologies Spect Man & Sup. Strategic Management Technology Trends Regulatory Issues Spectrum management Information Techn. CEE Branch CIS Branch To be defined ITU Centre of Excellence R.O.Korea Pakistan Thailand Malaysia Iran Worldwide Networks
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 TSB Questionnaire to developing countries on TSB Circular 213 – 5 May 2008 t o: It will provide background information on the relevance of ITU-T Recommendations for developing countries and a useful tool to develop strategies able to meet the requirements of the PP-06 and WTSA-08 Resolutions. Bridging the Standardization Gap
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 The ITU-T Questionnaire TSB Circular 213 of 5 May 2008 replies by 13 of June Familiarity with Recommendations published by ITU-T Relevance and usefulness of Recommendations to Developing Countries Difficulties for implementation and suggestions to increase participation by developing countries Regional standardization block meetings as a tool to facilitate participation from the regions Seminars and Workshops in the regions The WTSA Resolutions relevant to developing countries: contributions and proposal for improvement
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Participation
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 WTSA-08 NEW RESOLUTION 74 Admission of Sector Members from developing countries in the work of the ITU-T resolves … to encourage the adoption of the necessary measures to enable new members from developing countries to join ITU-T …and other groups within the ITU-T, (consider financial contributions applied in the BDT) instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau to propose to the Council to consider the admission of such category in the work of the ITU-T …. and to include its consideration of this matter in the council work for the preparation of the 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference. Note: These Sector Members from Developing Countries shall not be affiliated in any way to any Sector Member of a Developed Country, and be limited to those Sector Members of Developing Countries classified by the UNDP as low income per capita Country, not exceeding (……US$).
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 TIES and ITU-T Members distribution Need for more participation
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Participation
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Participation: Contributions
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 The Standardization Development Ladder Bridging the standardization development gap requires a sequence of steps, depending on the level of: –economic development –local manufacturing capability –local R&D capability –previous engagement with ITU These steps can be conceptualised in terms of a Ladder of Standardization Development
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Capacity-building to build a national resource base of qualified engineers able to implement Recommendations ITU centres of excellence Standardization Development Ladder (1) Growing use of ITU Recs can be measured in terms of sales or downloads of Recommendation should help to reduce costs and promote inter-operability Growing use of ITU Recommendations National training and Capacity-building in use ITU Recommendations
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Standardization Development Ladder (1) Contributing to ITU-T SGs Contribution-driven philosophy: to enter into the process and shaping future standards Growing use of ITU Recommendations Entering proposals at WTSA on future study questions and work programmes Nominating representatives as study group chairs, vice- chairs.rapporteurs, focus group chairs etc Submit contributions at Study Groups and related meetings ITU Sector and Associate Membership National training and capacity-building in use of ITU Recommendations Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups (Res 54) Going to Study Groups and related meetings Entering proposals to WTSA Determining ITU-T study questions to drive the work of the Study Groups.
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Going to Study Groups and related meetings Entering proposals at WTSA on future study questions and work programmes Nominating representatives as study group chairs, vice- chairs.rapporteurs, focus group chairs etc Giving contributions at Study Groups and related meetings Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups (Res 54) Growing usage of ITU Recommendations ITU Sector or Associate Membership National training and capacity-building in use of ITU Recommendations Growing Usage National Training ITU Membership Going to meetings Attracting meetings Giving inputs Nominating reps Entering proposals G N I A G N E G Its all about climbing the Standardization Development Ladder Its all about ENGAGING with ITU and its membership, by getting more involved
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Regional Flagship Groups
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Types of collaboration Same time synchronous Different time asynchronous Same place co-located Different place remote Face-to-face meetings meeting rooms, projection systems, tabletop computer, flip charts etc Remote meetings remote collaboration tools, video/audio conferencing, IM/chat, telepresence, webcasts, virtual worlds etc Ongoing collaboration project management tools, e-calendars, wall charts, shift-work groupware etc Time-shift remote collaboration websites, forums, email, e- calendars, sharepoints, wikis, version control etc
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Remote participation why? To assist in bridging the standardization gap, especially for delegates from developing countries To provide training materials (archived on web) To make participation in short meetings more efficient (e.g. steering committees, seminars, rapporteur groups) To contribute in reducing carbon footprint
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Segmenting the market
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Remote collaboration existing online tools Free access to ITU-T Recommendations online (since 1 January 2007) TIES access (password protected) to meeting documents etc Other electronic tools, e.g., correspondence groups, informal FTP areas on website, Forums etc
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 ITU-T trial, launched by TSAG in Dec-07, to evaluate remote participation tools –GoToMeeting: used extensively within ITU for short (>2 hours) meetings, with up to 30 participants –GoToWebinar: used for covering Climate Change symposium in Kyoto, with up to 200 participants over 2 days (archived) -WebEx: one year trial offered by CISCO Remote participation
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Increasing share of ITU meetings held outside Geneva or in cyberspace –Workshops and symposia, Webinars –Regional block meetings Distributed participation in ITU meetings –Broadcast (two-way audio/video) to regional offices of Centres of Excellence, allowing for local interaction and participation Increased use of remote collaboration tools –Full-scale use of existing tools after trial period? –ITU-T workshops in Second Life? Possible future scenarios
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Regional Groups to support, within available or otherwise contributed resources and on a case-by-case basis the creation of regional groups, Resolution 54 : Creation of regional groups
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 ITU-T Regional Groups SG2 SG3 SG6 SG12
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Working Methods and Procedures Establishment Leadership Participation (Participation is open to any individual expert from a country which is a member of ITU who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations. Participation in Regional Group should not be used as an alternative to ITU membership) General financing of Regional Group Financing of meetings Administrative support Meeting logistics Working language Deliverables (contributions from the countries of the region, reports, etc. to the parent study group) Approval of deliverables Regional Groups can establish their own rules of approval. Printing and distribution of deliverables Progress reports (Regional Group progress reports are to be provided to the parent study group meeting) Meeting announcements Working guidelines
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Standardization Block Meetings in the Regions
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 From the Questionnaire
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 The ITU-T Block Meetings in the region Cooperation with regional organizations: CITEL, RCC, APT, ATU, LAS,… One per year per region possibly co-located with the ITU Development Forums Topics decided by the membership and transversal to any ITU-T Study Groups Official status as generator of contributions to parent study groups TSB secretarial support, EDH facilities as any other SG meeting
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 B E,3 The B K,J matrix concept: any Question from any SG SG A B C D E F G N N+1 Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n n+1
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Block Meetings: Pros and Cos PROS : More participation of experts from the region: study, progress, approval process - have a voice in global standards Increase of contributions from the region Lower costs associated (travel/accomodation Region/Geneva) for regional experts Same TSB facilities available on site: regional presence Possibility to co-locate S-RBMs with ITU Forums or other events Potential increase of membership: sectors promotion Reduce standardization gap and digital divide increase capacity building Possibility to reduce Study group meetings duration COS: TSB staff to move for one-two weeks Funding / associated organizational costs Risk to work on too much regional-oriented standards Need to look for co-location with ITU Forums or other events
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 La Résolution 123 (PP-06) – Standardization Gap La Résolution 44 Efforts to decrease the standardization gap La Résolution 54 Regional Groups TSAG to set up a group on the standardization gap Americas Flashing Group
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 a)Volume of downloads from Recs ITU-T site; b)Number of TIES users c)Number of Sector members and associates; d)Number of Chairmen and rapporteur from developing countries Evaluation Mechanisms For the Standardization Gap
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 Flagship Group Americas Permanent regional standards awareness Training on standardization in the regions also producing manuals and audio/video material Support and measure participation in ITU-T activities from public, private sectors and academia Translate ITU-T material Support SMEs Put in place tools for a remote or direct participation of experts in ITU-T activities Creation of regional Testing & Calibration labs Support participation from Academia Invite regulators to put in place mechanisms to consider international standards when preparing national technical regulations
ITU Forum Bridging Standardization Gap – Brasilia, May 2008 Training for Central & European Administrations 26-27 Jan 2009 ITU Mission Committed to Connecting the World Paolo ROSA Head, Workshop and Promotion Division ITU - Telecommunication Standardization Bureau ITUing… YES, WE DO ! conclusionsconclusions
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