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Chapter 11, Sec. 1 Jacksonian Democracy. Election of 1824  1816-1824: U.S. had one political party—the _________________________.  Differences rose.

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1 Chapter 11, Sec. 1 Jacksonian Democracy

2 Election of 1824  1816-1824: U.S. had one political party—the _________________________.  Differences rose among party members.  Four members from Republican Party ran in 1824.  William H. Crawford—too many health problems.  Andrew Jackson—from Tennessee; not a Washington politician; hero War of 1812; raised in poverty.  Henry Clay—from Kentucky and was Speaker of House.  John Quincy Adams—from Massachusetts and received support from Northeast merchants.  __________ received most popular and electoral votes.  Adams had 2 nd most.  No candidate won majority (more than half) of votes.  Jackson had plurality = _____________________________.  _____ Amendment = when no candidate wins majority, ______________________ determines tie.

3 Striking a Bargain  Jackson followers accused Adams & Clay of making a “__________________” to steal election.  Clay would use his influence in HOR to defeat Jackson.  In return, Clay would be named Sec. of State.  The “bargain” spelled bad news for Adams’ presidency.  Adams wanted govt. to be more involved and direct things.  This scared many who desired a limited role for federal govt.  1826—especially true when congressional elections were held and enemies of Adams controlled House and Senate. Election of 1828  Party divided into 2: 1.Democratic-Republicans—supported __________________. 2.National Republicans—supported ____________.  Democrats:  Favored states’ rights, mistrusted strong central govt. Often made up of frontiersmen, immigrants, laborers from cities.

4 Jackson Triumphs  Republicans:  Wanted strong central govt. Supported federal measures—road building & Bank of U.S.—to help build economy. Many were farmers or merchants.  ________________ began in 1828 election!  Mudslinging—______________________________________.  Other new elements: slogans, rallies, buttons, and BBQ’s.  Jackson won election in a ________________.  Landslide—________________________________________.  Won support from many new frontier states and many southern states who supported states’ rights.  Jackson had many supporters b/c of his victories in War of 1812.  He was raised in a log cabin, parents died before he was 15.  Nicknamed “_________________” b/c tough as a hickory stick.  People saw him as American success story (outhouse to WH).

5 New Voters  Jackson promised “equal protection and equal benefits”.  At least for white men!  Nation’s early years, states had limited ___________.  Suffrage—_________________________________________.  1820’s—democracy spread and more men were allowed to vote.  1824—about 27% were allowed to vote. By 1840, over 80% could.  Democrats were tired of ________________.  Bueaucracy—________________________________________.  Argued that any citizen could handle a govt. job.  Jackson fired many federal workers & replaced them with people who supported him.  Protestors said, “To the victors belong the spoils.”  Jacksonians had right to spoils = benefits of victory.  Practice of replacing govt. employees with winning candidate supporters became known as the ______________________.

6 Electoral Changes  Jacksonians worked to make political system more democratic.  Tired of _____________ system.  Major candidates chosen by committees made up of Congress members.  Replaced with ______________________: delegates from the states would select party’s presidential candidate.

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