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 Scientific methodology is the heart of science.  The full body of science includes more, as shown:

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2  Scientific methodology is the heart of science.  The full body of science includes more, as shown:


4  Good scientists share scientific attitudes that lead them to exploration and discovery…

5  …ask questions about what is observed. Results from previous studies are also reviewed and raise new questions

6 ..scientists question existing ideas and hypotheses. They also do not believe in ideas without evidence

7  …scientists must be willing to accept new ideas that they may not agree with

8  Scientists need to the creatively to design experiments that provide good data.


10 Technology, science and society are closely linked. Discoveries in Science may lead to new technologies Those technologies may enable scientists to ask new questions, or gather data in a new way

11  Peer Review: Research and papers are reviewed by other scientists  Reviewers look for mistakes or other problems  Work may be published in scientific journals  Sharing Knowledge and new Ideas: Sometimes findings lead to new questions;  This means new hypotheses and new controlled experiments

12  Theory: Is a well-tested explanation that accounts for a lot of observations and hypotheses.  It allows scientists to make good predictions  Ex: Darwin: Theory of evolution  NO THEORY IS THOUGHT TO BE THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH  A theory may be changed or replaced

13  Theory:  Bias: A preference or a point of view that is personal, rather than scientific

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