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(except logo’s) The good, the efficient, and the open changing research workflows and the need to move from Open Access to Open Science Bianca Kramer &

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Presentation on theme: "(except logo’s) The good, the efficient, and the open changing research workflows and the need to move from Open Access to Open Science Bianca Kramer &"— Presentation transcript:

1 (except logo’s) The good, the efficient, and the open changing research workflows and the need to move from Open Access to Open Science Bianca Kramer & Jeroen Bosman Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI9), Geneva, June 18, 2015 @MsPhelps @jeroenbosman

2 analysis outreach assessment publication writing discovery

3 Simple cyclic model of the research workflow preparation analysis writing publication outreach assessment discovery

4 Multi-cyclic model of the research workflow preparation analysis writing publication outreach assessment discovery Rounds of grant writing and application Iterations of search and reading Drafting, receiving comments,rewriting Submit, peer review, rejection, resubmitting Rounds of experiments and measurements

5 Multi-cyclic model of the research workflow, with loops preparation analysis writing publication outreach assessment discovery Rounds of grant writing and application Iterations of search and reading Drafting, receiving comments,rewriting Submit, peer review, rejection, resubmitting Rounds of experiments and measurements

6 A multi-cyclic, multi-ordered model of the research workflow, with loops preparation analysis writing publication outreach assessment discovery Rounds of grant writing and application Iterations of search and reading Drafting, receiving comments,rewriting Submit, peer review, rejection, resubmitting Rounds of experiments and measurements

7 A multi-cyclic, multi-ordered model of the research workflow, with loops preparation analysis writing publication outreach assessment discovery Rounds of grant writing and application Iterations of search and reading Drafting, receiving comments,rewriting Submit, peer review, rejection, resubmitting Rounds of experiments and measurements

8 Three goals for science & scholarship (G- E-O) declaring competing interests replication & reproducibility meaningful assessment effective quality checks credit where it is due no fraud, plagiarism connected tools & platforms no publ. size restrictions null result publishing speed of publication (web)standards, IDs semantic discovery re-useability versioning open peer review open (lab)notes plain language open drafting open access CC-0/BY good efficientopen technical changes & standards research governance changes economic & copyright changes researcher funder publisher public government library

9 good efficientopen Ongoing discussions researcher funder publisher public government library


11 2005 2010 Discovery Analysis Writing Publication Outreach Assessment

12 Changing research workflows Open Science

13 Survey: scholarly communication tools


15 Survey: 1 st 1000 results What is you research role? What discipline are you working in?

16 Survey: 1 st 1000 results 64 countries 1 300

17 Breakdown examples What tools do you use to get access to literature etc.?

18 Breakdown examples What tools do you use to archive/share data &code ?

19 Tool combinations in workflows ResearchGate (share pub + researcher profile) SPSS LaTeX 1000 0

20 Distribution across Good-Efficient-Open Good Efficient Open 100% 80% 60% 40% 20%

21 Make these data work for you ?

22 Do Asian postdocs look more to impact factors to select a journal to publish in than their Latin American counterparts?

23 Make these data work for you Is sharing ‘preprints’ gaining traction beyond the fields of astronomy, physics and math, and if so, what platforms are used?

24 Make these data work for you Which tools are used in multiple research phases, and are they leading tools in any of these phases?

25 Policy applications


27 “Focus shifting from ‘journals’ to individual publishable units (articles, but also other research output)”

28 “Clear(er) shift towards open science / open access, leading to a diminishing importance of traditional journals”

29 Call to action [Tussenslide (of transitie in slide) over custom URL?]

30 Call to action [Tussenslide (of transitie in slide) over custom URL?] custom URL

31 Call to action

32 Thank you!

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