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A Collaborative Project to Build Capacity Through Quality Teacher Preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "A Collaborative Project to Build Capacity Through Quality Teacher Preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Collaborative Project to Build Capacity Through Quality Teacher Preparation

2 Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative Initiative to strengthen African higher education capacity in partnership with U.S. institutions of higher education Funded by USAID Almost 300 partnership proposals submitted for planning grants in six areas—agriculture, health, science & technology, engineering, education & teacher education, business

3 Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative 33 six-month planning grants for $50,000 each awarded in 2009 11 of the partnerships, and their resulting strategic plans, funded in 2010 for two years by USAID Possibility of being funded for years 3-5, and up to 10 years Work with USAID mission in African country and other partners

4 One of the 11 partnerships— Kenyatta University and Syracuse University: Building Capacity Through Quality Teacher Preparation

5 Building on strong traditions in teacher education and an existing institutional linkage, the Schools of Education at Kenyatta University and Syracuse University are united in their desire to be integrally involved in and at the cutting edge of preparing, inducting and supporting highly qualified teachers in their continued growth.

6 KU-SU Strengths Schools of Education have had an institutional linkage since 2000 KU has been leader in teacher education in East Africa since 1965 KU enrolls 30,000 students, of which 19,000 are in teacher education programs SU’s SOE has pioneered the inclusion movement in the U.S.

7 KU-SU Strengths 14 Kenyan students have completed or are completing Ph.D. (nine) or M.S. (five) degrees at SU in teacher education since 1999 KU and SU co-sponsored International Conference on Education held at KU in July 2009; 2 nd conference in July 2011 Changes in capacity through KU-SU partnership will have wide-ranging impacts

8 Issues Identified by KU Faculty 1.The teacher education curriculum in Kenya is not systematically revised based on evidence of teacher knowledge and performance. 2.Teachers in Kenya are not adequately prepared or able to support all learners. 3.Teachers in Kenya have limited information technology skills.

9 Issues Identified by KU Faculty 4.Teachers in Kenya lack deep and developing content and pedagogical content knowledge, including adequate practical skills. 5.There is no link in Kenya between preservice teachers’ preparation and teachers’ work in schools allowing for coordinated monitoring of induction and professional development.

10 Our Partnership Objectives 1.Strengthen the capacity of the KU TE faculty resulting in improved teacher preparation for the education sector in Kenya (building human capacity) 2.Strengthen the research capacity of the KU TE program resulting in improved knowledge that produces more effective education (building program capacity)

11 Our Partnership Objectives 3.Enhance the KU TE program resulting in improved instructional capacity (building program capacity) 4.Provide quality service to education stakeholders resulting in improved instruction in secondary schools in Kenya (building national capacity)

12 Objective #1 Key Activities Collect and analyze baseline and yearly data on KU TE faculty members’ knowledge on content and pedagogical skills Establish a Committee for Faculty Development to plan and carry out identified professional development activities Implement KU-SU scholar exchanges

13 Objective #1 Key Activities Recruit and enroll KU faculty members to earn “sandwich” degrees Recruit faculty members outside of KU to help supervise KU faculty members’ doctoral theses Experienced researchers mentor KU researchers in research activities

14 Objective #2 Key Activities Identify and carry out KU-SU collaborative research projects Conduct field studies of teachers’ knowledge in areas of supporting all learners, IT skills, content and pedagogical content knowledge Present and publish collaborative research findings

15 Objective #3 Key Activities Develop a curriculum review protocol Collect and analyze baseline and yearly data regarding course curricula review and revision Collect and analyze data from KU graduates who are novice and practicing teachers and from principals Use data to evaluate and improve TE curricula Develop and pilot a mentoring program for teaching practice

16 Objective #4 Key Activities Hold meetings with education stakeholders to communicate partnership activities Develop Teacher Performance Expectations and Assessments in collaboration with Ministry of Education officials Improve Quality Assurance and Standards observation form

17 Objective #4 Key Activities Engage Quality Assurance and Standards Officer and Kenya Institute of Education staff members in process of revising, training with, and piloting the observation form Develop policy briefs related to teacher education

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