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I LLINOIS C ONSTITUTION N OTES. F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION The U.S. form of government has an official title: Republican Democracy Two ancient.

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2 F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION The U.S. form of government has an official title: Republican Democracy Two ancient civilizations were used to help form our current gov’t.: Ancient Greece Ancient Rome

3 F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION  Greeks create the idea of citizenship :  Citizens are loyal to their country.  Entitled to protection from gov’t.  Greeks (Cleisthenes) also formed the idea for a direct democracy.  Direct democracy is when ALL members of society decided & vote on ideas for laws.

4 F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION Under the Greek form of Democracy: Members of local tribes were chosen to serve on a council. Council members had to meet certain requirements. Council members had limits to how long they could serve in office. Council members would help govern the city. Assembly (entire population) would vote for laws/regulations at request of Council.

5 F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION While the idea for democracy came from Greece, the idea for a republic came from Rome. Romans used a republican* form of gov’t. * - gov’t where citizens elect reps. to rule in their name. Republic form of gov’t. was more efficient than a true democracy. Better to have 1 voting instead of thousands.

6 F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION Under the Republican gov’t, Rome had 3 branches: Legislative Executive Judicial Leg. Branch was made up of: Senate Assemblies Senate: Consisted of 300 members Advised Roman leaders

7 F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION Assemblies: Made up of lower class Elected representatives Protected rights of lower class Judicial branch consisted of: 8 judges Served 1 year Oversaw courts & governed provinces

8 F OUNDATIONS OF THE C ONSTITUTION Executive branch consisted of: 2 “executive” leaders Served 1 year Executive Leaders had power to: Command army Give directions to gov’t Veto/Overrule other executive leader

9 H OMEWORK #1 1. Identify: a) The official title of the U.S. Government b) The two ancient civilizations that influenced our government. 2. According to Greeks, what are two expectations of citizenship? 3. Explain: a) How a “direct democracy” form of gov’t works. b) How a “republican” form of gov’t works. 4. Based on definitions above, identify which type of gov’t is more efficient: “direct democracy” or “republican”.

10 B RIEF HISTORY OF I LLINOIS Illinois was initially a French territory. First French settlement was Fort Creve Coeur French used land for fur trapping/trading. France gives up control of Illinois following French/Indian War. Illinois exists as county of Virginia until 1782.

11 B RIEF HISTORY OF I LLINOIS Illinois added as a state in 1818. Kaskaskia is first capitol of Illinois; Shadrach Bond first governor. Capitol moved from Kaskaskia to Vandalia in 1839 Springfield becomes capitol city later that year, at request of Abraham Lincoln.

12 L EGISLATIVE B RANCH 1 st of 3 branches in the state gov’t. Main duty of legislative branch: make laws. State of Illinois legislative branch is called the General Assembly. General Assembly is made up of 2 houses: House of Representatives Senate Both houses meet in Capitol Building in Springfield.

13 H OUSE OF R EPRESENTATIVES The Illinois House of Representatives totals 118 members. They are elected by the people of their represented district. Every state district is guaranteed at least 2 representatives from each district. “Reps” serve a 2 year term of office. Can be re-elected an unlimited number of times.

14 H OUSE OF R EPRESENTATIVES Unlike Federal gov’t., the number of reps from a district is not based on population. Each rep. earns $67,836 a year. The Illinois House of Representatives also retains the sole power to impeach a state gov’t official. Impeach – to accuse an elected official of misconduct before an appropriate tribunal.

15 H OMEWORK #2 1. When did Illinois become an official state? (Pg. 11) 2. What are the 3 capitol cities in Illinois history? (Pg. 11) 3. What is the main duty of the legislative branch? (Pg. 12) 1. How long do members of the State House of Representatives serve their term of office? (Pg. 13) 2. How many members make up the State House of Representatives total? (Pg. 13)

16 S ENATE The Illinois State Senate totals 59 members. Senators are elected from their represented districts. The state districts for Creve Coeur are: House – 89 th Senate – 45 th Every district is guaranteed 1 senator from each district (regardless of size).

17 S ENATE Senators serve a 4 year term. Can be re-elected an unlimited number of times. Senators earn $67,836 a year.

18 M ISC. L EGISLATIVE B RANCH Senators also serve as a jury in impeachment cases. Decides whether person is guilty or not; determines whether they lose office. Requirements of Leg. Branch: 21 yrs. old Resident of district for min. 2 yrs. Legal U.S. citizen

19 E XECUTIVE B RANCH 2 nd of 3 branches of IL gov’t. Main job is to enforce laws. Head of the branch is the Governor. Governor serves a 4 yr. term. Can be re-elected an unlimited number of times.

20 H OMEWORK #3 1. What is the House district that represents Creve Coeur? (Pg. 16) 2. How many Senators are in the Illinois Senate? (Pg. 16) 3. How long does a Senator serve their term of office? (Pg. 17) 4. What is the Senate district that represents Creve Coeur? (Pg. 16) 5. What does the Senate serve as during impeachment cases? (Pg. 18) 6. How old do Senators have to be in order to be elected? (Pg. 18) 7. How long must a Senator live in their represented district? (Pg. 18)

21 E XECUTIVE B RANCH Governor makes $150,691 per year of term. Requirements for being Governor: Must be 25 yrs. old Must be resident of state 3 yrs. prior to election Legal U.S. citizen Governor may grant the following: Pardons Commutations Reprieves Huh?

22 E XECUTIVE B RANCH Governor is also Commander-in-Chief of state militia (President can overrule). Order of succession for the Governor’s seat is: Lt. Governor Attorney General Sec. of State Why is this necessary?

23 E XECUTIVE B RANCH Other parts of Executive Branch: Attorney General – Chief legal officer of IL Sec. of State – Holds Great Seal of IL Comptroller – Pays bills for IL Treasurer – Maintains money accounts for IL

24 J UDICIAL B RANCH 3 rd of 3 branches of gov’t. Main job: Judge/interpret law. Head of the branch are Illinois Supreme Court Justices. Order of the judicial system in Illinois: Circuit Appellate Supreme

25 J UDICIAL B RANCH Illinois Supreme Court is highest court in state. Only overruled by U.S. Supreme Court Judges in Illinois are elected into positions. Once a judge is elected, they are retained if they receive 3/5 (60%) vote.

26 J UDICIAL B RANCH Qualifications to be a judge in Illinois: Legal U.S. citizen Licensed attorney of the state. Resident of district elected from. Court of Appeals hears appeals cases from Circuit Court. No witnesses, statements, or evidence is presented. Lawyers from both sides present their case and court rules. 3 judges serve on the Illinois Appellate Court

27 J UDICIAL B RANCH Illinois Supreme Court hears: Appeals cases from lower courts (Circuit, Appellate) Violation of Rights cases Just like Appellate, Supreme Court hears the case from both lawyers and then gives judgment. 7 judges sit on Supreme Court All 7 are appointed by Governor. One is chosen to be Chief Justice of Court (head judge of court). Why 7 judges?

28 H OMEWORK #4 1. How old does a Governor have to be? (Pg. 21) 2. Who is Commander-in-Chief of the state militia? (Pg. 22) 3. Who pays the bills for the state of Illinois? (Pg. 23) 4. What is the main job of the judicial branch? (Pg. 24) 5. Who is the head of the judicial branch? (Pg. 24) 6. How old does a judge have to be? (Pg. 26 – tricky question) 7. Why does the Supreme Court have 7 justices? (Pg. 27)

29 House Committee Bill Senate Senate Committee House of Rep. Law Gov. 51%+ Veto 1. Sign Bill >60% 2. Veto Bill 3. Ignore bill 60 days; automatically becomes law. Lawmaking Process

30 H OMEWORK #5 1. Is a bill a law? Define what a bill is. (E.C.) 2. Before reaching the House or Senate floor, where do bills start? (Pg. 29) 3. How much of a vote is needed to pass a bill in the House or Senate? (Pg. 29) 4. What are the three options the Governor has once a bill reaches his desk? (Pg. 29) 5. How much of a vote is needed to overturn a veto in both houses? (Pg. 29)

31 IL M UNICIPAL G OV ’ T. There are 5 types of municipal gov’t (city gov’t) in Illinois. Those forms are: Mayor/Council Trustee Village Commission Council Manager Strong Mayor

32 IL M UNICIPAL G OV ’ T. Creve Coeur uses the Trustee Village form of municipal gov’t. 6 trustees serve on a board; represent different parts of the Village Trustees are elected by the people of their district and serve a 2-4 yr. term. Village board is led by a Village President; elected by people of the village. Village President serves a 4 year term.

33 IL M UNICIPAL G OV ’ T & V OTING General elections take place on the Tuesday following the 1 st Monday of November. General elections are when people of the state elect either a Governor or President. General elections take place every 2 years. Referendums are votes on public issues (ex. Building new school).

34 IL M UNICIPAL G OV ’ T & V OTING Voting requirements of IL: 18 yrs. old Legal U.S. citizen Must live in election district 30 days prior to election Must register to vote 28 days prior to election Absentee ballots are given to voters who can’t make it to the polls on election night. Absentee ballots are sent to: Elderly Sick Military

35 H OMEWORK #6 1. What type of municipal gov’t does Creve Coeur use? (Pg. 32) 2. How many village trustees serve on a village board? (Pg. 32) 3. When do general elections take place? (Pg. 33) 4. What is a referendum? (Pg. 33) 5. How old do you have to be to vote in Illinois? (Pg. 34) 6. What 3 types of people receive absentee ballots? (Pg. 34)

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