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MEGaWomen The Power of 10 For A New California. Overview About MEGaWomen About Meg Meg’s Top Three Priorities Create Jobs, Cut Spending and Fix Education.

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Presentation on theme: "MEGaWomen The Power of 10 For A New California. Overview About MEGaWomen About Meg Meg’s Top Three Priorities Create Jobs, Cut Spending and Fix Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEGaWomen The Power of 10 For A New California

2 Overview About MEGaWomen About Meg Meg’s Top Three Priorities Create Jobs, Cut Spending and Fix Education How to get Involved MEGaWomen Mission: Recruit, Volunteer, Vote! MEGaWomen Leadership Structure

3 What is MEGaWomen? “MEGaWomen is more than a coalition. This group will plant the seeds for a movement to engage women across the state and to help come up with solutions to California’s enormous challenges.” - Meg Who are MEGaWomen? A diverse organization of female volunteers of all ages, from all across California, working together to elect Meg Whitman Governor of California. Republican, Democrat and Independent women all have a place in MEGaWomen ! Where does MEGaWomen Fit? It fits into the busy, daily lives of California women who want to help Meg Whitman build A New California. Whether you are working, in school, raising a family, enjoying your grandchildren, we want YOU involved in the effort to build A New California. Why Should I Join MEGaWomen? By joining MEGaWomen you can be part of making the changes this state needs. MEGaWomen gives you the tools to spread Meg’s message to other women across the state. It’s fun! Get to know women who share common interests.

4 Who are MEGaWomen? CEO Mom Multi-Tasker Young Professional Juggler Student Grandmother Focused Businesswomen Athlete Daughter Manager Wife Friend BalancerDriven Busy

5 Who is Meg? “If you ask me who I am, my first response is ‘I am my mother’s daughter’…The image of mom that I most cherish is the one of her wearing coveralls, hands dirty, greasing a truck engine…so, in a way, Rosie the Riveter paved the way for Meg the Manager!”

6 10 Things About Meg 1. Former CEO of eBay 2. Successful career at Stride Rite, Bain & Company, Proctor & Gamble, Disney and Hasbro 3. Married to Griff for 30 years 4. Proud mom of two college-age sons, Griff Jr. and Will 5. Avid skier, fly fisher, hiker, and horseback rider 6. Member of the fourth class of women at Princeton University 7. MBA from Harvard Business School 8. Played collegiate basketball 9. Product of public education through 12 th grade 10. Advised both John McCain and Mitt Romney during their Presidential campaigns

7 What Meg’s Friends Have To Say Loyal Pragmatic Wicked Smart Encouraging Sincere Honest Generous Humorous Encouraging REAL! We wanted you to know who Meg really is, so we asked her friends to describe her!

8 Create Jobs Cut Spending Fix Education Meg’s Top Three Priorities Californians can unite behind Meg Whitman and her three priorities. Meg knows that we all love California too much to let it fail and we have to work together to make it the place of our dreams again.

9 Create Jobs Create at least two million private sector jobs by 2015 Cut taxes to give businesses incentive to invest, expand and hire more workers in California Streamline regulations to ensure California’s competitiveness Revitalize manufacturing and create new industries around clean technology

10 Cut Spending Identify and implement at least $15 billion in spending cuts from the state budget Reduce overall state workforce by 40,000 through attrition. Establish a sunset commission that reports on the relevancy of departments and regulations Use the Governor’s veto pen to reduce and control the size of the government

11 Fix Education Grade each school A through F so parents can go online and easily determine how well their schools are performing Give control of the schools back to the parents, principals and teachers Reward outstanding teachers to keep them in our schools Expand charter schools to give parents and students more choices

12 Further Policy Information For more information on Meg’s Plan for California you can read MEG 2010: Building A New California, which can be viewed or ordered online at

13 Recruit Volunteer VOTE! What Can I Do? The MEGaWomen Mission

14 Use the Power of 10 to create your “Personal Precinct” Your Personal Precinct is at least 10 people in your personal network that will help Meg build A New California. With the Power of 10 it is EASY for us to build a powerful and effective Coalition – together – 10 people at a time. Recruit Parents of Play-Dates Neighbors Book Clubs Charities Alumni Groups Family Members Sports League Teammates Colleagues Babysitters Parent Organizations Professional Groups

15 Volunteer Volunteer Host a “Join Me” event Attend a women’s event to network and recruit potential MEGaWomen Participate in phone banking or precinct walking Help at a campaign office Put up a lawn sign or bumper sticker

16 VOTE VOTE Remind your personal precinct to register and to vote Register to vote by October 18 th Request your absentee ballot by October 26 th Go to the polls and VOTE on November 2 nd !!

17 MEGaWomen Leadership: Regional Directors County Chairs City Captains Work closely with MEGaWomen staff to define regional priorities Join MEGaWomen and build a Personal Precinct Recruit, train, motivate, and share information with County Chairs and City Captains to create active coalition building and volunteering Participate in two statewide and two regional calls per month Develop Coalition within County through event hosting, event attendance, and active outreach Join MEGaWomen and build a Personal Precinct Recruit, train, motivate, and share information with City Captains to encourage active coalition building and volunteering Participate in two regional calls per month Actively recruiting women within their city through event hosting, event attendance, and active outreach Join MEGaWomen and build a Personal Precinct Participate in two regional calls per month Interested in joining MEGaWomen Leadership? Email: roles and responsibilities

18 What region are you in? Regional Breakdown BLUE-North TAN-Bay Area PURPLE- Central Valley LIGHT BLUE- Central Coast GREEN- Los Angeles PINK- Inland Empire ORANGE- Orange County LIGHT PURPLE- San Diego

19 MEGaWomen Coalition Team Jillian Manus Statewide MEGaWomen Chairwoman Courtney Johnson Statewide MEGaWomen Director Julie Vandermost Statewide MEGaWomen Grassroots Chair Rosie Miller Grassroots Coordinator Email: Michael Saragosa Coalitions Director Email: Call us at (408) 400-3887

20 It All Begins With You! You are building the largest women’s coalition ever! Build the coalition by the Power of 10 to mobilize and win on Election Day You are building A New California! Be sure to check out the MEGaWomen video online at

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