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Patients Rights & Advocacy Discrimination Elisabetta Iannelli ECPC Secretary Warsaw, November 27th 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Patients Rights & Advocacy Discrimination Elisabetta Iannelli ECPC Secretary Warsaw, November 27th 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patients Rights & Advocacy Discrimination Elisabetta Iannelli ECPC Secretary Warsaw, November 27th 2005

2 Who may be involved? »Cancer patients »Chronic cancer patients »Survivors »Relatives »Everyone (genetic tests)

3 All ages are involved »Children »Young people »Adults »Elder

4 Different ages…. different problems...

5 Current contexts of discrimination »Education »Employment »Insurance »Mortgages and loans »Adoption »Health care »Home rents

6 …what can we do to avoid discrimination...

7 (In)formation! »To raise awareness on anyone’s own rights and avoid being discriminated »To promote among the others a culture of integration towards cancer patients and their relatives

8 Education »Ensure the right to study during therapies (tutors, updating courses, in hospital training) »Promote school and university re/integration after therapies »Avoid student’s exclusion

9 Employment 1/2 »Ensure access to work (reserved quota) »Promote adequate work conditions »Paid sick leavewhen necessary »Ensure re-qualification after a leave

10 Employment 2/2 »Avoid mobbing (de-qualification, denial of training and career opportunities) »Allow switch to part-time and reverse »Limit dismissal

11 Employment (relatives) »Avoid mobbing (de-qualification, denial of training and career opportunities) »Permit leavefor assistance to relatives

12 Insurance »Health insurance and life insurance »prevent deny of coverage »avoid premium rise

13 Mortgages and loans »Promote access to financial facilities »Lower interest rates »Favour de-taxation

14 Adoption »Avoid prejudice against cancer survivors »Respect the dignity of persons »Equality of chances and procedures

15 Health care »Common quality standards of care all over Europe (diagnostics, therapies, new drugs, rehabilitation) »Reduce the need of travelling for care »In case of need, set forth travelling and guesting facilities »Care of the aged

16 Home rents »Avoid prejudice »Set forth tax reductions to increase the market »Prevent ejection

17 THANK YOU ALL! ELISABETTA IANNELLI Vice-president of AIMaC (Italian Association of Cancer Patients, Relatives and Friends) Secretary of FAVO (Italian Federation of the Volunteers Associations in Oncology) Secretary of ECPC (European Cancer Patients’ Coalition)

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