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Link Day Numeracy SeminarLink Day Numeracy Seminar Day 2Day 2.

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1 Link Day Numeracy SeminarLink Day Numeracy Seminar Day 2Day 2

2 The link teacher for numeracy is a facilitator of change Developing positive attitudes and an awareness of numeracy is the responsibility of the whole school community Whole - school collaboration is key to consistent approaches to numeracy across subject departments Key Messages

3 Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life, DES, 2011 Definition of Numeracy Numeracy is NOT LIMITED to the ability to use numbers, to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Numeracy encompasses the ability to use mathematical understanding and skills to solve problems meet the demands of day-to-day l iving in complex social settings Numeracy involves being able to: Think and communicate quantitatively Make sense of data Have a spatial awareness Understand patterns and sequences Recognise situations where mathematical reasoning can be applied to solve problems Definition of Numeracy

4 Transition from Junior Cycle to Senior Cycle “ While students in Transition Year obtained the highest mean mathematics scores in both 2003 and 2009, the largest decline (33 points) in PISA mathematics between these two cycles also occurred at this grade level” (Mathematics in Transition Year: Insights of Teachers from PISA 2012) Junior Cert Higher Level Maths 2013 Leaving Cert Higher Level Maths 2013 52%26%

5 Ordinary Level: Senior Maths Competency Test

6 TY & Numeracy January 2013

7 Recommendations Allocation of students at Senior Cycle Importance of maths in careers Assessment Increase students’ confidence and engagement Mixed ability teaching Active, student -led approach to learning Recommendations of the Report

8 Formal-Whole School Approaches Subject-Based ApproachesExtra-Curricular Activities 1.An area of weakness may be identified in either a Maths Competency or an attitudinal survey 2.A formal common approach will be designed by the maths department or the numeracy team 3.Whole-School Implementation after collaboration 1.Numeracy moments and skills identified in subject plans 2.Informal collaboration between subject teachers and maths department regarding common methodologies and mathematical language 3.Collaboration with department colleagues on how to extend tasks Possible Activities to address a weakness or to promote positive attitudes 1.Bingo 2.Paired maths initiatives 3.www.haveyougotmaths eyes.comwww.haveyougotmaths 4.Problem of the week 5.Board games 6.Young Scientist 7.Social Innovators 8.Maths/Numeracy Week Numeracy in Action in School

9 Subject Dept. Plans & DEIS Targets 9 Communication Skills/Speaking & Listening Skills Numeracy Targets Literacy Targets Record literacy targets being targeted in SIP Record numeracy targets being targeted in SIP Record how the subject department plan to meet the targets Record agreed subject department classroom methodologies across whole school SSE

10 S cale : Is the scale suitable? A xis : Are the intervals equal? L abel: Are the axes labelled? What are the units of measure? T itle : What is the purpose of the graph/chart ? Is there S.A.L.T. on Your Graph?

11 Wo DefinitionRelated words Write a statement in mathematical English Represent the word graphically/ symbolically Mathematical Language

12 KnowledgeUnderstandingApplicationAnalysisCreatingEvaluation Count Choose Define Describe Identify Label Match Name Outline Record State Write Associate Classify Compare Demonstrate Discuss Estimate Interpret Give examples Rewrite Paraphrase Add Apply Calculate Demonstrate Divide Examine Graph Prepare Produce Show Solve Use Analyse Combine Design Develop Illustrate Investigate Observe Outline Point out Select Compile Compose Create Generate Imagine Order Organise Plan Rearrange Assess Compare Conclude Contrast Debate Interpret Measure Prove Rank Rate Giving Blooms Taxonomy of Critical Thinking

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