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Michael R. Meyer, M. Andersen, D. Apai, J. Greissl, P. Hinz, M. Kenworthy, C. Kulesa, D. McCarthy, W. Schlingman, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "Michael R. Meyer, M. Andersen, D. Apai, J. Greissl, P. Hinz, M. Kenworthy, C. Kulesa, D. McCarthy, W. Schlingman, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael R. Meyer, M. Andersen, D. Apai, J. Greissl, P. Hinz, M. Kenworthy, C. Kulesa, D. McCarthy, W. Schlingman, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona with Bruce Wilking, UM-St. Louis, and Lori Allen, CfA Searching for Our Origins: Star and Planet Formation with the MMT

2  To understand chemical evolution.  Interpret the integrated light of other galaxies.  Constrain contribution to baryonic dark matter The shape of the initial mass function provides crucial information concerning the origins of stellar masses. ● Are there characteristic masses? ● Is the IMF truly universal? Why Study the IMF?


4 Red Channel Spectrum of Young Brown Dwarf in rho Oph with OLD MMT Wilking, Greene, and Meyer, 1999, AJ, 117, 469.

5 FLAMINGOS Imaging of Rho Oph with the new MMT Wilking, Meyer, and Allen (2006).

6 Near-IR Color-Magnitude Diagram and PMS H-R Diagram FLAMINGOS on the MMT (Wilking, Meyer, and Allen)

7 Color_1 Color_2 H H H Star+ Dust Star+ Dust+ Disk Star H Star+ Disk

8 FSPEC on the NEW MMT Effects of Surface Gravity on Near-IR Spectra Gorlova, Meyer, Rieke, & Liebert, 2003, ApJ, 93, 1047.

9 Is the IMF different in super-star clusters?

10 ARIES Arizona Infrared Imager and Echelle Spectrograph Aries “purple”: 1-2.5 um imager, in operation since 2003 and... Aries “green”: long slit and echelle spectrometer, designed for 1-5 um, arriving winter 2006-7 Aries Contacts: Don McCarthy (PI) Craig Kulesa

11 ARIES Imaging 1-2.5 um (1k x 1k HgCdTe) - f/15 imager: 0.038”/pix (40” FOV) - f/30 imager: 0.019”/pix (20” FOV) - slit viewer for Aries “green” new Si grism: slitless spectroscopy w/ 2 pixel R=5000 ARIES Spectroscopy 2006: 1-2.5 um (1k x 1k HgCdTe) 2007: 1-5 um (2k x 2k HgCdTe) Long slit mode: 90” long 0.2-0.4” wide R ~ 2000-5000 Echelle mode: 1” long 0.1” to 0.4” wide R ~ 15,000 to 60,000 cross-dispersed Imaging mode:0.1”/pix Aries “purple” and Aries “green” operate simultaneously!

12 Extreme Star Formation: W51 - High Luminosity UCHII Region. - 130 stars > 10 Msun. - 7 kpc. - Av = 5-10 mag. - < 3 Myr old. (Okumura et al. 2000) - MMT-AO. - ARIES Camera. - 0.14” @ K-band. - 40” FOV. - 10 sigma K < 21m. - Reach HBL Av < 30 m in 1 hr. Meyer et al. (2004); Andersen et al. (2005).

13 <= Near-IR CMD For Av-limited sample calculate ratio of high-to-low mass stars in W51 Expectation => Probably of observing ratio for various IMFs

14 MMT-AO Engineering PSF Simulated Trapezium Observations R(Sky Noise) = 1 Rc = 0.2 pc from Close et al. 2003. using Hillenbrand & Carpenter (2000). Hcomp(at Rc) < 24 mag R(sky noise) = 2.5 Rc = 0.5 pc R(Sky Noise) = 4 Rc = 0.8 pc R(Sky Noise) > 20 Rc = 4-5 pc Hcomp(at Rc) < 17.8 mag. Hcomp(at Rc) < 15.3 mags. Core Radius not resolved. 25 kpc50 kpc0.5 Mpc 5 kpc PSF 0.5 kpc The Trapezium on the Bleeding Edge: Sensitivity vs. Confusion...

15 2D Classification from R=100 NIR Narrow-Bands (Meyer et al. 1998; Wallace et al. 2000)

16 Unresolved Super Star Clusters in NGC 4038/4039 Mengel et al. (2002) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

17 Ca Mg CO(2-0) 3 Myr 1 Myr 3 Myr 1 Myr Age 6.44 +/- 0.30Ch03 6.27 +/- 0.44Ch03 11.01 +/- 0.44S55 8.98 +/- 0.82S55 EW(CaI + CO(2-0))/EW(MgI)IMF S55 1 Myr S55 3 Myr Ch03 1 Myr Ch03 3Myr Meyer & Greissl, 2005, ApJL

18 IMF in Antennae Very Young SSC #6? Greissl, Meyer, Christopher, & Scoville (2006)

19 “UD” HII Regions (Proto-SSCs) Johnson et al. (2001) 12”

20 Warm Debris Surrounding Sun-like Stars Michael R. Meyer Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona D. Backman (NASA-Ames, D.P.I.), S.V.W. Beckwith (STScI), J. Bouwman (MPIA), T. Brooke (Caltech), J.M. Carpenter (Caltech), M. Cohen (UC-Berkeley), U. Gorti (NASA-Ames), T. Henning (MPIA), L. Hillenbrand (Caltech, D.P.I.), D. Hines (SSI), D. Hollenbach (NASA-Ames), J. Lunine (LPL), J.S. Kim (Steward), R. Malhotra (LPL), E. Mamajek (CfA), A. Moro-Martin (Princeton ), P. Morris (SSC), J. Najita (NOAO), D. Padgett (SSC), I. Pascucci (Steward), J. Rodmann (MPIA), W. Schlingman (Steward), M. Silverstone (Steward), D. Soderblom (STScI), J.R. Stauffer (SSC), B. Stobie (Steward), S. Strom (NOAO), D. Watson (Rochester), S. Weidenschilling (PSI), S. Wolf (MPIA), and E. Young (Steward).

21 Spitzer IRS/MIPS Reveals ``Needle'' in FEPS Haystack Hines et al. (2006, ApJ, 638, 1070)

22 HD 12039 IR Excess: Temperature ~ 110 K – warm! Hines et al. (2006, ApJ, 638, 1070)

23 Warm Debris and the Formation of Habitable Planets (Cf. Meyer et al. 2006; Kenyon and Bromley, 2005)


25 Spectroscopic Observations of Transient Dust Debris Surrounding Sun-like Stars Beichman et al. (ApJ, 2005); See also Hines et al. (ApJ, 2006) MIR

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