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Safe and Together Model Advocacy Institute February 5-7 2014 Orlando, Florida International Center for Innovation in Domestic Violence Practice (ICIDVP)

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Presentation on theme: "Safe and Together Model Advocacy Institute February 5-7 2014 Orlando, Florida International Center for Innovation in Domestic Violence Practice (ICIDVP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe and Together Model Advocacy Institute February 5-7 2014 Orlando, Florida International Center for Innovation in Domestic Violence Practice (ICIDVP)

2 Welcome to the Safe and Together Advocacy Institute! A collaboration between the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence and David Mandel & Associates/International Center for Innovation in Domestic Violence Practice Goals of the Advocate Institute o Strengthen your individual advocacy with child welfare involved clients, o Improve cross system collaboration through Safe and Together training your agency peers and local child welfare agency staff and o Improve your ability to provide case consultation to child welfare. Schedule for Round 1 F2F Training o Wednesday Feb 5: 9-5 o Thursday Feb 6: 9-5 o Friday Feb 7: 9-4 (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

3 David Mandel & Associates Roots and experience in the domestic violence and VAW since 1986 Work with child welfare since 1996 State level work with child welfare and domestic violence coalitions in more than 10 states Growing international profile: Singapore, Ireland, Scotland, England, Australia In Florida since 2006-working first with FCADV then DCF (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

4 David Mandel & Associates /ICIDVP Practice Innovations Safe and Together Model Suite of Tools and Interventions Continuum of Domestic Violence Practice (CODVP) SafeEngagement/FathersPl us for home visitors, fatherhood programs and others Perpetrator Accountability and Change (PAC) (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

5 Advocacy Institute Activities for Certification Completed application and letter of support from Executive Director Completion of pre-Institute and post-Institute surveys Attendance at face to face trainings February 5-7, 2014 (3 days) and June 17- 19, 2014 (3 days) 4 Monthly Journal entries (500 words) submitted to Safe & Together Coach Attendance at monthly Group Video Conferences (2 hours in length) Individual coaching session via phone (2 sessions; 1 hour each). Conduct 5 trainings by June 30, 2014. Trainings are 1 hour in length. Creation of Individual Action Plan with tasks to be completed by June 17, 2014. Required reading and homework Completion of final online test Additional non-mandatory activities (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

6 Safe and Together Model Advocacy Certification Safe and Together Model Advocacy Institute certification is good for two years. The renewal process will be outlined in the future (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

7 1 st Round F2F Goals At the end of these first three days the participants will be able to o Describe the core aspects of the Safe and Together model o Describe key practice skills Perpetrator Pattern Mapping Pivoting Survivor Strength Mapping o Describe the value of domestic violence program agency services to children across numerous domains of functioning o Discuss child safety and risk needs in a manner consistent with the Safe and Together model approach o Write an initial action plan (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

8 Knowledge, Practice & Attitudes Domains of Knowledge o Basic Safe and Together Model: Model Characteristics, Principles and Critical Components o Basic Child Welfare System Knowledge Practice (Skills and Application of Skills) o Pivoting o Perpetrator Pattern Mapping o Adult Survivor Strength Mapping o Applying Safe and Together to individual advocacy, case consultation, collaborative meetings o Training using Safe and Together material (peers & child welfare) o Talking about DV Centers and their work for children o Talking about confidentiality and its value to children o Action Planning Attitudes & Awareness o Gender Double Standard/Setting High Standards For Men as Parents o Openness to other perspectives (primary child welfare’s) o Perpetrator orientation (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

9 Additional Activities to Support Your Success Two webinars/conference calls with your agency supervisors to provide information necessary for them to support you in your efforts o 1 st one: within ten days of completion of the Institute Two webinars for your local child welfare partners o Goal: To introduce and support your efforts Phone TA to supplement other activities Safer and Together Model Advocacy Institute website (password protected) o Manual o Non-mandatory courses o Discussion page o Additional materials (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

10 Evaluation Plan There is a multi-part evaluation plan: Advocate o Pre/post survey o Practice: follow up-1 month/3 months after completion of the Institute. o Journals: Anonymous, de-identified themes and learning only. Specific quotes and identifiers with explicit permission only! o Online test/certification Center leadership o Pre/post survey o Practice follow up-1 month/3 months after completion of the Institute. Survey of recipients of training delivered by Advocacy Institute participants o Advocates & child welfare o Link for online survey given at each training Email collection with brief questions immediately after the training within 1 week –three questions/$100 gift certificate o Email follow up around practice – 1 month/3 month survey after training completion. (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

11 Context Child welfare and domestic violence fields developed separately o Think child fatality/domestic violence fatality review policies o Roots of child welfare in prevention of cruelty to animals/Roots of modern domestic violence organizations in women’s rights/battered women’s activism o Different philosophies, different missions, same families, What are child welfare’s non-negotiables? What are domestic violence advocates non-negotiables? o Shared focus on women and children, and invisibility of men o In home v. out of home work location o Different expectation regarding confidentiality o Different levels of involvement with criminal court system/law enforcement o Different levels of public/political attention to practice and its efficacy (c) 2014 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

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