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Creative Writing Fall 2015. Course Goals To identify the successful elements of an effective piece of creative writing. To experience being in a writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Writing Fall 2015. Course Goals To identify the successful elements of an effective piece of creative writing. To experience being in a writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Writing Fall 2015

2 Course Goals To identify the successful elements of an effective piece of creative writing. To experience being in a writing community and learn to give and receive useful feedback. To experience writing as a tool for intellectual exploration, self-discovery, and creative expression.

3 Required Materials Notebook Pens/pencils Access to Google Docs An open mind Independent reading book

4 Grading Minor Assignments: 20% -reading updates -peer reviews -analysis/critiques Homework:10% Major Assignments: 70% – Journal – Submitted essays/pieces – Portfolio

5 Course Methods Writing workshops Peer-reviews Free-write sessions Consistent journal-writing In-class and homework writing directives Consistent independent reading Assigned technique reading

6 Journals Daily homework is to write in your journal. – observations/thoughts – Story ideas – Character ideas – Poems – Stories – Ideas for shows/films

7 Writing Community Respect Providing feedback that you’d like to hear yourself Daily workshops

8 Independent Reading “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot…If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write,” wrote Stephen King in his memoir, On Writing. At all times, you should be reading, whether it be a novel, short story, etc. It’s difficult to become a skilled writer if you aren’t an all-devouring reader. From time to time, I will ask for reading updates on your independent book.

9 Portfolio Your best work Will be work-shopped Should be a work-in-progress

10 Friday Share Day Every Friday, students will bring in a piece of exemplary writing, whether it be their own writing or an excerpt of what they are reading. We will share and discuss.

11 Non-negotiables Come to class ready to think and work. Have an open-mind. Make good choices. You must pass English II to become a junior/graduate.

12 Honors Opt-Out You should be academic if…You should be honors if… You are taking this class for an “easy” grade. You are considering a career in writing. You have several other tenuous classes this semester. This class is one of your main focuses. You’ve struggled in writing/English classes in the past. You’ve done well in English/writing classes in the past. Honors Project Students who elect to participate in honors will have a specialized project. Students will be responsible to submit original work for publication to a literary magazine or other source. This process has many steps, and should not be taken lightly. Throughout the process, students will present their experiences to the class.

13 Website/Emails Always visit for clarification/extra copies/ E-mail Miss Romeo at for any questions/help needed/ Do not email assignments/essays. Do not email questions past 9pm at night (I sleep sometimes).

14 Phone Cell Students will not use their cell phones in class unless granted permission. It’s a respect thing. Cell violations: 1.Student will be asked to put phone away. 2.Miss Romeo will incarcerate the phone in the Phone Cell until the end of class. 3.Miss Romeo will send the phone to the office to be picked up by a parent or guardian.

15 Computer Usage Students may ask Miss Romeo to use the class computer at appropriate times during class/Husky Help. Students MAY NOT print essays/homework on class computer.

16 Bathroom/Pencil Sharpening/Other Non-Educational Annoyances Students may ask permission to use the bathroom/sharpen their pencils during appropriate times such as: independent work time, group work time, after quizzes/tests/presentations. Students should not disturb notes, presentations, etc. to use the bathroom (unless it’s an emergency, obviously) or sharpen their pencil.

17 Absence Students will visit the Absent file folder on Miss Romeo’s desk on the day they return to class. Students will meet with Miss Romeo to discuss any vital information they may have missed. Notes will always be available on

18 Tardiness Students must get a Sweeper Pass to enter the classroom after the bell. Please do your best to be in class on time.

19 Bell-work At the beginning of each class, students will have an activity to complete. This should be completed quietly and independently, unless otherwise noted.

20 Husky Help Students will treat Husky Help time respectfully. Time for: – Quiz/test make-ups – Completing missing assignments – Getting extra help

21 Husky Help If a student has a 69% or below, he/she must stay for Husky Help and work diligently. If a student is missing any assignments, he/she must stay for Husky Help and work diligently. Student numbers will be posted on the board to inform students if they are required to participate in Husky Help.

22 Late Work Policy -“Ms. Romeo, can I give you my homework at lunch today or at the end of class?”= 5% off of earned grade. -“Ms. Romeo, can I hand it in tomorrow?”= 10% off of earned grade. -“Ms. Romeo, can I hand it in the day after tomorrow?”=20% off of earned grade -This continues up to 40% off.

23 Late Work Policy -Each quarter, there are school-wide late work deadlines. -All late work must be handed in before the end of the school day on that date. Q1: 9/18, 10/16

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