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1 Figure Table of contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Section 1Table of ContentsTable of Contents Opening Figure and the Figure Main Window Opening Figure and the Figure Main Window Section 2Opening Figure and the Figure Main WindowOpening Figure and the Figure Main Window Figure Menu- and Toolbars Figure Menu- and Toolbars Section 3 Figure Menu- and ToolbarsFigure Menu- and Toolbars Opening and editing a figure (*.FIG) file Opening and editing a figure (*.FIG) file Section 4 Opening and editing a figure (*.FIG) fileOpening and editing a figure (*.FIG) file Editing Frames and Axes Editing Frames and Axes Section 5 Editing Frames and AxesEditing Frames and Axes Saving a file Saving a file Section 6 Saving a fileSaving a file View options View options Section 7 View optionsView options Adding experimental data points to a figure Adding experimental data points to a figure Section 8 Adding experimental data points to a figureAdding experimental data points to a figure Adding a legend of text to a figure Adding a legend of text to a figure Section 9 Adding a legend of text to a figureAdding a legend of text to a figure Adding and editing symbols to a figure Adding and editing symbols to a figure Section 10 Adding and editing symbols to a figureAdding and editing symbols to a figure Adding and editing lines Adding and editing lines Section 11 Adding and editing linesAdding and editing lines Changing scale(s) Changing scale(s) Section 12 Changing scale(s)Changing scale(s) Using Figure in the Phase Diagram module Using Figure in the Phase Diagram module Section 13Using Figure in the Phase Diagram moduleUsing Figure in the Phase Diagram module A binary system A binary system A ternary system A ternary system Superimposed diagrams Superimposed diagrams Section 14Superimposed diagramsSuperimposed diagrams Use Figure to manipulate, edit and plot figure and phase diagrams already calculated by FactSage. 1 The Figure module

2 Figure The Figure module Click on Figure in the main FactSage window. 2.0

3 Figure Figure Main Window File name Pixel coordinates of the cursor Graphic coordinates of the cursor Figure toolbar Normal edition mode toolbar Figure menu bar If you don’t see the Figure edition toolbar, go to the menu View and check Tool Bar. 2.1

4 Figure 3.0 Figure Menu and Tool bars The following three slides show the basic command environment of the Figure module. A Menu bar and a Tool bar are available in order to perform the various tasks that are possible with Figure.

5 Figure Figure Menu Bar 3.1

6 Figure Figure Normal Edition Mode Toolbar New Open Save Close Copy Cut Paste Delete Undo Surperimposed Figure Print Page Setup Zoom (magnifying glass) Full Window Figure Zoom Selected Object Identification 3.2

7 Figure Figure Toolbar normal edition mode phase equilibrium mode 2-phases tie-lines mode stable phases label mode Close the new line Open a new line Add Line Add Label Add Symbol Phase diagram program Click to disable the mouse activated mode for the entry of points coordinates of a line. Click to enable the mouse activated mode for the entry of points coordinates of a line. Keyboard mode for the entry of points coordinates of a line (opens the Add Line window). Opens the Add Label window. Opens the Add Symbol window. Select to enable the mouse activated labeling (with a click) of stable phases. Select to enable the mouse activated drawing (with a click) of 2-phases tie-lines. Click to enable the Show results window mode to see the output of the calculation of a phase diagram at the selected coordinates. Click to enable the normal edition mode 3.3

8 Figure 4.0 Opening and editing a FIGure file Graphical output from calculational modules such as Reaction, Predom, Equilib or Phase Diagram can be post-viewed and edited using the Figure module. Such output is stored in files with the extension FIG. Use the Open File dialog box to select the desired file from the folder in which it is stored. The pre-view window helps you to select the file you want. Once the file is opened the figure is displayed on the screen and ready for further operations. The following two slides show how to select and open a figure file.

9 Figure Opening a figure file Select File > Open… from the menu bar or click on the Open icon in the standard toolbar. You will be asked if you want to save the current file. For example, choose the CaSiO3_MgSiO3 FACT figures (*.fig) file from the FactSage\Figures folder. File preview appears when filename changes 4.1

10 Figure The CaSiO 3 - MgSiO 3 pseudo-binary phase diagram Double-click in the area outside the graph frame area, press «F5» or select Edit > Frame and Scale… from the Menu Bar to open the «Frame and Axis» dialog box. Graph frame area 4.2

11 Figure 5.0 Editing Frame and Axes Figure permits to manipulate the frame and the axes of a diagram. The following two slides show how this is done.

12 Figure The Frame and Axis Window Figure title, subtitle and logo edition Info selection (date and filename) Frame borders selection Y-Axis edition X-Axis edition Grid edition 5.1

13 Figure Editing the frame and the axes Making changes: 1.Modification of the figure title 3.Addition of a subtitle 4.Removal of a logo 2.Addition of the date and the filename at the top right corner 5.Modification of the axes titles 6.Change (on both axes): of the increments of the font of the labels of the width and the color of the lines 8.Modification of the format of the labels on the X-axis 9.Modification of the labeling increment on the Y-axis 7.Addition of grid and specification of the separation and the width of the lines 5.2

14 Figure 6.0 Saving the edited diagram and viewing the result Once all modifications of a diagram have been made it is possible to store this diagram for further use. Various output formats are available such that a diagram can be directly transferred to Windows based text editors for report writing or to PowerPoint for the generation of computer based presentations. A further task that can be performed with the Figure module is the numerical inspection of a diagram. The cursor can be used for the purpose, and it is also possible to use a zoom window in order to have a better means for positioning of the cursor in the diagram.

15 Figure Saving the results of the edition of the frame and the axes Crosshairs can be viewed when you press the mouse left button and maintain it (the option Coord. Lines (View menu) has to be checked). FACT figures (*.fig), ASCII files, which are editable with Figure; Windows (*.bmp, *.emf and *.wmf) which are exportable files. Here, you have the choice between two kinds of file types: It is strongly recommended to save the figure under.fig format before saving under any other format. 6.1

16 Figure « Save all types » option You can now save your figure in all 4 formats (*.fig, *.bmp, *.emf and *.wmf) by enabling the «Save all types» option. To enable this option, go in the File menu and click on Save all types. A checkmark in front of the option’s name indicates that the option is enabled. The next time you select the « Save » or the « Save as… » command you save your file in 4 formats (*.fig, *.bmp, *.emf and *.wmf) in the directory of your choice. 6.2

17 Figure Viewing options Show / hide the Edition Tool Bar Show the crosshairs Show in black and white Magnifying glass (6X current zoom), bull’s eye enabled, fixed mode (instead of proportional) Maximise the figure in the window 7

18 Figure 8.0 Adding and editing experimental data points The following four slides show how to use a diagram generated with the Reaction module as a basis into which experimental data are added.

19 Figure Obtaining a figure file from the Reaction program Heating of 1 mole NaF from 298.15 K to T = 300 K to 1800 K under P = 1atm (standard state) Graph of the enthalpy  H in function of the temperature T 8.1

20 Figure Adding experimental data from an Excel file to the Figure program You select and Copy your data points from the Excel ® file and you Paste it in the Figure program. 8.2

21 Figure Editing the experimental data: Selection Choose your data representation: symbol or line. Press «OK». Define your Symbol: Color: Red Type: Small circles (filled) Size: 6 Press «Error bars ». 8.3 Make your choice of Error bars properties: type, thickness, color and dimensions. Press «OK».

22 Figure Editing the experimental data: Output Press «OK» in the Define Symbol widow. 8.4

23 Figure 9.0 Adding a legend into a figure Figure permits the addition of a legend into a diagram. The following two slides show how to do that.

24 Figure Adding a legend or text to your Figure Type: your Text; the Coordinates of the anchor of the text box (here X=400 and Y=120000); the Angle of the text box; the Alignment of the text box; the text Font, size and color. Press «OK». To open the Add Label window, you can: click on the Add Label icon on the edition tool bar, select Text… from the Add menu or press «F2» on the keyboard. 9.1

25 Figure An Enthalpy  H vs temperature T(K) graph Look at the coordinates of the pointer (this point is at the left end for the «left justify» label). The object selected is highlighted, circled and its identification appears in the selected object identification box. 9.2

26 Figure 10.0 Adding and editing symbols to a figure Figure permits the addition of symbols into a diagram. Symbols that have been added may also be edited. The following three slides show how to make use of the adding and editing of symbols.

27 Figure Adding a symbol to your Figure Select: the Coordinates of the symbol (here X=375 and Y=120000); the Color, the Type and the size; and the Error bars. Press «OK». To open the Add Symbol window, you can: click on the Add Symbol icon on the edition tool bar, select Symbol… from the Add menu or press «F1» on the keyboard. 10.1

28 Figure Editing all symbols together Left click on a symbol to open a pop-up menu, then select Edit. The Edit symbol window will appear (shortcut: double-click on a symbol will do the same). 10.2

29 Figure Editing all symbols together: Results Making changes: Error bars removed: «shown» box unchecked Color: blue Type: diamond (half-filled bottom) «changed all related symbols» box checked 10.3

30 Figure 11.0 Adding and editing lines The Figure module permits the addition of lines into an already existing diagram. Once the line has been added it is also possible to edit it, e.g. in terms of the line color, line thickness etc. The following four slides show how to make use of the adding and editing of lines.

31 Figure Adding lines to a figure using the mouse To add a line using the mouse: Select the «Open a new line» button (the pointer is now a cross); Move the pointer to the location of the first point of the line and click; Repeat for the next points. And close the line by pressing on the «Close the new line» button in the Edition toolbar or the Close line button in the Close New Line window. This will open the Add Line window. 11.1

32 Figure The Add Line (Edit Line) window features Enter a line numberEnter a line name Check to put a symbol at every calculated point of the line Click to change symbol type Check to enable the drag- and-drop of the selected line Enter the width of the selected line Copy the selected object Change the selected point by the new value Split the line from the selected point Select the line appearance Click to change the color of the selected line and symbol Delete the selected object Insert a new point before the selected point Clicking on the Add Line button or selecting Add > Line… also opens the Add Line window and you can enter the points coordinates of lines using the keyboard. 11.2

33 Figure Editing in the Add Line (Edit Line) window Making few changes: 1.Indexing and labeling the line; 2.Inserting a point bebore point #2; 3.Changing the coordinates of the four points; 4.Changing the color, style and width of the line; 5.Splitting line #1 at point #3; 6.Copying line #2, indexing and naming the new line (3 and vertical), changing coordinates and unchecking «disable dragging» of line #3 Step 5: Before splitting Step 5: After splitting 11.3

34 Figure Result of the lines’ edition and Drag-and-Drop feature Click and hold down the mouse right button and drag the selected object (a symbol, a label or a line [if it is drag enabled]) to its new location and then release the mouse right button. Identification of the selected object. 11.4

35 Figure 12.0 Changing Scale The following two slides show how the Change Scale option is called and applied in adjusting the axes variables of a diagram.

36 Figure The Change Scale window For example, you want to change enthalpy values from joules to calories and change temperature values from Kelvins to Farenheit degrees. 1.From the Menu bar, select: Edit > Change Scale… to open the Change Scale window For the X-axis, the temperature: 1.8 × [T(K) -273.15] + 32 = T(°F) or 1.8 × T(K) - 459.67 = T(°F) For the y-axis, the enthalpy:  H(J) × [1 Kcal / 4184 J] =  H(Kcal) or  H(J) × [2.39 × 10 -4 ] =  H(Kcal) 2.Enter the operation you want to perform. 3. Press «OK» 12.1

37 Figure Change scale: Result Of course, you can edit the frame and the axes again. 12.2

38 Figure 13.0 Using Figure in the Phase Diagram module One of the major uses of the Figure module is in conjunction with the Phase Diagram module. In that context the Figure module is called/opened automatically when the calculation of the phase diagram begins. After the diagram is complete the Figure module is used to post- process the diagram on-line. Labels can be generated and fixed to a user selected position in the diagram, tie-lines can be calculated and plotted (if applicable), it is even possible to use the cursor to generate input for a point equilibrium calculation for a given x-y position in the diagram.

39 Figure Calculating and drawing a binary Phase Diagram Calculating the MgO-CaO phase diagram using the Phase Diagram program. (For details see Phase Diagram help, sections 4 and 15) Important: To enable the 2-phases tie-lines mode, you must check the box show tie-lines in the Parameters window of the Phase Diagram program. 13.1

40 Figure Phase diagram: Figure output By default, the stable phases label mode is enable. Click on the figure to add the names of equilibrium phases at the cursor position. We have a phase diagram in color in which the status window, the tie-lines and the labels are shown. 13.2

41 Figure Labeling phase domains, drawing tie-lines and showing results of calculation The normal edition mode toolbar appears when the normal edition mode is enabled With a few mouse clicks, We label each domain, draw a tie-line at 2160 K, show the proportion and the composition of the phases at X MgO = 0.5 and T = 2160 K. 13.3

42 Figure 13.4 A Ternary (Gibbs triangular) diagram The following two slides show how a ternary isothermal phase diagram (Gibbs triangle) is pepared and plotted. It is also shown that a group of items (here all phase boundaries) can be treated with an «ensemble» command, for example to change the color of all members of the group.

43 Figure Calculating and drawing a ternary Phase Diagram Calculating the LiF-KF-NaF phase diagram using the Phase Diagram program. (For details see Phase Diagram help, section 12) 13.5

44 Figure Ternary coordinates You have the same features as on binary phase diagrams: labels, tie-lines, … Here, we change all the line color to red. You also have ternary coordinates. This figure is saved [File > Save as…] 13.6

45 Figure 14.0 Superimposed diagrams The following two slides show how to make use of the Superimpose feature of Figure. It is often useful to be able to draw diagrams in which a series of curves appear which depend on one particular parameter. The value of this parameter is different for each diagram, but the type of diagram is the same for a whole series. As an example an overlay of two isothermal ternary phase diagrams is generated in which the temperature is the parameter. NOTE that this feature is particularly useful if so-called liquidus projections are to be generated.

46 Figure The Superimposed Figure feature Calculating another isotherm, at T=650°C, of the LiF-KF-NaF phase diagram using the Phase Diagram program. Select the «Superimposed Figure» fonction from the normal edition mode toolbar or from the menu bar: File > Superimpose… 14.1

47 Figure Superimposed figures Select the figure to be superimposed on the previous one and press «Open» 14.2

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