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Department of Defense Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (DoD PARC) Chris PetersenRob Lovich.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Defense Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (DoD PARC) Chris PetersenRob Lovich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Defense Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (DoD PARC) Chris PetersenRob Lovich

2 DoD PARC is an open-membership program dedicated to sustaining the Nation’s mission readiness while managing, conserving, and understanding amphibians and reptiles and their habitats, especially with respect to military operations and land management practices. V Voluntary, Proactive, and Non-regulatory What is DoD PARC? JD Wilson Jarrod Derr Rob Lovich

3 Recent Activities  DoD PARC Lecture Series  Photo Website  Update of Herpetofauna Species Lists  Amphibian Disease Surveys  Education and Outreach  Strategic Planning Paul Block


5 Strategic Plan for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation and Management on Department of Defense Lands  Finalized in February 2015  Direct benefit to training and testing  The plan highlights reptile and amphibian strategies and priorities that can inform and enhance DoD’s natural resource conservation and management activities

6 Significance

7 Partnerships = Good  Desert Tortoise Recovery Implementation Team (RIT)  Flat-tailed Horned Lizard Interagency Coordinating Committee  Gopher Tortoise  Dunes Sagebrush Lizard  Etc.

8 Future Projects/Goals  Complete the Strategic Plan  Formatting and layout  Printing of a limited number of copies

9 Future Projects/Goals  Collect and organize gray literature of herpetofauna surveys and inventories conducted on military lands  Partner with NMFWA Herpetology Working Group  Increased availability of information = Increased utility of information Greg Watson

10 Future Projects/Goals  Update Air Force and Army herpetofauna species lists, like Navy and Marine Corps recently completed

11 Future Projects/Goals  Develop INRMP/NEPA guidance for the conservation and management of herpetofauna on military lands

12 Future Projects/Goals  Annually support the DoD Legacy Program by reviewing/ranking herpetofauna proposals

13 DoD PARC Implementation Workshop  When: Wednesday March 11, 4:00-5:45 pm (1600-1745)  Agenda  Update and Path Forward  PARC Overview  Five Year Accomplishments  Discussion of Future Projects  DoD PARC Leadership Roles Please Join Us Paul Block

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