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Natural Forms in Art MYP Visual Art.

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1 Natural Forms in Art MYP Visual Art

2 Assessment Objectives Criterion A-Knowledge and Understanding
RESEARCH – IMAGES & ARTISTS Develop your ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. EXPERIMENTS WITH MEDIA Refine your ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. IDEAS, OBSERVATIONAL DRAWINGS & EXPLANATIONS Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to your intentions in visual and/or other forms. FINAL IDEA & FINAL PIECE, LINKS WITH ARTISTS Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realizing intentions and making connections between visual or other elements.

3 What are Natural Forms? Natural forms are objects in nature in their original form. Examples:-

4 What are Natural Forms? Natural forms are objects in nature in their original form. Examples:- Leaves, flowers, pine cones, seaweed, shells, bones, insects, stones, fossils, crystals, feathers, birds, fish, animals – in fact anything you can find in nature – complete or part of it.

5 Form. Pattern Nature Texture Composition Tone Contrast
Some key words... Nature Texture Form. Composition Tone Pattern Contrast

6 Natural Forms Research
For your Developmental Workbook pages you are going to be creating a 2-page spread researching Artists that use Natural Forms in their work. You are also going to be experimenting with different medias using pencil, paint and print.

7 Mono-chrome The first Artist you need to research should be an Artist that works primarily in Mono-chrome. You are going to create your own illustration in addition to finding out facts and adding your opinions on their work.

8 Karl Blossfeldt Karl Blossfeldt is best known for his beautiful photographs of plant forms. Originally, the photographs were intended to be used as teaching aids and making sculptures, but became popular when a selection of his photographs were published in the book Urformen der Kunst (Archetypes of Art) in 1928.

9 Karl Blossfeldt Plate # 76: Eranthis cilicica (magnified 8 times)Photogravure, printed in 1928. Plate # 56: Aspidium filix mas (magnified 4 times)Photogravure, printed in 1928.

10 Karl Blossfeldt Plate # 77: Cephalaria (magnified 10 times)Photogravure, printed in 1928. Plate # 92: Acanthus mollis (magnified 4 times)Photogravure, printed in 1928.

11 Karl Blossfeldt Photogravures Urformen der Kunst 1929

12 Karl Blossfeldt Photogravures Urformen der Kunst 1929

13 Edward Weston Weston explored natural form through black and white photography. Pepper, 1930
negative, Cole Weston print Shell, 1927 Vintage gelatin silver print

14 Andy Goldsworthy 1956 - present
Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist who works with nature, natural form and the natural environment to make his creations. (to the right) Carefully broken pebbles
scratched white with another stone
St. Abbs, Scotland
1 June 1985

15 Peter Randall-Page 1954 - Present
Peter Randall-Page is an extraordinary British sculptor and visual artist whose connection to nature began in the Sussex countryside. For Randall-Page, organic forms are places to begin, shapes that push the artist to explore his own response to them. Three Fruit , Kilkenny limestone, 1986

16 Peter Randall-Page Three Graces  1994 ,Etching on paper

17 Peter Randall-Page Drawings for Overbecks, pen and ink, 1990

18 Painting The second Artist you need to research should be an Artist that works primarily with paint. You are going to create your own illustration in addition to finding out facts and adding your opinions on their work.

19 Georgia O’Keefe O’Keefe was an American artist who lived in the arid Arizona desert. She painted still life natural forms of objects found around in her environment. Red Poppy, Oil Painting, 1927

20 Georgia O’Keefe O’Keefe’s paintings are beautifully contoured forms, realistically painted but using unusual combinations of objects. She expertly painted subtle tones and colours. Ram's Skull, Oil Painting, 1935

21 Yayoi Kusama present PUMPKIN (TOTW) Acrylic on canvas 2003 Kusama is a Japanese American artist who works in a wide variety of media and techniques – prints, sculptures and installations. Her starting point is often natural form.

22 Raoul Dufy Dufy was a French Fauvist painter. He developed a colourful, decorative style that became fashionable for designs and ceramics. Strauß Aronstab 1939

23 Paul Cezanne Paul Cézanne was a French Post- Impressionist painter.   Still Life with Apples, Oil Painting 1890

24 Bouquet of Flowers in a White Vase, Oil Painting 1909
Henri Matisse Henri Matisse was a French artist, known for his use of colour. He was a draughtsman, printmaker and sculptor, but is known primarily as a painter. Bouquet of Flowers in a White Vase, Oil Painting 1909

25 Henri Matisse La Gerbe, one of Matisse's latest 
works (1953).

26 Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work has far-reaching influence on 20th Century art due to its vivid colours and emotional impact. "Irises” Oil Painting 1889

27 Paul Nash Paul Nash was an English landscape painter, surrealist and war artist. Here is one of his ‘natural surrealism’ pieces inspired by found objects Flight of the Magnolia, Oil on Canvas, 1944

28 Juan Cotan   Born in Orgaz, Spain. He is a painter who is considered one of the pioneers of Baroque realism in Spain. A profoundly religious man, he is best known for his still lifes, which in their visual harmony and illusion of depth convey a feeling of humility and mystic spirituality. Still Life with Dead Birds, Fruit and Vegetables, Detail, 1602

29 Juan Cotan Still life with Game Fowl,Vegetables and Fruit 1602

30 Rachel Ruysch Rachel Ruysch was a Dutch artist who specialized in still-life paintings. She was one of three significant female artists in Dutch Golden Age painting. Still life of a tulip, a melon and flowers on a ledge, Oil Painting

31 Damien Hirst 1965 to present
Hirst explores the uncertainty at the core of human experience; love, life, death, loyalty and betrayal through unexpected and unconventional media. Psalm 27: Hirst's butterfly and enamel paint on canvas

32 Damien Hirst "Happy Head No 7,” gloss household paint on resin skull and wooden base, 9 1/2 by 9 by 9 1/2 inches, 2007

33 Patrick Caulfield 1936 – 2005 Patrick Caulfield was an English painter and printmaker. In the early 1960s Caulfield’s painting was characterised by flat images and objects paired with angular geometric devices. He adopted the technique of the sign painter simplifying objects to a basic black. 'Study of Roses', 1976 Acrylic on canvas

34 Print-making The third Artist you need to research should be an Artist that works primarily with print. You are going to create your own illustration in addition to finding out facts and adding your opinions on their work.

35 Patrick Caulfield 1936 – 2005 Patrick Caulfield was an English painter and printmaker. In the early 1960s Caulfield’s painting was characterised by flat images and objects paired with angular geometric devices. He adopted the technique of the sign painter simplifying objects to a basic black. Fruit and Bowl, Print (Screen Print)

36 Andy Warhol 1928 – 1987 Andy Warhol, was an American painter, printmaker and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as ‘Pop Art’ Warhol used bright flat colours in his images. He changes the colours to create his own individual piece of Art work. "Flowers” printing Serigraph

37 Andy Warhol Flower For Tacoma Dome
Screenprint on Lenox Museum Board. 1982

38 Andy Warhol Kiku, 1983

39 Katsushika Hokusai 1760 –1849 Hukusai was a Japanese painter and printmaker of the Edo period. He was one of Japan’s leading experts on Chinese painting. He his best known for his woodblock print series Pivoine, flowers, woodcut print, japanese, butterfly, 1800s, 1900s,

40 Katsushika Hokusai The Great Wave Off Kanagawa 
From "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji"; , Color woodcut,

41 M.C Esher Esher was a Dutch graphic artist. He is best known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs and mezzotints. Sky & Water I, woodcut, 1938

42 Paul Morrison 1966 - present
1966 Screenprint

43 Melanie Wickhan - present
Pears 9cm x 11cm The Artist’s website….


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