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Main Navigation  Similar to Unity 3D  Unlike Unity it is a right handed coordinate system  Used to determines whether a positive rotation is clockwise.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Navigation  Similar to Unity 3D  Unlike Unity it is a right handed coordinate system  Used to determines whether a positive rotation is clockwise."— Presentation transcript:


2 Main Navigation  Similar to Unity 3D  Unlike Unity it is a right handed coordinate system  Used to determines whether a positive rotation is clockwise or counter-clockwise.   Find out what the default unity of measurement is for Maya and for unity and how do they relate?

3 Viewport Navigation  Hold Alt (use Option instead of Alt on Macs) Alt + LMB – tumble (“rotate”) Alt + MMB – track (“side-to-side”) Alt + RMB – dolly (“zoom”) a – frame scene f – frame selected object Reference:

4 Transforms  w – move  e – rotate  r – scale  q – drop tool  ‘insert/home’ – edit pivot (or hold down d)  *g – last move

5 Geometry Display Setting  Viewport Appearance: 1 – rough 2 – medium 3 – smooth 4 – wireframe 5 – shaded 6 – shaded + textures 7 – lights (not default Maya light)  Hide / Show: Ctrl + h – Hide selection Shift + h – Show selection Ctrl + Shift + h – Show last hidden Alt + h – Hide unselected

6 Object Selection F8 – toggle object/component mode F9 – vertices F10 – edges F11 – faces F12 – UVs (for polygons, convert between selection types by using Ctrl + the function keys listed above)  Snapping: Hold c – snap to curves x – snap to grid v – snap to point  Others z – undo! Ctrl + g – group Alt + v – start/stop playback Alt +. /, - next/previous frame g – repeat last tool (not for transforms)

7 Basic Polygons  Create -> Polygon Primitive Sphere Cube Cylinder Cone Plane Torus Pyramid Pipe

8 Editing Polygons  Combine  Separate  Mirror Geometry  Smooth  Split Polygon  Extrude  Merge  Merge Edge  Sculpt Geometry  UV texture editor

9 Modeling  Polygon Modeling Easy for modeling objects Subdivisions are what defines how many polygons are on an object.  Nerb modeling Tricky and cumbersome Very useful with curbs and surfaces

10 Combining/Separating Mesh -> Combine Mesh -> Separate

11 Mirror Geometry/ Smooth Mesh -> Mirror Geometry Mesh -> Smooth

12 Split Polygon/Extrude Edit Mesh -> Split Polygon Tool o Edit Mesh -> Insert Edge Loop Tool Edit Mesh -> Extrude

13 Merge Edit Mesh -> Merge o Edit Mesh -> Merge To Center Edit Mesh -> Merge Edge Tool Edit Mesh -> Merge Vertex Tool

14 Model Manipulation  Duplicate Edit -> Duplicate Edit -> Duplicated Special  Modify -> Freeze Transformation  Window -> Hypergraph Hierarchy Edit -> Group Modify -> Center Pivot.  Layer -> Create Empty Layer/ Layer from Selected

15 Maya Textures  Window -> Rendering Editors -> Hypershade  Textures Blinn Lambert* Phong

16 UV Texture  Windows -> UV Texture Editor  Select object Subdiv -> UV Snapshot… Select File location Select image format ○ PNG ○ JPG ○ TIFF

17 Files and Textures  File  PSD File Select file  Middle mouse drag onto texture to apply file

18 UV Texture manipulation  j5V4s4 j5V4s4  Persp/UV Texture Editor Image -> Shade UVs Right Click -> UVs Separated the selected UV into one for each connected edge Align selected UVs

19 Image Planes  View -> Image Plane -> Import Image……  

20 Modeling assignment  Model A tire aya/tire/index.html aya/tire/index.html  Model A car

21 Animation  Path Animation Attaching an Object to a NURB-basic curve to animate the object along the surface.  Key frame Animation Standard animation method.  Nonlinear Animation more advanced method of animation it is completely independent of time

22 Key frame Animation  Linier Animation You set keys for an object's extreme positions and let the computer fill in the in-between motion.  Dynamic Animation Apply physics to the animation and the bake the simulation. Havok physics engine.  IK/FK Animation (Rigged animation) Inverse Kinematics ○ IK is how the child node, as it moves, effects all the parents' position and orientation values. Forward Kinematics ○ FK refers to the effect on the child nodes as the parent moves or rotates.


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