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© 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. LIEW Yong Seong A/E/C Software Specialist Advance Contech (Singapore)

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Presentation on theme: "© 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. LIEW Yong Seong A/E/C Software Specialist Advance Contech (Singapore)"— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. LIEW Yong Seong A/E/C Software Specialist Email Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 31 Jan 2011, NTU 1

2 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Outline GUI overview Tutorial 1 – Cantilever beam Tutorial 2 – Super element Tea Break Tutorial 3 – Simply supported beam Tutorial 4 – 3-storey building 2

3 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. GUI Overview General Terminology GUI Components System state Keyboard and mouse Coordinate System View management Selection management Modeling Tools / Commands Material Section Geometry (Drawing Grid, Joint, Frame, Panel, Mesh) Mesher Support (Boundary Condition) Loading Super Element Generate analysis model View results 3

4 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Terminology Joint Frame : Beam, Column, Bracing (Diagonal) Panel and Mesh : Wall, Slab Support Loading Joint (Point) Loads Frame (Line, UDL) Loads Mesh (Area, Patch) Loads 4

5 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. GUI Component 5

6 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. System State 6

7 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Keyboard & Mouse Keyboard shortcuts [F5] refresh screen [Ctrl] / [Shift] / [Z] activate model rotate mode [Del] delete selected object(s) Mouse (3 buttons) [Left] (direct, window)select [Right] context menu / done / cancle [Middle] pan / rotate (model rotate mode) 7

8 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Global Coordinate System Right-hand rule Y := Vertical Up X-Z Plane := Horizontal Plane (Ground) 8

9 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. View Management Single Model – Multiple Views Maximum 4 views 9

10 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. View Management 10

11 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. View Management 11

12 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. View Management 12

13 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Selection Management Left Click (hold) to select / deselect 13

14 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Selection Management Select Object  Perform Operation Operations are object-aware 14

15 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Materials 1.Concrete for Slab & Wall (Shell) for Beam & Column (Frame) 2.Steel for Slab & Wall reinforcements for Beam & Column reinforcements 15

16 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Materials 16

17 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Sections Section for Frame (Beam & Column) Panel (Slab & Wall) 17

18 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Section (Frame) Centroid : based on B & H 18

19 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Sections 1.0 200 mm 0.0 19

20 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Predefined Materials and Sections Define materials and sections Save into a file, name it as, say, Template.xml Always start with Template.xml 20

21 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Drawing Grid Snapping Position & Orientation 21

22 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Joint Created automatically when drawing frame or panel Must be turned on (show) for snapping Turned off (uncheck “show”) to save some rendering time Max joint = 131,070 Check “invisible” to tidy up screen (it is still “showing”!) 22

23 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Frame Beam and Column Local axis,u,v,w,u,v 23

24 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Panel Used to create shell meshes for slabs and walls Counter-clock-wise rule Section & loading to be assigned to generated meshes 24

25 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Mesh 8-node quadrilateral shell element for slab and wall Meshed from panel (4-nodes), remember to assign (and check) properties and loadings Converted into 8-node elements Solver input file is being generated Super Element is being formed Manually Converted back to 4-node element Upon return to Pre-processing mode (Optional) To avoid converting meshes back into 4-node element if there is a super-element defined in the model 25

26 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Toggle between Panel Mesh 26

27 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Mesher (Frame) Divide frame(s) to establish continuity with meshes/frames Properties and loadings are inherited by new frames 27

28 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Mesher (Panel) Two type Generic mesher (by NTU) Regular grid (only for 4-edge panel) 28

29 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Meshing : (could be) an iterative process To reduce number of elements 1. Purge all meshes 2. Convert all panel back to 4-node 3. Mesh Panels 4. Re-mesh Panels (  for some cases) 5. Mesh Frames For existing model with meshes 29

30 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Purge orphan joint(s) Orphan joint : generated during iterative meshing process Solver doesn’t accept model with orphan joint! Select any one orphan joint, click {Delete}, all will be purged 30

31 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Support (Boundary condition) Assigned to Joint 31

32 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Loading Three types Joint Load Frame (Line, UDL) Load Mesh (Area) Load Single Load Case The actual (final) magnitude depends on analysis result 32

33 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Super Element Frames and meshes are automatically converted to 3- and 8-nodes elements MUST re-create super element should any (geometrical) changes are made to the model 33

34 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Generate Analysis Model 34

35 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Work folder 35

36 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Analysis Aborting analysis : Only completed steps are saved and presented 36

37 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. View Results 37

38 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. View Results Loading Level Deformation Reaction Member Failure Joint Displacement Plot 38

39 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. View Results Loading Level 5 * 0.71 = 3.57 39

40 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Deformation Scale factor Show original configuration 40

41 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Reaction Reaction forces for each D.o.F. of restrained joint Following global axis 41

42 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Member Failure Failure definition 42

43 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Joint Displacement Plot Multi-window view Copy textual data to Excel for processing 43

44 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. FemFan3D GUI Tutorial 44

45 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Tutorial 1 : Cantilever Beam 45

46 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Tutorial 2 : Super Element 46

47 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Tutorial 3 : Simply Supported Beam 47

48 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Tutorial 4 : 3-Storey Building 48

49 © 2007-2011 Advance Contech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 49

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