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PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT. TODDLERS Children from the ages of 1 to 3 who walk a few unsteady steps. Physical growth slows considerably after the first year.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT. TODDLERS Children from the ages of 1 to 3 who walk a few unsteady steps. Physical growth slows considerably after the first year."— Presentation transcript:


2 TODDLERS Children from the ages of 1 to 3 who walk a few unsteady steps. Physical growth slows considerably after the first year. (grow more rapidly as infants)

3 PRESCHOOLERS 3 to 5 year olds who can now walk steadily as well as hop, jump and run. As physical skills develop, children need lots of space. They need time each day for active play so they can exercise their muscles and use up energy.

4 TEETH Influenced by: Diet (of pregnant mother and child) Consumption of dairy products Hereditary

5 MOTOR SKILLS Large=involve use and control of the large muscles (legs, shoulders, arms etc.) Small=Depend on use and control of the finer muscles (wrists, fingers, ankles) Dexterity=skillful use of the hands and fingers. (ex. turning the pages in a book, peeling a banana)

6 MEALTIME Make mealtime fun Give children appealing meals (bright colors, different textures, variety of shapes etc. Give children several snacks throughout the day versus 3 large meals. Snacks fill the gap between meals. At age one children can feed themselves finger foods, by age 3 they are capable of using utensils

7 Bathing Develop good hygiene habits By age three children can bathe themselves with little supervision Dressing A child usually starts trying to help with dressing around the age of 13 to 14 mos. By the age of 3, the child can dress independently except for difficult fasteners. Self-dressing gives the child independence, responsibility, and self- esteem.

8 KEYS TO SUCCESSUFL TOILET TRAINING Never start too early Wait until child is emotionally and physically ready Childs sphincter muscles can be controlled Give encouragement and praise

9 KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL TOILET TRAINING CONT. Never punish or show shame or disgust Be sure child is aware of the bathroom process and vocab. related to bathroom Provide training pants Child has mastered self-dressing

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