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Toddler Development Mrs. Mathiowetz. What is a toddler? A child age 1 to 3 who is walking “unsteady steps”

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Presentation on theme: "Toddler Development Mrs. Mathiowetz. What is a toddler? A child age 1 to 3 who is walking “unsteady steps”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Toddler Development Mrs. Mathiowetz

2 What is a toddler? A child age 1 to 3 who is walking “unsteady steps”

3 Physical Development Not as dramatic as infant Average 2 year old weighs 28 pounds and is 34 inches tall Body proportions change- legs grow which helps with walking ability Brain grows Bones star to harden Teeth emerge- have 20 by age 3 Greatest growth is in muscles

4 Motor Development 15 Months –Gross (Large) Creeps upstairs Walks sideways and backward Can toss a ball Climbs on low chairs and tables

5 15 Months –Fine (small) Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger Can open small box

6 Two Years –Gross (Large) Jumps in place Can walk up and down stairs Pushes self in toys on wheels

7 Two Years –Fine (Small) Builds small towers Draws circles Strings beads Holds a cup Eats with a spoon

8 General Toddler Information Toddlers: – are self-centered –Believe that the world revolves around them –Demand immediate fulfillment –Feelings and moods are intense, open and can change quickly –Are easily distracted –Are aggressive, possessive, and negative (backbone of terrible 2’s) –Participate in parallel play –Sibling rivalry- feelings of jealousy and competition (ex. With a newborn) –Parents are still brightest stars in a toddler’s universe

9 Types of Play SOLITARY PLAY: This type of play involves a child playing alone. He/she has no interest in anyone else or that they are doing. The toys he/she plays with are different from those the other children are playing with. He/she is totally involved in a personal activity. (INFANTS) PARALLEL PLAY: This type of play involves a child playing beside other children. There is no actual interaction, but the toys are similar. The child is playing beside the other children rather than with them. (2-3 YEARS) ASSOCIATIVE PLAY: This type of play involves a child playing with other children. The children share toys and interact with one another. Children are involved in similar but not identical activity. There is no specific organization of activities. Each child does what he/she wishes but is a part of a large group. (3 YEAR - SCHOOL AGE) COOPERATIVE PLAY: This type of play involves organization. The child is a part of a group that has a specific purpose in mind such as making an art project or playing a game. There are usually leaders and followers in this type of play.

10 Social Development Socialization- the process of learning to get along with others, different social skills are expected at different ages

11 18 Months Children begin developing independence from family Parallel play Treat people more like objects than as humans with feelings and needs

12 2 Years Good at understanding and interacting with main caregivers Begin to understand sharing/taking turns Like to please others

13 2 1/2 Years Unpredictable Squabbles- but short-lived Begin to understand fairness, but very self-centered

14 3 Years Agreeable- will share or help- wants to please Cooperative play Will socialize in small groups Will seek friends on their own

15 3 1/2 Years Play becomes more complex and conversational

16 Emotional Development 18 Months –Self centered –Negativism –Temper-tantrums

17 2 Years –Frustration somewhat relieved because of skill development –Expresses love and affection –Seeks approval –Easier to reason with (fewer outbursts)

18 2 1/2 Years –Drive for independence is strong which can cause them to be: Stubborn Demanding, Domineering –Moody

19 3 Years –Sunny and cooperative –Willing to take directions –Responsive and reasonable

20 Intellectual Development The ability to interpret or understand Shaped by heredity and environment –We are born with certain limitations –Environment is a huge influence in developing potential –It is crucial for the environment to promote learning

21 7 Areas of Intellectual Activity Attention Creativity Curiosity Memory Perception Reasoning Imagination


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