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© 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 0 FEDERATION OF WOMEN LAWYERS KENYA Executive Director, FIDA Kenya Presentation at the CARE International Governance.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 0 FEDERATION OF WOMEN LAWYERS KENYA Executive Director, FIDA Kenya Presentation at the CARE International Governance."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 0 FEDERATION OF WOMEN LAWYERS KENYA Executive Director, FIDA Kenya Presentation at the CARE International Governance Learning Event Christine Ochieng

2 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 1 ABOUT FIDA KENYA It’s a membership NGO established in 1985. Currently has 1150 Members. Has three offices in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa Members Nine Board Members: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Four Members Secretariat 36 members of staff and 10 volunteers/interns

3 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 2 Challenging the status quo – Working Environment Women in Kenya Continue to suffer chronological historical discrimination. This is caused by retrogressive culture, patriarchal dynamics, lack of implementation of laws, lack of normative framework on actualization of gender equality and non compliance with international obligations on human rights. This position is being replicated in the devolution process

4 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 3 What is Good Governance Good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It’s not about making ‘correct’ decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions. Good governance share several characteristics including accountability, transparency, rule of law, community responsiveness, equitability and inclusivity, efficiency, effectiveness and participatory. Good governance is key in any democratic process, has a positive effect on government as it ensures citizenship participation. A country cannot be deemed to embrace good governance if a section of its population is not included in the whole process.

5 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 4 FIDA Kenya’s Approach Human rights based Movement building Gender responsiveness Emphasis on substantive equality Women as a collective constituency

6 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 5 FIDA KENYA CORE PROGRAMMES ACCESS TO JUSTICE Legal Aid ( Advise & Representation) Self Representation Psychosocial Support Mediation Public Interest Litigation Engaging with the informal Justice System Pro bono Lawyers Scheme WOMEN AND GOVERNANCE Legislative and Policy dialogue Capacity Building Socio Economic and Cultural Rights:(Land, Reproductive Health, Anti – FGM initiatives, SGBV) Women Political Participation Capacity building of government institutions: Judiciary, Police, Land etc. International and Regional Cooperation – Treaty Monitoring, Networks Civic Engagement – CBOs, Public Participation

7 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 6 GLOBAL & REGIONAL ENGAGEMENTS GLOBAL UN ECOSOC Status – CEDAW, UN CSW, UPR, CERD, CRC, ICCPR, ICESCR Member of CLADEM Network on Women’s Rights Member of FIDA International REGIONAL Has Observer Status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights Has Observer status with the African Union Member of African Court Coalition Member of Women Inheritance Network Member of Solidarity of Africa Women’s Rights (SOAWR)

8 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 7 ENGAGEMENT WITH GOVERNMENT FIDA Kenya is represented in the following Government led initiatives: Technical Working Group on 2/3 rd Gender Principle Technical Working Group of NGEC on Rules and Regulations Judicial Taskforce on Sentencing Judicial Taskforce on Alternative Dispute Resolution National Council for Administration of Justice Technical Working Group reviewing the Adolescent Reproductive Health Policy Advisory Consultative Committee on International Human Rights Treaties National GBV Sub-cluster Police Reform Working Group

9 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 8 Legal Aid  Model legal service providers – Mentored NALEAP, Rwanda and Burundi  Represented over 15,000 women  Self representation by over 8,000 women  Probono Scheme – 400 lawyers Examples of Strategic Impact Litigation Cases  High Court Case on Appointment of Judges – Supreme Court  Supreme Court Advisory Opinion on 2/3 rd Gender Principle;  IEBC Case on party nominations;  Succession Laws in Kenya – Challenge provisions on women to Inherit;  Widow Eviction in Kenya; Criminalizing HIV; Deliberate transmission of HIV  Informal Justice System: - 10 IJS in the country (Othaya, Tharaka, Meru, Akamba, Luo, Kisii, Busia, Taveta, Embu, Bungoma, Kalenjin): Trained them on Human Rights, alternative dispute resolution and handling of cases of GBV - Developed the IJS Strategy Document - Integration of women in three informal justice system KEY RESULTS UNDER ACCESS TO JUSTICE PROGRAMME

10 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 9 KEY RESULTS UNDER THE WOMEN AND GOVERNANCE PROGRAMME Constitutional review process;  Participation in the Constitutional Review Process leading to key gains of women in the Constitution  2/3 rd gender principle implementation  Civic Competence: Capacity building of various publics Transition justice process  Agenda 4 on Land, Constitution, Judiciary and Police Reform  Women issues integrated in the TJRC& ICC processes  Lobbied for Special Tribunal Bill. Engagement with Parliament on Law Reform  e.g. Marriage Act, Matrimonial Property Act, Protection Against Domestic Violence Act, Land laws, Witness Protection Act, Victim Protection Act e.t.c  County Laws Women movement Police and Judicial Reforms Enhanced political participation of women Knowledge Hub: Undertook various researches on Women’s Rights

11 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 10 KEY PARTNERS Access to Justice Judiciary Police Prisons Children's Department National Legal Aid and Awareness Programme Law Society of Kenya Probation CSOs offering legal Aid Women and Governance Parliament Political Parties County Governments County Assembly Constitutional Offices CSOs, CBOS, FBOs and Private Sector Government Ministries: Devolution, AG, Internal Security, Defence, Foreign Affairs, EAC

12 © 2014 FIDA Kenya. All rights reserved. 11 THANK YOU

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