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Value of swine manure to grow finish operations 2015 Wisconsin Pork Expo Jerry May, MSU Extension Educator

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1 Value of swine manure to grow finish operations 2015 Wisconsin Pork Expo Jerry May, MSU Extension Educator

2 When managed to fully utilize its crop nutrients, manure has become an important crop production input Photo courtesy Farm Industry News

3 Value of manure per 1,000 hd. 384,000 gal. accumulated annually Modest use of nutrients – Net Value = $3,237/yr. Efficient use of nutrients – Net value = $6,628/yr.




7 What is manure worth? Manure’s nutrient value Crop nutrientN1N1 P2O51P2O51 K2O1K2O1 Manure analysis 2 48 # 19 # 24 # NH 4 – N35 # Mineralization of organic N 3 4 # Crop nutrients39 # 19 # 24 # 1 Per 1,000 gallons 2 Swine finishing manure with phytase included in the diet 3 Approximately 33% of organic N in liquid swine manure will mineralize in the first crop year

8 What is manure worth? Manure’s nutrient value Crop nutrientN1N1 P2O51P2O51 K2O1K2O1 Crop nutrients 39 # 19 # 24 # Nutrient value per lbs. 2 $ 0.58 $ 0.45 $ 0.38 Value of manure $ $ 22.62 $ 8.55 $ 9.12 Manure value: $ 40.29 per 1,000 gallons 1 Per 1,000 gallons 2 Early 2015 prices in Central MI for 28% N, 11-52-0 and 0-0-62

9 N losses Nitrogen loss based on application method 1 Application Method % N lost Lbs. N lost 2 Broadcast liquid manure10 – 253.9 – 9.8 with immediate incorporation1 – 50.4 – 2.0 Injection during application0 – 20.0 – 0.8 1 In first four days following manure application 2 Based on the example manure sample/1,000 gal.

10 Timing Corn yields for three treatments in 2010 and 2011 1 Treatment (avg. of 9 trials)MonthsYield 2 Early manureSeptember190 a Late manureOct. & Nov.200 b Late ureaNov. or April205 b 1 Swine Manure Application Timing: Results of Experiments in Southern Minnesota, J. A. Hernandez, et al. 2 Values with different letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05) Corn yields were 10 -13 bushels lower for fall applied N when compared to spring applied N 3 3 Nitrogen Application Timing, Forms, and Additives, A literature review by G. Randall and J. Sawyer

11 Crop Phosphorus Requirement Soil test level Critical level Maintenance limit Maintenance range Buildup range Drawdown range Nutrient recommendations lbs./acre P recommendations for crops 1,2 CropCLMLDDL Corn15 10 Wheat251510 Soybeans15 10 Alfalfa251510 Dry beans152530 1 MSU Nutrient Recommendations for Field Crops, Extension Bulletin E2904 2 ppm No additional yield response from additional P after soils reach 40 ppm (80 # /acre)

12 Crop Phosphorus Requirement Wisconsin 590 standard: Phosphorus applications from all sources: Soil P levels < 50 ppm –Meet N needs of following crop or 1 st year N uptake of legumes Soil P levels between 50 ppm and 100 ppm –Phosphorus applications may not exceed P uptake during the crop rotation – maximum rotation: 8 years Soil P levels > 100 ppm –Eliminate P applications if possible Wisconsin standards closely match MSU’s Drawdown Limit requirement for crops

13 Crop nutrient requirement Value of manure is partially determined by soil nutrient levels and crop requirement P 2 O 5 in manure has no value if applied to fields with P levels > 50 ppm Soybeans have inconsistent response to additional N, including manure

14 Manure applied at agronomic rate for N 180 bu. corn Manure analysis: 39 – 19 – 24 Injected Soil test < 50 ppm P Gallons/acre Value of N ($0.58/lbs.) Value of P 2 O 5 ($0.45/lbs.) Value of K 2 O ($0.38/lbs.) 4,600 Gallons 180 #1 87 #2 110 # Nutrient value$104.40$39.15 $41.80 Value per acre - $185.35 1 Nitrogen recommendations for field crops, online:, Warnek, D., 2009, 2 Less than rotational needs of corn/soy rotation Manure applied to fields for corn

15 Manure applied at agronomic rate for N 180 bu. corn Manure analysis: 39 – 19 – 24 Injected Soil test > 50 ppm P Gallons/acre Value of N ($0.58/lbs.) Value of P 2 O 5 ($0.45/lbs.) Value of K 2 O ($0.38/lbs.) 4,600 Gallons 180 #1 87 #2 110 # Nutrient value$104.40No value$41.80 Value per acre - $146.20 ($39.15 difference) 1 Nitrogen recommendations for field crops, online:, Warnek, D., 2009, 2 Less than rotational needs of corn/soy rotation Manure applied to fields for corn

16 Application costs Cost to apply liquid manure in central MI 1.5 miles = $0.012/gallon 1 2.5 miles = $0.015/gallon 2 5.0 miles = $0.019/gallon 2 1 Personnal communication central MI custom applicator 2 Productivity and Economics of Nurse Trucks for Manure Transport, T. Harrigan, 2009

17 Summary: Manure value based on crop and application distance from storage CropSoil PGal/acValueMiles Cost $/acre Net value $/acre Corn< 50 ppm4,600$185.35½$55.20$130.15 Corn> 50 ppm4,600 146.20½ 91.00 Corn< 50 ppm4,600 185.352.5 69.00 116.35 Corn> 50 ppm4,600 146.202.5 77.20 Corn< 50 ppm4,600 185.355 87.40 97.95 Corn> 50 ppm4,600 146.205 58.80

18 Summary: Manure value based on crop and application distance from storage CropSoil PGal/acValueMiles Cost $/acre Net value $/acre Corn< 50 ppm4,600$185.35½$55.20$130.15 Corn> 50 ppm4,600 146.20½ 91.00 Soys 1 < 50 ppm4,500 80.95½ 54.00 26.95 Corn< 50 ppm4,600 185.352.5 69.00 116.35 Corn> 50 ppm4,600 146.202.5 77.20 Soys 1 < 50 ppm4,500 80.952.5 67.50 13.45 Corn< 50 ppm4,600 185.355 87.40 97.95 Corn> 50 ppm4,600 146.205 58.80 Soys 1 < 50 ppm4,500 80.955 85.50 (-4.55) 13.8 lbs N utilized/bu x 50 bu = 175 lbs N ÷ 39lbs N/1,000 gal = 4,500 gal

19 Value of manure per 1,000 hd. 384,000 gal. accumulated annually Modest use of nutrients – 50% of N, 100% K 2 O, applied to field over 50 ppm P Low application costs: $0.012 per gallon Net Value = $3,237/yr. Efficient use of nutrients – 90% of all nutrients High application costs: $0.019 per gallon Net value = $6,628/yr.

20 Sidedressing corn with swine manure Farmer has purchase manure spreader set up to sidedress corn planted in 30” rows Using GPS and automatic guidance He suggested we compare Commercial N Spring applied manure Sidedress manure Manure with 90 lbs commercial N per acre

21 Results Comparison of commercial N and sidedress swine manure 1 ItemCN + SMSMCNSMZero N Total N 2,3 272182178182 37 Population 33,783 31,363 32,912 31,750 30,298 Yield 4 196 a 183 a 191 a 190 a 128 b N use efficiency 5 40 56 60 59 1 Planted May 28, 2014 2 Lbs. per acre 3 Manure N calculated using analysis of sample collected during application and application rate. P and K were equal across all treatments 4 Yields with different subscripts are significantly different 5 Lbs. yield/1 lbs. N

22 Compaction Interpreting penetrometer results 1 % of sites exceeding 300 lbs.Compaction ratingSub-soiling recommended <30Little - noneno 30 - 50Slightno 50 - 75Moderateyes >75 Severe yes Percent of penetrometer readings exceeding 300 lbs. CN + SMSMCNSMZero N 7340804660 1 Duiker, S. W., Diagnosing soil compaction using a soil penetrometer, Penn State Univ. Agronomy Facts 63

23 Compaction’s impact on yield 1 Compared three treatments at eight locations in four Wisconsin Counties: Manure, Compaction & Farmer check One pass with a manure spreader (Compaction and Manure) did not significantly impact yield when compared to Farmer check Manure= 193 bu/ac, Farmer check= 187 bu/ac, Compaction= 189 bu/ac Manure did not ameliorate any negative effects of compaction 1 Manure Spreading and its Effects on Soil Compaction and Crop Yield, 2005, G. Sanford et al.

24 N-Serve University of Minnesota 15 year study 1 c ompared: Fall anhydrous ammonia Fall anhydrous ammonia with N serve Spring anhydrous ammonia Authors reported a yield advantage for Fall N with N- Serve over Fall N in 7 out of 15 years Years with an positive response were associated with a warm November and/or warm, wet April, May and June 1 G. Randall, Fall and spring applications of AA and N-serve, 2001, Waseca Outreach Center 2 Bushels per acre averaged over 15 years Comparison of nitrogen timing with and without N-Serve 2 Fall AAFall AA with N-ServeSpring AA 144.5 152.9 155.5

25 Iowa On-farm Evaluation Trials 1 2009 and 2010 trials using farmer’s GPS equipment 11 sites in 2009 and15 sites in 2010 Compared liquid swine manure applied in late fall Swine manure Swine manure with nitrification inhibitor (Instinct) Manure was applied in early Nov. to early Dec. Most fields received manure last 2 weeks of Nov. 1 Probability of yield response nitrification inhibitor used with liquid swine manure on corn, 2013, P Kyveryga and T. Blackmer

26 Iowa On-farm evaluation trial results No difference in yield in 2009 In 2010 there was a 50% probability of a yield response to nitrification inhibitor Iowa experienced excessive rains in April and May 2010 1 Probability of yield response nitrification inhibitor used with liquid swine manure on corn, 2013, P Kyveryga and T. Blackmer

27 Conclusion Manure adds value to swine grow/finish operations Timing is everything (4Rs: rate, source, location, timing) Improves retention of nutrients in the rootzone Reduces soil compaction Nitrification inhibitors improve N retention from fall applied swine manure in years with excessive precipitation the follow spring Univ. of Minn. resources for calculating value:

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