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OSH policies and practice in the European Union Laurent Vogel ETUI-REHS July 2006.

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1 OSH policies and practice in the European Union Laurent Vogel ETUI-REHS July 2006


3 The first steps : the years ‘60  very weak social provisions in the Treaty  scope of the EU: harmonization of occupational medicine and occupational diseases no results (recommendations)

4 10 years of “wait and see”  At the same time, the strongest workers mobilizations on working conditions

5 A priority to industrial hygiene (1977-1986)  The first “framework directive”  Lead, Noise and Asbestos  The failure to set up a general system of limit-values

6 The Single Act (1986)  Article 118 A: legislative harmonization of the working environment (now art. 137)  Article 100A: free trade of goods (now art. 95)

7 1989: the Framework Directive  Fields of prevention  Hierarchy of preventive measures  Participation of workers  Need for preventive services

8 Other directives  Specific directives from the Framework Directive. Examples: Carcinogens, pregnant women, chemicals, etc.  Other directives: working time, temporary workers, young workers

9 Global Assessment of EU policy  What are the results ? Health outcomes: accidents, diseases, capacity to keep the job until the retirement age, etc… Resources indicators: preventive services, preventive action, safety reps, labour inspection

10 The causes of poor results  A cycle of uncompleted national reforms Employers’ opposition Difference between legal transposition and national strategy  No articulation with other fields Casualisation, privatisation lead to a deterioration of working conditions

11 Casualisation: temporary workers and accidents in Spain

12 Temp. Agency Workers and accidents in Belgium

13 Work Intensification

14 The EU Legislative Process  Initiative from the Commission  Codecision process between the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament  Tripartite Consultation in the Luxembourg Consultative Committee (TU, employers, States)

15 The Impact of Trade Unions  Informal preparatory stage (discussion of the EU strategy, identification of needs, etc…  Formal consultation  Trade Union campaigns European & national campaigns Influence on governments Influence on EuroParliament

16 Some priorities and our contribution for the 2007-2012 strategy  Working time  REACH  Other aspects related to chemicals  Stress, work intensification and work organisation  Enlargment

17 From the directives to the workplace  Some common issues Preventive services: their mission Safety reps Risk assessment: a tool for prevention or an “insurance” for employers ? The role of public authorities

18 Deregulation as a major threat  The multiple « key words » for the deregulatory agenda « better regulation », cost-benefit discussion, sectorial agreement and good practice  Equal protection for all the workers  Our contribution for the 2007-2012 EU programme in health and safety

19 International Perspective for the EU OSH policy  EU and the ILO  The role of WTO  Control on Multinational Companies  Asbestos as en example

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