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Building climate resilience through water security Dr Ania Grobicki Executive Secretary, GWP 27 September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Building climate resilience through water security Dr Ania Grobicki Executive Secretary, GWP 27 September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building climate resilience through water security Dr Ania Grobicki Executive Secretary, GWP 27 September 2011

2 VISION – a water secure world Enough water for all – for society, for economic development, and for ecosystems Reducing risks of drought, floods, landslides, water- borne diseases – all the negative aspects of water Improved quality of life for the most vulnerable, especially women and children Through an integrated approach – holistic, all- encompassing MISSION – To support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels

3 13 Regional Water Partnerships (RWPs) 79 Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) 2,482 institutional Partners in 158 countries Grown 5-fold since 2004 A growing international network since 1996

4 GWP: Network, Partnership and InterGovernmental Organization A partnership is not the sum of its parts, it is the product of the parts' interaction.

5 Four Strategic Goals Promote water as a key part of sustainable national development [operational] Address critical development challenges [advocacy] Reinforce knowledge sharing and communication [knowledge] Build a more effective network [partnering]

6 GWP Strategy : 4 Interconnected goals A theory of change

7 IWRM is the means to an end, an approach, a set of tools Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise economic and social welfare in an equitable manner, without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment Building Water Security through the IWRM approach

8 Water for People Water for Food Water for Nature Water for other uses Cross-sectoral integration Enabling environment Institutional roles Management instruments Integration of sectoral interests is the key Coordination, Integration (vertical/ horizontal, decentralisation, stakeholder dialogue and involvement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

9 54 tools + archive of national IWRM plans 54 Tools283 Case Studies

10 Summing up GWP – An innovative action network Knowledge basePolicy base Action network Partnership at all levels + a network on the ground

11 The second step in the evolution of GWP : A partnership supported by an IGO (2002)

12 Water on the international agenda 2002 : WSSD, Johannesburg : Countries undertook to develop and implement IWRM and water efficiency plans 2012 : Rio + 20 : the water-food-energy nexus????

13 Water for Development – taking Zambias IWRM plan forward ( World Bank 2009 Country Water Resource Assistance Strategy )

14 GWP – a unique international organization Unique – an intergovernmental organization (IGO) linked to a global action network GWPO : established by the government of Sweden in 2002 together with 10 other governments and international bodies (Sponsoring Partners) - complementary to the UN system, working closely with UN-Water and key UN agencies and organizations GWP Network : strong governance system combined with regional autonomy Global Steering Committee Global Technical Committee and regional Technical Committees Global Secretariat based in Stockholm, linked to 13 Regional Secretariats world-wide

15 Common vision and mission : Building water security world-wide through integrated water resources management Innovative structure: Works at all levels in a non-hierarchical way Promotes inter-regional learning and knowledge-sharing Supports joint initiatives – the art of partnership! The multiplier effect Dimensions of Partnership : Interdisciplinary / Intersectoral / Govt – business – civil society Some lessons from 15 years of GWP:

16 Overall structure after 15 years : - 18% government - 12% private sector - 30% NGOs - 30% academic and research - 10% other (eg. media) (With important variations from region to region, and country to country ) 2011 : 15 years of GWP (nearly 2,500 institutional Partners and growing!)

17 Water Scarcity in the World (2025 scenario) absolute or physical water scarcity economic water scarcity: water development can meet increased demand


19 Ethiopia: Rainfall, GDP and Agricultural GDP

20 Run off variation (1960-90 /2070-90) Implications of climate change More climatic extremes Implications of climate change : More climatic extremes

21 Disaster Risk Reduction Food Security Water Security GWP operational strategy for increasing water and food security through integrated land and water management (Goal 2) Better climate information GWP´s role : - Reaching out to the agriculture community and the disaster management community - Linking water security with these agendas at national level, regional level, global level - Advocating that better water management is essential for food security and building climate resilience (a no regrets strategy)

22 10 years of the Associated Programme on Flood Management Established in 2001 to promote the concept of Integrated Flood Management (IFM) Guidelines and tools developed 2009 : launch of the IFM HelpDesk as a demand-driven mechanism to support countries in flood risk management 36 Support Base Partners provide active knowledge base and backstopping 2011 : 10 years of APFM ! Celebration in Japan this week at ICHARM



25 Objective of the proposed Programme : To provide policy and management guidance through the globally coordinated generation of scientific information, sharing knowledge and best practices for drought risk management.

26 2011 : WACDEP launched (8 countries, 4 transboundary river basins in Africa starting up) "In the face of climate change, partnerships such as those launched in the Water, Climate and Development Programme with Global Water Partnership represent a good first step." Hon. Edna Molewa, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, South Africa, and President of AMCOW, at the 3rd Africa Water Week

27 What can GWP offer the UIP? Building on what exists: nearly 2,500 instituional Partners, working together at various levels : local, national, regional The GWP ToolBox which needs more climate-related tools! Through the APFM – structured work on flood risk management (country support through CWPs) Through the proposed IDMP – structured work on drought risk management (country support through CWPs) Through WACDEP – structured work on building climate resilience for development in Africa From users to stakeholders to Partners in development!

28 Thank you ! A growing international network since 1996

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