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UMR 5205 An Introduction to Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) LIRIS Laboratory/DRIM Team –

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1 UMR 5205 An Introduction to Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) LIRIS Laboratory/DRIM Team – UMR CNRS 5205 Lyon, France

2 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing 2 Contents of the Course Definitions and Main Characteristics Basic Issues Overview of some Research Propositions A Focus on Context Modeling and Context-Awareness

3 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Definitions Mobile  Includes mobile devices Context-aware  Considers the execution context Ubiquitous  Accessible from everywhere Pervasive  Associates ubiquity, mobility and context-awareness Ambient (intelligence)  Integrated within everyday life 3

4 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing From S. Frénot A Pervasive System is First, a Distributed System! Data persistence Data delivery/exchange Data distribution Replication and consistence Interoperability Concurrent accesses “Legacy” systems integration Security and privacy 4

5 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Pervasive System is also a Mobile System (and a Sensor Network) Discovery of the environment (services, devices, software…) Routing and delivery protocols Fault tolerance Auto-organization Service integration Security, Trust and Privacy … 5

6 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Pervasive System is also a « User Centric » System Invisible « Smart » (do not interrupt me for nothing !) User preferences aware Context aware Self learning Pro-active Secure and privacy keeping 6

7 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Pervasive System is also a Collaborative System Mobile/Ambient Social Networks Ambient social interactions Heterogeneity Mobility management Announces:  Modeling  Scalability and filtering  Semantics  Matching (publish-subscribe ?) Context Privacy 7

8 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Pervasive System is also a Collaborative System Collective Intelligence - Community Context awareness and context sensibility Information fusion → alarms Sharing and confrontation of knowledge Provisioning/composition/integration of services Collaborative learning: histories, execution traces Semantic emergence Recommendation 8

9 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Basic Issues Discovery (Auto-)Organization and routing Security and privacy Context-awareness and user awareness (and modeling) Composition, execution and migration of services Adaptation (data, services, HMI) Data availability, delivery and access (cache, replication, persistence…) Mediation (data, services) and information/service sharing Traceability and history HMI – augmented reality Collective “intelligence”, semantic emergence, social networks (scalability – low energy consumption – “calm”) 9

10 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing An Overview of Some Research Propositions 10

11 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Pervasive Middleware: the PerSE MW Adaptation context Models Context-awareness Proactivity Service composition 11

12 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Architecture of a PerSE Base 12

13 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing PerSE Layers 13

14 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Access Control for Mobile Users: The Chameleon Chains of trust certificates: if A trusts B and B trusts C then A trusts C… to some level (and while considering subjectivity and access rights mapping) Multi-layered adaptive certificates (X316 certificate + FeMoS signature)  protection of sensible information  dynamic construction of the certificate and its signature Trust computing and reputation: cf. further course 14

15 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing The Chameleon: Architecture 15

16 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Interface Adaptation and Context-aware Browsing 16

17 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Multimedia Content Adaptation 17

18 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Special Focus on Context Modeling and Context-Awareness 18

19 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Context-awareness: Challenges Environment sensing  sensing  storage  communication Context-aware service  context reasoning  decision making  action trigger  collaboration Context data & its semantics Context models Action Context management  collection  organization  representation  storage  presentation 19

20 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Context representation What is context? (complementing definitions by Dey and Winogard)  Context: characteristics, relationships, properties  Context: interpretation (operational term)  Eg. Device has battery life of 3hrs: important only when we are on a trip => Context: How, Where, When, What, Who, and Which Examples  Bob locatedIn ReadingRoom  reportedBy Sensor5 (who reported it)  Bob locatedIn ReadingRoom  hasPrecision 85% (how accurate is it)  ReadingRoom locatedIn Library (where is it)  locatedIn isTransitive => Bob locatedIn Library 20

21 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Context: Issues and Approaches Context Representation  Markup scheme based approaches  Ontology based approaches Context Manipulation  Agent and widget based approach  Broker middleware based approach  Service oriented middleware based approach 21

22 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing The EHRAM Model: an Example Activity Context Entity Device LectureStudentProfessorPhone GeographyBobAliceSPhone095 attends 85% hasAccuracy 1024 hasProfessor owns hasOwner (by inverse axiom) attends engagedIn locatedWith (by symmetric axiom) locatedWith isA InstanceOf isA Entity (& literals) Relation ( entity & attribute type relationships ) Axiomatic relation Metadata relation hasMemory Domain Layer Generic Layer Person Hierarchical relation 22

23 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Context management Objective: serialization of the EHRAM model for storage and processing of context data and its semantics 23

24 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Can we combine the best of the two worlds? Necessary FeaturesDatabase Approach Ontology Approach Formality  Management of large context data  Query optimization and processing  Scalability  Semantic support  Reasoning support   Context management 24

25 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Context dataContext semantics HCOM: Hybrid modeling approach An hybrid approach Join the results Process (Ontology) Process (Database) To separate Context data Context semantics HCoM: a Hybrid Context Management model HCoM separates data from the EHRAM model into Context database Rules HCoM filters out context data before integration (pruning) 25

26 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing HCoM System Architecture 26

27 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Context Usage – Context Exchange – Context-Awareness Objective: domain independent context-aware platform CoCA: Collaborative Context-Aware service platform CoCA consists of  The context data models - HCoM/EHRAM  The RAID-Action engine  The collaboration manager Context ManagementContext RepresentationMotivationsState of the Art Context-Awareness Discussion/Conclusion 27

28 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing The RAID-Action engine in CoCA Reasoning  The process of deriving new knowledge using rules, context data and its semantics.  Reasoning rules may be derived from the context semantics or can be defined based on domain policies, rules and regulations. Aggregation and Interpretation  Integrating numerous contexts into one to raise its level of abstraction. Decision  Decisions follow from reasoning and they are the major outcomes of the CoCA service. Actions  Actions are results of decisions and are executed by applications. Example Given: Students (>1) and a professor in a class room with a video projector switched on and connected to a PC running a power point application! Conclude: Lecture is going on in the room! Context ManagementContext RepresentationMotivationsState of the Art Context-Awareness Discussion/Conclusion 28

29 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Collaborations in CoCA – using JXTA protocols Bob_ Smartphone Peer12 Peer21 Peer22 Peer23 Rendezvous (Router) Peer2 Rendezvous (Router) Peer1 Discovery? Response+ Context Data Transfer Peer Group1 Peer Group2 CoCA peers  Self-organize into peer groups  Discover each other  Discover each other’s services and resources  Uses JXTA P2P protocol Discovery? Context ManagementContext RepresentationMotivationsState of the Art Context-Awareness Bob’s hand held device (Bob_Smartphone) has got a context message that says Bob’s professor is now in «Coffee Room». In order to perform reasoning and suggest some action to Bob, Bob_Smartphone needs some semantics on the concept “Coffee Room”. Now, Bob_Smartphone has the necessary information about the concept «Coffee Room» to perform reasoning and to suggest actions to its owner BoB Discussion/Conclusion 29

30 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing CoCA Architecture 30

31 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Feedback on Context Modeling and Awareness A good point: it works It could work It can work in a closed/well-defined environment  interoperability issues  no lingua franca  semantic gap  trust and security issues  low resources devices  scalability  large intersection with the agenda of the Internet of Things! Handling uncertainty Handling trust and privacy 31

32 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Conclusion Ubiquitous computing => user centricity => context-awareness Ubiquitous computing => user centricity => content adaptation (cf. keynote) Key issues  application adaptability/flexibility  interoperability  scalability  standardization  identity  privacy 32

33 Master Course, Lyon, January 2015 - Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Open Discussion (from keynote) The User Intention (i.e., the Why question): the Holy Graal of “calm IT”? Sensing the environment  Embedded sensors  Internet of Things? Next-Generation Internet?  Still widely open issues, esp. wrt inter-operability Modeling the context  The Babel Tower Context-Awareness, Tracing, Pro-Activity, Calm  sine qua non condition to a seamless integration into the user life  Quality of Experience?  User privacy? User control?  Personalization vs privacy  Pro-Activity ?  Calm: a technological issue or a psycho-social issue? 33

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