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GSICS Executive Panel 10 JMA GPRC Report
6-8 June 2010 WMO HQ, Geneva Yoshihiko Tahara Meteorological Satellite Center Japan Meteorological Agency
MTSAT Infrared Inter-Calibration (Progresses since EP-8 via EP-9)
May 2010: ATBD and GSICS Product Acceptance Form (GPAF) were submitted July 2010: MTSAT-2 IR inter-calibration system and its monitoring web page were implemented simultaneously with the switchover to MTSAT-2 from MTSAT-1R July 2010: GSICS Correction for MTSAT IR entered the Demonstration Phase of the GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance (GPPA) September 2010–: GSICS Correction data have been uploaded operationally on the EUMETSAT GSICS server (THREDDS) –January 2011: Clear Sky Radiance (CSR) product was experimentally reprocessed by using the MTSAT IR GSICS Correction, and its preliminary Observing System Experiment was performed Ongoing: Review is underway to enter the Pre-operation Phase Ongoing: MTSAT IR Near Real-Time Corrections (NRTC) is under development 6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
Review of MTSAT IR GSICS Correction (tentative)
Comments from reviewers regarding the usability of MTSAT IR GSICS Correction at this moment Too far from the GSICS portal (wiki) to reach MTSAT GSICS corrections Slow access to the GSICS wiki page from Japan Once knowing the place of the MTSAT GSICS corrections, easy and fast to get Enough information in meta-data Suggestions to MTSAT ATBD Tutorial to use GSICS correction expected No explanations on “LOOK-UP TABLE”, and Radiance and Tb conversion
Preliminary Experiment on CSR
28 March 2017 CSR data were regenerated by using MTSAT IR GSICS Correction (No tuning for cloud screening parameters was performed) Regenerated TBs of the MTSAT WV ch. are about 0.5 K higher than original TBs (left chart), that decreases departure between observation and NWP One month Observing System Experiment shows that number of CSR data assimilated in NWP are increased (right chart) WV TB differences w/ and w/o GSICS Numbers of CSR data assimilated in OSE
MTSAT 12um – AIRS (All orbits)
Experiment on SST MTSAT-2 IR images contain midnight calibration error, which becomes large during eclipse seasons (right charts) To use GSICS correction, SST parameters should be tuned again. Otherwise, significant biases would be appeared. (bottom chart) If diurnal bias information is obtained from GSICS, better SST product would be expected MTSAT 12um – AIRS Asc.(13:30) MTSAT 12um – AIRS Dec.(01:30) GSICS Correction SST(GSICS) – SST(Original) 8 January 2011 1 March 2011 MTSAT 12um – AIRS (All orbits) Jul 2010 Jun 2011
MTSAT Visible Calibration (Progresses since EP-8 via EP-9)
September 2010: MTSAT-2 visible calibration system and its monitoring web page were implemented Vicarious calibration comparing RT simulated radiances over Cloud-free ocean, land (bare ground on Australia) and uniformed liquid cloud top by using P, T, WV, W-surf from NWP re-analysis, ozone from TOMS and Land surface albedo and cloud parameters from MODIS Collaborative researches with the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI), the University of Tokyo Ongoing: Investigate on using ice cloud as the brightest target Ongoing: Investigate on GMS VIS calibration before MODIS era Collaborative researches with the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba university Ongoing: Examine to generate re-calibrated global GEOSAT data Ongoing: Examine to retrieve downward SW flux and validate it 6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
Re-calibration of Global GEO Visible Data
(collaboration between Chiba Univ. and JMA) Comparisons between RT calculations and observations in September 2002 Radiance(W/m2/sr/um) METEOSAT-5 METEOSAT-7 GOES-8 GOES-10 DN Calibration coefficients (slope and Inercept) in 2002 千葉大共同研究の詳細については、千葉大シンポジウムでの 以下に置いてあるPPT資料をご参照下さい。 \\Sc-svdebnas1\システム管理課\画像1班\[ GSICS ]\FaceToFace会合資料\201106_ExecutivePanel-10\太原様へ(発表資料題材)\参考\共同研究報告(千葉大) 全天日射による評価は竹中さんの仕事ですが、較正手法の妥当性を主張するのに役立つかもしれません。 7 6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
Downward SW Flux from Re-calibrated GEO VIS images
(collaboration between Chiba Univ. and JMA) Downward shortwave flux at the ground surface Downward SW flux at the surface METEOSAT-7 METEOSAT-5 GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 0 deg. 63 deg. 140 deg. 225 deg. 285 deg. Average on 2 – 3 Sep 2002 EXAM SYSTEM [Takenaka et al., 2011, JGR-atmosphere] 6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10 8
Validation of the Flux by BSRN and SKYNET
(collaboration between Chiba Univ. and JMA) METEOSAT-7(322.5E-31.5E) METEOSAT-5(31.5E-101.5E) GMS5(101.5E-182.5E) GOES-8(225E-345E) GOES-10(165E-285E) EXAM SYSTEM [Takenaka et al., 2011, JGR-atmosphere] 6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
Response to Action EP 8.2 Prototype of a unified GSICS bias monitoring Web page May 2010: Action EP 8.2 (JMA, in consultation with GCC, to develop a prototype of a unified web page….) was adopted February 2011: Prototype HTML was presented at the GRWG and GDWG Web meeting for review 6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
JMA GSICS Members from April 2011
Executive Panel (EP) (new) Yoshihiko TAHARA (Mr) GSICS Research Working Group (GRWG) Arata OKUYAMA (Mr) Kenji DATE (Mr) (new) Hiroaki TSUCHIYAMA (Mr) GSICS Data Working Group (GDWG) (new) Yuki KOSAKA (Mr) Ryuichiro NAKAYAMA (Mr) GPRC points of contacts for operational matters (new) Arata OKUYAMA (Mr) 6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
6-8 June 2011, GSICS-EP10
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