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Presentation on theme: "SINGAPORE ARTS FESTIVAL SURVEY 2006 AUDIENCE SURVEY - HIGHLIGHTS 30 Aug 2006."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background Aims of Survey: To understand SAF2006 Audience Profile Motivation to attend & Satisfaction Attendance & Spending Patterns Sources of Information Last survey commissioned: 1999 Methodology of SAF 2006 Survey: Self-administered post-show survey Total sample of 4,536 respondents from 24 Ticketed Productions and 7 Non-Ticketed Productions Local & Tourists, 15 years and above

3 Highlights Profile of SAF 2006 audience Age, Occupation, Local/Tourist Motivation Reasons for attending SAF 2006 Sources of information on SAF2006 Satisfaction SAF06 - Quality of production, Variety Individual performances - Quality of performance, Experience Top 10 ticketed productions Attendance patterns Frequency Type of performance for future Festivals Spending patterns Associated spending for attending SAF 2006 ticketed performances Profile of tourists who attended SAF 2006 Comparisons with 1999 survey

4 Profile of SAF 2006 Audiences 2%

5 Age Profile of Attendees % (n=4416) Tends to be younger than general population

6 Age Profile of Attendees % Dominance of teens in non-ticketed audience Ticketed: n = 3596 Non-Ticketed: n = 852

7 Occupational Profile of Attendees % Nearly half – professionals More than a third - students (n=2960)

8 Occupational Profile of Attendees % 4 in 10 at non-ticketed performances - students Ticketed: n = 2414 Non-Ticketed: n = 561

9 Changing Profile of Attendees % Large increase in 15-19 y.o. attendees came at the expense of the 40-59 y.o. group

10 Reasons for attending SAF 2006 Base, n: 4536 Interest in this production For entertainment Attractive pricing / Free performance For relaxation For personal enrichment Reputation of artists / arts company Recommendation by friends / colleagues / relatives Reviews by media For networking and socialising Others

11 Top 3 Reasons Ticketed performance audience: Interest in the performance (54%) For entertainment (39%) For personal enrichment (33%) Non-ticketed performance audience For entertainment (16%) Interest in the performance (14%) Free performances (13%) 72% happened to be passing by

12 Sources of Information on SAF 2006 Newspaper articles Newspaper advertisements Banners Word of mouth Radio TV programmes TV commercials Festival brochures and leaflets Internet Train / Taxi advertisements Magazine articles Magazine advertisements Electronic mailers Others Base, n: 4536

13 Sources of Information on SAF 2006 Ticketed performance audience: Festival brochures and leaflets (46%) Word of mouth (30%) Newspaper articles (29%) Internet (28%) Non-ticketed performance audience: Newspaper articles (24%) Banners (22%) Radio (22%) Newspaper advertisements (21%)

14 Satisfaction with SAF 2006 Quality of Productions % Overall Ticketed programmes Non-ticketed programmes LocalsTourists Base, n: Mean: % Top 2 boxes: 4536 4.03 76% 835 4.02 77% 4.03 76% 3701 4.04 78% 3848 4.10 75% 262 Breakdown for those who attended Ticketed/ Non-ticketed performances as well as for Locals/ Tourists Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair / Average (3) Poor (2) / Very Poor (1) No Response Legend 14 60 555851 18 21 20 24

15 Satisfaction with SAF 2006 Variety of Programmes Ticketed programmes Non-ticketed programmes LocalsTourists % Overall Base, n: Mean: % Top 2 boxes: 4536 3.98 72% 835 3.92 69% 3.99 73% 3701 3.97 74% 3848 4.21 74% 262 Breakdown for those who attended Ticketed/ Non-ticketed performances as well as for Locals/ Tourists Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair / Average (3) Poor (2) / Very Poor (1) No Response Legend

16 Satisfaction with SAF 2006 Being an International Arts Festival Ticketed programmes Non-ticketed programmes LocalsTourists % Overall Base, n: Mean: % Top 2 boxes: 4536 3.93 66% 835 3.84 63% 3.95 67% 3701 3.92 67% 3848 4.11 72% 262 Breakdown for those who attended Ticketed/ Non-ticketed performances as well as for Locals/ Tourists Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair / Average (3) Poor (2) / Very Poor (1) No Response Legend

17 Satisfaction with Individual Performances Base, n: Mean: % Top 2 boxes: 4536 4.17 82% 835 4.35 88% 4.13 80% 3701 4.19 83% 3848 4.17 78% 262 Ticketed programmes Non-ticketed programmes LocalsTourists Overall Breakdown for those who attended Ticketed/ Non-ticketed performances as well as for Locals/ Tourists Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair / Average (3) Poor (2) / Very Poor (1) No Response Legend % 333 1 8 17 14 21 43 51 50 39 45 30 33 39 Quality of Performance

18 Overall Experience Overall Base, n: Mean: % Top 2 boxes: 4536 4.11 77% Ticketed programmes Non-ticketed programmes LocalsTourists 835 4.21 83% 4.08 76% 3701 4.11 79% 3848 4.13 75% 262 Breakdown for those who attended Ticketed/ Non-ticketed performances as well as for Locals/ Tourists Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair / Average (3) Poor (2) / Very Poor (1) No Response Legend % Satisfaction with Individual Performances

19 Top 5 Ticketed Productions RankQuality of Production Value for MoneyOverall Experience 1Ghana Sangam (83%) Ghana Sangam (72%) Ghana Sangam (74%) 2Nederlands Dans Theater (78%) Hotel Modern (58%)Hotel Modern (63%) 3Hotel Modern (71%) John Williams & Richard Harvey's World Tour (49%) Nederlands Dans Theater (57%) 4John Williams & Richard Harvey's World Tour (69%) Nederlands Dans Theater (48%) John Williams & Richard Harvey's World Tour (52%) 5SITI Company (58%) Collegium Vocale Gent (47%) Collegium Vocale Gent (48%) Productions with highest % of “Excellent” ratings

20 Attendance Patterns Frequency Average - 3 (ticketed & non-ticketed) performances. 69% of respondents attended 1 or 2 ticketed performances 24% attended 3-5 ticketed performances 7% attended 6 or more performances First-time attendees Ticketed performances – 39% of audience Non-ticketed performances – 65% of audience “Frequent flyers” 35% repeat attendees More than half of repeat attendees have attended the festival 3 times or more

21 Types of Performances % of audience who would be “ interested ” or “ very interested ” in seeing these in future Festivals

22 Types of Performances % of audience who would be “very interested” in seeing these in future Festivals

23 Spending Patterns Average total spending* - $93 (admission tickets, F&B, local transport and shopping/souvenirs) Average amount spent on admission tickets - $60 *when attending a ticketed performance

24 Profile of Tourists @ SAF2006 Information 62% first heard about the festival before their arrival in Singapore. Motivation For 41%, SAF2006 was one of the reasons why they visited Singapore. Duration of Stay 52% - >5 days 37% - 3-5 days 17% extended stay because of SAF2006 Average spending for trip to Singapore - $2,100. (travel expense to Singapore, local accommodation, F&B expenses)

25 Comparisons with 1999 Survey Profile % of 15-19 year olds, and student attendees doubled % of >40 years fell from 26% in 1999 to 21% in 2006 More males are attending SAF From 38% in 1999 to 49% in 2006 Malay attendees have doubled Tourists attending SAF have trebled

26 Comparisons with 1999 Survey Top 5 Motivations for attending SAF performances SAF 2006 (n = 4,536)SAF 1999 (n = 4,646) Interest in production (22%)Enjoyment/ relaxation (72%) For entertainment (20%)Interest in the arts (58%) Attractive pricing (12%)Educational & personal enrichment (47%) For relaxation (12%)As a social activity (18%) For personal enrichment (11%)Persuasion by friends/colleagues (10%)

27 Comparisons with 1999 Survey Top 5 Main Sources of Information about SAF SAF 2006 (n = 4,536)SAF 1999 (n = 4,636) Newspaper articles (25%)Festival Guides/ Brochures (40%) Newspaper advertisements (22%) Colleagues/ friends/ relatives (38%) Banners (21%)Newspaper advertisements (34%) Word of mouth (21%)Newspaper write-ups/ reviews (17%) Radio (20%)TV advertisements (16%)

28 Comparisons with 1999 Survey Excellent/Good ratings for:SAF 2006SAF 1999 Quality of productions81%79% Variety of programmes78%65%

29 Summary Strengths to build on Quality & variety of productions Reputation of SAF06 as international arts festival Core of festival/arts-lovers (repeat attendees) Effective marketing – Tourist attendees who have heard of Festival BEFORE their arrival SAF an incentive to come to Singapore Weaknesses/Threats to address Tourists indicated greater interest in future programmes than locals – outreach efforts will still be a priority Newspapers still main source of info – will have to compete with other news items Opportunities to tap Strong representation of students and young adults More diverse audience – gender, race, local/tourist



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