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English 9 Final Exam 100 Points Total OUTLINE & STUDY GUIDE.

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1 English 9 Final Exam 100 Points Total OUTLINE & STUDY GUIDE

2 Literature/English Conventions Section- 55 points SECTIONS  Multiple choice questions- “Julius Caesar” questions on important quotes, speeches and characters.  Multiple choice questions- Night - questions based on quotes, characters, symbolism(night;, motifs(faith/tradition), theme (silence & survival of faith).  Multiple choice questions- Catcher in the Rye and Stand by Me- questions based on important quotes, indirect characterization, motifs, theme  Multiple choice- based on revision work sentence structure.  Matching questions- characters in texts we’ve covered second semester. WHAT TO REVIEW Study the notes you took in class during quarter three and four. These notes should already be organized and stored in your binder as instructed on a daily basis.

3 Characters for Matching Section Julius Caesar and Night  Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cassius, Brutus  Elie Wiesel, Shlomo,Tzipora, Stein, Idek the Kapo, Juliek, Moshe the Beadle, Franek, Zalman, Akiba Drumer, The Little Pipel Catcher in the Rye  Holden Caulfield,Phoebe, Mr. Antolini, Jane Gallagher, Sally Hayes, Sunny, Maurice, Mr. Haas, Spencer

4 Vocabulary Section 25 points- selected vocabulary from units 9-12  Lesson 9- capricious, copious, deviate, chastise, palatable, sophomoric  Lesson 10- exponents, blithe, allure, respite, sonorous, profess, lamentable  Lesson11- clairvoyant, disreputable, endemic, protrude, obnoxious, potent  Lesson12- indelible, trenchant, inveterate, quell, indulgent, nocturnal

5 Written Response Section- 20 POINTS  ONE of the following prompts (assigned randomly by teacher on final exam day) about Catcher in the Rye: Compare and contrast the coming-of-age issues that affect the boys in Stand by Me and Holden Caulfield. Explain how the scene with Sunny is a conflict for Holden and his growing sexuality versus his youthful innocence. How does this situation differ from Holden's thoughts and visions of Jane Gallagher? When Holden goes to visit Phoebe, how does she react to his arrival? How are the two similar and how are they different?  Julius Caesar prompt- for this prompt make sure you know as much as you can about Caesar, Mark Antony, Cassius and Brutus. Be sure you know of actions or statements each man makes in order to write about their characters. Use review materials provided on My Big Campus.

6 Suggestions for Preparation…  Continue taking good notes on the novel we’re reading- when you’re provided with note sheets, fill them out as you read at home.  If I review certain notes in class, be an active listener and take note of additional important information; we won’t have time to review things repeatedly in class, so pay attention.  Create a Quizlet account and make flashcards for the vocabulary words; take the practice tests on the words more than once.  I will offer one-to-one assistance after school from 3:30-4:15 p.m. on May 23, 27 and 28; take advantage and come and see me with any questions.

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