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Pathogen Reduction Dialogue Panel 4 May 7, 2002 On Farm Food Safety A Process of Intervention Martin Firth Manager, Policy and Strategies Canadian Food.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathogen Reduction Dialogue Panel 4 May 7, 2002 On Farm Food Safety A Process of Intervention Martin Firth Manager, Policy and Strategies Canadian Food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathogen Reduction Dialogue Panel 4 May 7, 2002 On Farm Food Safety A Process of Intervention Martin Firth Manager, Policy and Strategies Canadian Food Inspection Agency

2 Background * CFIA created 1997 * continued efforts in the promotion of HACCP * Food Safety Enhancement Program * Quality Management Program * working with industry * Processing - 1991 * On farm - 1995 * Minister has provided assistance for development

3 On Farm - Pressures * Consumer awareness * HACCP push back * Liability * Buyer specifications

4 On Farm - Principles * HACCP based * Link with other stakeholders * Shared jurisdiction * On farm programs are industry-led * Programs are dynamic

5 Definitions - On Farm Food Safety Programs A systematic approach, based on HACCP principles, that represents a set of good production practices, including control measures, on-farm food safety program backgrounder, producer manual and management manual and is developed to promote the production of safe products at the farm level.

6 Definitions - What is HACCP based * HACCP difficult with farm management style and environment * Technical Committee * Generic model * Hazard analysis based on model * Identifies critical control points * provides direction and control measures for Good Production Practices (GPP’s) * Provides a clear record of decision

7 Participants * Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - leadership and developmental resources * Health Canada - food safety policy and standards, including risk assessment * Canadian Food Inspection Agency - scientific and technical support to industry, recognition process * Canadian Federation of Agriculture - administration disbursement of funds to producer associations * National producer associations - development of the strategies and tools necessary to educate producers and initiative development of the on-farm food safety initiatives

8 Characteristics * Commodity specific, all commodities eligible * Intended to address all identified hazards * HACCP-based * Industry driven * Programs developed by national producer organizations and delivered by networks of provincial associations that are organized to work directly with producers * Government supported

9 Recognition Process * CFIA to lead, with provincial representatives, a technical review * Industry to develop management structure in an audit based format * Industry to format OFFSP in an audit based structure * Industry implementation full program * Industry to source third party audit services * Third party full systems audit * CFIA to lead, with provincial representatives, a national assessment and recognition

10 National Association Delivery Agents Third Party Services Producers Validators CFIA/ Provinces Sector OFFSP Flow Diagram

11 Outcomes - Interventions * Bovine - Beef and Dairy Cattle * Veterinarian medications * Animal ID * Poultry * Biosecurity * Buyer specifications * Flock information * Layer Flocks * Sanitation/buyer programs * Biosecurity

12 Outcomes - Interventions * Pork * Veterinarian medications * Biosecurity * Salmonella prevalence * Horticulture * Agriculture chemical usage * organic fertilizer use * ground water testing

13 Future Interventions * Medicated feed regulations * Information transfer * Livestock information * Animal ID * Vaccination * Baseline information

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