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A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More A math education program summary for Pierce Math Jam 2009. by Olympia LePoint, M.S., Pierce College Math Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More A math education program summary for Pierce Math Jam 2009. by Olympia LePoint, M.S., Pierce College Math Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More A math education program summary for Pierce Math Jam 2009. by Olympia LePoint, M.S., Pierce College Math Instructor

2 Agenda & Objective A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More Agenda Math Jam Program Overview Attendees Participant Statistics Participant Feedback Pierce Math Jam Objective: To prepare students to understand math laws, deal with conflicting educational situations, and to master their own unique thinking style for future math educational success. Note: A special partnership between Ace Math 1-2-3 ® and Pierce College Math Department was created for Pierce Math Jam students & community members. Pierce Math Department was given the consent to use Ace Math 1-2-3 ® information for the 2008 & 2009 Math Jams. All rights are reserved by OL CONSULTING.

3 A A ce Math 1-2-3 ® System Teach Math as A Language Teach Math as A Language Identify & Eliminate Math Phobias Identify & Eliminate Math Phobias Make Math Real Through Public Speaking Make Math Real Through Public Speaking STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Fear of Math “Failure” “Failure” Fear of Math “Under- Math “Under-Achievement” Fear of Math “Under- Math “Under-Achievement” Fear of Physical & Math Learning Disabilities Fear of Physical & Math Learning Disabilities Fear of “Math Control” Fear of “Math Control” A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Eliminates The ‘ Mathaphobia’ Blocks A ce Math 1-2-3 ® System & Discoveries © OL Consulting, All rights reserved.

4 Teach Math Communication as A Language Teach Math Communication as A Language Identify & Eliminate Math Phobias Identify & Eliminate Math Phobias Core Math steps are translated into English. Real-life math applications ignite student interest. Make Math Real Through Public Speaking Make Math Real Through Public Speaking Assessments are given to understand the student’s thinking styles. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 WORKSHOPS KeyNote Speech: math in tHe “real World’’ Students are ignited when Space Shuttle rocket engine & mission control room stories are shared. Capitalizing on Your Own Thinking POWER Students learn effective ways to study math using their own psychological thinking patterns. Educators acquire ACE Math 1-2-3™ & Myers-Briggs® communication techniques for teaching diverse student populations. ACE Math 1-2-3™ math PHOBIA ELIMINATION Students take The ACE Math 1-2-3™ Assessments to identify and eliminate up to 4 possible math phobias. Educators gain The ACE Math 1-2-3™ 12-Step Math Phobia Elimination Teaching Method for high class scores. KNOW THE MATH FUNDAMENTALS Basic math mistakes are exposed and explained for heightened math comprehension. Every question is welcomed from Algebra I & II, Geometry, Statistics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, plus graduate math topics. HOW TO BE THE “Professional Student” Students learn to communicate math in English terms. Students learn to ask targeted questions, boosting their math confidence. TEAM-BUILDING AND SOLUTION SESSION for EDUCATORS Educators benefit from team-building sessions designed to creatively invigorate math learning. TEAM-BUILDING AND SOLUTION SESSION for EDUCATORS Educators benefit from team-building sessions designed to creatively invigorate math learning. Four sessions are designed for students and educators: A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More © OL Consulting. All rights reserved. Classes offered to Pierce Math Jam are in yellow.

5 Day 1: Math In The Real World: The Importance of Math & Math Success. Math 112, 115, 125 Assessment Math Phobia Self Assessment Knowing The Math Fundamentals: Common Student Mistakes in Math –For Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Day 2: The12-Step Math Phobia Elimination Plan: Techniques for Students to eliminate Math Phobia –Taught for Math 112, 115, 125 class members Capitalizing on your own thinking power informational Knowing The Math Fundamentals: Common Student Mistakes in Math – for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Day 1: Math In The Real World: The Importance of Math & Math Success. Math 112, 115, 125 Assessment Math Phobia Self Assessment Knowing The Math Fundamentals: Common Student Mistakes in Math –For Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Day 2: The12-Step Math Phobia Elimination Plan: Techniques for Students to eliminate Math Phobia –Taught for Math 112, 115, 125 class members Capitalizing on your own thinking power informational Knowing The Math Fundamentals: Common Student Mistakes in Math – for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More Program Schedule August 26 - 27, 2009; 9am – 12 pm

6 Attendees / Stats A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More Pierce Math Jam Participants: 21 members attended on Day 1. 3 Parents 5 Returning Adult Students (after 10yrs+) 24 members attended on Day 2. 3 Parents 5 Returning Adult Students (after 10yrs+) Pierce Math Jam Participants: 21 members attended on Day 1. 3 Parents 5 Returning Adult Students (after 10yrs+) 24 members attended on Day 2. 3 Parents 5 Returning Adult Students (after 10yrs+) 551212 33 4 4 Statistics What math class are you going into? 7 - Math 112 (Pre-Algebra) 10 - Math 115 (Algebra) 5 - Math 125 (Pre-Algebra) 2 - Above Math 125 Note: Totals exceed 21. Some members attended only one day. Question: Which “Mathaphobia” do you have? 5 - Fear of Math Failure 12 - Fear of Under Achievement 3 - Fear of Math Learning Disability 4 - Fear of Math Control

7 Comments for Pierce Math Jam A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More What aspects did you enjoy most about the Math Jam? Steady pace of instruction through the Teaching of math foundations – by Carmic Estridge The Self-Assessment Math Phobia Tests – by Jorge Tamacas Ms. LePoint, She is a fully patient and easy to understand and helpful instructor. -- by Jason Ayala Martinez “I feel that I will do much better in math course now.” by Caren Lukens Participant Suggestions: Ace Math 1-2-3 workshops should be brought for 4 days and should also be brought to the PACE students since many are coming back to school. I am a PACE student and want to learn at this workshop. This class will help me do better in math classes. -- By Carmina Napoles

8 Comments for Pierce Math Jam A ce Math 1-2-3 ® Fear Math No More Participant Suggestions (Continued): “I think that the Math Jam should be longer and split up for Math 112 & Math 115 classes; and a separate class for Math 125. Even though I am going into Math 112, I felt the more advanced students did not get as much. I also think that Math Jam sessions throughout the semester would be helpful.” -- by Amy Camp “None. Everything was great.” -- by Jason Ayala “A 4-Day math jam is needed” -- by Jennifer Morrow “Keep on offering this class to future and continuing students.” -– by Bradley Koster “I enjoyed the Mathaphobia lectures. I enjoyed it alot.” – by Divina Estel A. Solomon. “This program really needs to be provided to community parents who also want to help their kids overcome math fear.” – by Carmic Estridge

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