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Math Test-Taking Strategies Preparing for the NYS Math 7 Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Test-Taking Strategies Preparing for the NYS Math 7 Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Test-Taking Strategies Preparing for the NYS Math 7 Assessment

2 Who? All 7 th graders in NYS What? 62 Multiple Choice Questions 9 Short-Answer and Extended Response Problems Where? When? In homerooms on Wednesday, April 25 th through Friday, April 27 th, 2012.

3 WHY??? You will show how well you are able to 1) read a question and know what it is asking. 2) read, interpret, and use math signs, symbols, and words. 3) read and interpret graphs and tables. 4) choose and use the correct math procedures. 5) follow and apply math formulas and rules.

4  Read carefully.  Follow all the directions.  Show all your work.  Use your time wisely.  Answer all the questions. (Even if you must guess!!)  Check over your work and answers before the time ends. HOW???

5 The Two-Pass System a) On the first pass, do problems that are easy for you. Circle the harder problem numbers, fold the corner of their pages so you can find them easily. b) After the easiest problems are done, go back to the problems you skipped. Leave no problems blank!! c) Don’t rush OR spend too much time on any one question.

6  READ the entire problem.  CIRCLE what you are asked to find in the problem.  UNDERLINE the information you will use to solve it.  ORGANIZE the underlined information by using it to write an equation or to draw a picture.  SOLVE the problem.  CIRCLE your answer. For EVERY Problem:

7 Process of Elimination After you have read the question and as you do the problem, cross out answers that do not make sense. Multiple-Choice Problems

8 Practice Problem #1 Andrew has completed 7 / 8 of his homework. About what percent has he completed? a) 7.8% b) 56% c) 88% d) 7800% Which answers don’t make sense? Why?

9 Practice Problem #1 Hint: Seven-eighths is almost one whole. Which percent makes the most sense? a) 7.8% b) 56% c) 88% d) 7800% Which answers don’t make sense? Why?

10 Estimation After you have read the question and as you do the problem, cross out answers that do not make sense. Multiple-Choice Problems

11 Practice Problem #2 Tara orders two cheese pizzas ($10.25 each) and two Supreme pizzas ($14.75 each). The tax is $3.36 and there is also a $5 delivery charge. What is the total cost of her order? a) $33.36 b) $58.36 c) $66.72 d) $25.00 Estimate. Cross out the choices that are not close to your estimate.

12 Practice Problem #2 2 cheese pizzas, about $10 each = $20 2 Supreme pizzas, about $15 each = $30 Tax is about $3 Delivery charge is $5. Approximate total cost of her order? a) $33.36 b) $58.36 c) $66.72 d) $25.00

13 Draw a Diagram Sketch a picture of the information in the problem. Label it with the information given. Problem-Solving Strategy

14 Practice Problem #3 Find the width of an envelope if its length is 6.5 inches and its perimeter is 21 inches. Sketch a picture of an envelope. Label the lengths of the sides and, in the center, write P = 21.

15 Practice Problem #3 P = 21 in. 6.5 in w w Calculator steps: 21 – 6.5 – 6.5 = Answer / 2 = width

16 Work Backwards If you know the answer and have to find out a fact needed to get that answer, then work backwards. Starting at the END of the problem, do the opposite of each problem step. Problem-Solving Strategy

17 Practice Problem #4 Pete is thinking of a number. If he multiplies by 3 and adds 32, then the result is 122. What is Pete’s original number? Start with 122 and do the opposite of each problem step, in reverse order.

18 Practice Problem #4 Start with 122. Subtract 32. Divide by 3. What is Pete’s original number?

19 Break it Down If a problem has more than one step, then break it down into smaller pieces and do one part at a time. Problem-Solving Strategy

20 Practice Problem #5 A kite company tests 10 different kites every workday, Mon. through Fri. On each Sat. and Sun. it invites the public to come and fly 25 different kites. If no kite is used twice, then how many kites are used each quarter (12 wks)? This problem can be broken down into three parts….

21 Practice Problem #5 a) 5 days, 10 kites per day = total (a) b) 2 days, 25 kites per day = total (b) c) Totals (a) + (b) per week, 12 weeks = total kites per quarter

22 Calculators  No calculators may be used for multiple choice (Wednesday and Thursday).  A calculator will be given to you to use for the short-answer and extended response questions (Friday). REMEMBER – If you touch the calculator, then you must write down which buttons you pushed to show your work!! See Practice Problem #3...

23 Conquer Test Anxiety  Know that you are prepared – make sure you have done the practice problems and reviewed strategies.  If you start to feel anxious  Close your eyes  Take several deep breaths  Visualize your teacher teaching the topic. What did you see, hear, and do?  Plan to use all the time – finishing first seldom means finishing best! If you do finish early, go back to re-read problems and double-check calculations.

24 A 30-second break about every 10 minutes will help you relieve tension and focus better !!! neck arms shoulders fingers

25 Success Is…  Believing in yourself!! Remember that this test measures how well you read, follow directions, and communicate what you know. It is not a measure of your overall intelligence.  Writing it out, when in doubt. If you feel stuck, start jotting down whatever you remember about that type of question. It is harder to get a zero on a question than you might think if you TRY every problem in writing.

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