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NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network As representatives of statewide middle level education, our purpose is to advocate for middle level needs, inform SED.

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Presentation on theme: "NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network As representatives of statewide middle level education, our purpose is to advocate for middle level needs, inform SED."— Presentation transcript:

1 NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network As representatives of statewide middle level education, our purpose is to advocate for middle level needs, inform SED about ML issues, and collaborate with SED on matters that impact Middle Level Education.

2 NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network Report from the Spring 2011 Meeting of the NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

3 Common Core Learning Standards CCLS, not CCSS anymore NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

4 CCLS 2010-2011: Getting to know the NYS P-12 CCLS

5 CCLS Expectations still based on 2005 Become familiar with the CCLS If ready, gap analysis and plan for realignment

6 CCLS 2011-2012: Understanding the NYS P-12 CCLS and making instructional shifts

7 CCLS Expectations still based on the 2005 Through NT and local work, training and resources for the NYS P-12 CCLS delivered Align local curriculum Plan instructional shifts in the classroom Parts of Curriculum Models in spring

8 CCLS 2012-2013: NYS P-12 CCLS for English Language Arts & Literacy and NYS P-12 CCLS for Mathematics: Part of Classroom Instruction

9 CCLS Expectations are based CCLS Curricula and instruction now aligned P-12 Curriculum Models will be made available; Districts will determine, based on review of these materials and an analysis of their current programs, whether they will choose to use these models in 2013-2014.

10 CCLS 2013-2014: NYS P-12 English Language Arts & Literacy and NYS P-12 Mathematics Curriculum and Instructional Services

11 CCLS Expectations are based on CCLS All instruction aligned Curriculum Models will be available for classroom use.

12 CCLS 2013-2014: PARCC it


14 Graduation Still considering: More credits (math, science, College/Career) Higher test scores Flexibility (including M-L)

15 Accountability Already Impacting us: Elimination of the 34 points Time adjusted 3-8 cuts Equating between years Graduation goals/targets

16 Accountability Add to that College readiness alignment: –Grade 8, then –Grades 3-7

17 Accountability New AMOS Reset to lower starting point Still need to get to 200 by 2013-2014

18 Accountability And some more: One day rule for HS Un-graded students Incarcerated youth

19 Accountability HS changes (all & groups) 4yr cohort rate 4yr cohort progress 5yr cohort rate 5yr cohort progress

20 Network Teams For 2011-2012 1.Providing training on implementation of the Common Core Standards for ELA and math; 2.Providing training on implementation of new performance evaluations for teachers and principals in ELA and math; and 3.Providing training for School-Based Inquiry Teams

21 Assessment Being considered: Science and Social Studies 6-8 ELA 9 & 10 NEXT YEAR??? Splitting or changing Socials Studies 9 & 10 9 th Grade Arts (maybe voluntary?) Economics Multi-media/computer technology

22 Essential Elements: Schools-to-Watch Jericho Middle School is one of the middle-level schools that has been recognized Strengths of their program: –Student Team Advisor –Standards Based Grading –Social/Emotional Literacy Program Read moremore NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

23 Accountability The new accountability statuses were released by the state. They used the pervious cut points to determine accountability levels. If they used the new points, only 28% of schools would have met AYP! To avoid this there are three options: –Significantly increase student achievement –Reset the AMOs –Employ a growth model A growth model for school accountability is under development. NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

24 APPR and 3012-c The Regents Task Force is working on draft regulations that are due to the Commissioner in March. These are the four “types” of situations they are working through: –Teachers of Grades 4-8 ELA and math (two points of information) –Teachers who have one state assessment (they are looking to see if different exams in different subject can work) –Teachers below grade 4 –Teachers with no state assessment NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

25 Mobile Learning Devices… in school Watkins Glen School District gives smart phones to all 5 th and 7 th graders (8 th and 9 th graders now, too, except it is a netbook) Everything the teachers use in school is accessible to the students Toolbox pro is the software interface package; features include wikis, blogs, storage, polling, test & quizzes, podcasting, and more. NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

26 Best Practices The NYS Middle School Association is continuing to collect best practices in middle level education. More, however, are needed. A hard copy of the practices is in the works, as well as an electronic format. “No school has it all figured out, but almost all schools have something figured out.” Let’s collect these practices. NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

27 Best Practices It is not the intention to jury submissions, but rather to collect and share ideas. A new automated process has been developed to expedite the collection of best practices. Simply visit the form to submit.visit the form NYS Middle Level Liaisons Network

28 As representatives of statewide middle level education, our purpose is to advocate for middle level needs, inform SED about ML issues, and collaborate with SED on matters that impact Middle Level Education.

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