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Extension of the implementation area for Galileo/GMES-based services Dr. Nikolay Kiryukhin, Academy of technological sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, December.

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Presentation on theme: "Extension of the implementation area for Galileo/GMES-based services Dr. Nikolay Kiryukhin, Academy of technological sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extension of the implementation area for Galileo/GMES-based services Dr. Nikolay Kiryukhin, Academy of technological sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, December 2, 2011

2 Structural funds as the source for deeper cooperation between Ukraine and EU General requirements from EC: 1. Decreasing the gap between FP7 and Structural funds 2. Smart specialization for regional innovations. Mr. Landabaso (DG Regional Policy): Spain got huge investment from EC in 90 th. It was created really modern infrastructure by use these means (motorways; railways; etc.). But in spite of made modernization Spain has near 20% level of unemployment today. 3. Extra hardware and human resources for lighter implementation of Galileo/GMES services in new MS 4. Legal procedure for EC funding of Ukrainians inside EU (as legal entities: JV or subsidiaries)

3 Why Poland and Silesia? Poland already got and will get significant part from EC Structural funds It was planned 250 large (> Euro 50M) projects for 2007 – 2013 (25% of EC total number) Developed industry and agriculture in Silesia Well-developed infrastructure for innovations (almost 50% of industrial parks are placed in Silesia) Enlargement project to the neighbor region (Krakow)

4 Proposed scheme for cooperation New GMES/Galileo services ESA, DLR, CNES, … Silesia, Poland Ukraine (region + SSAU) New markets with extra funding Resources for light implementation Experience in high tech implementation

5 Beneficiaries and their potential interests State space agency of Ukraine (SSAU): external support of high tech space companies Regional government of Silesia, Poland: implemented innovative products; new jobs Regional government of Kharkov, Ukraine: EU market opening for the local high-tech products; increasing revenue from export-oriented products Polish&Ukrainian federal governments: spread experience to other region EC (A): methodology for high-tech implementation in new MS EC (B): experience for cooperation in the area of innovations with Eastern partnership countries European (ESA); German (DLR); French (CNES) and other MS space agencies: extension of space technologies use in the new regions

6 Project stages Stage 1: Beneficiary networking Funding: ???? Stage 2A: Creation of network from the players Funding: Structural funds Stage 2B: European business style promotion for Ukrainian entrepreneurs Funding: Eastern partnership (grant) Stage 3: Implementation of the services based on Galileo/GMES in Silesia Funding: Structural funds for implementation; FP7 and national programs for technology development Stage 4: Implementation of the services based on Galileo/GMES in Ukraine Funding: Eastern partnership (loan)

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