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Intro to Computer Algorithms Lecture 1 Phillip G. Bradford Computer Science University of Alabama.

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1 Intro to Computer Algorithms Lecture 1 Phillip G. Bradford Computer Science University of Alabama

2 Announcements ACM initial meeting of the year. Thursday, August 28th, 5:00pm in East Eng. 119 Industrial Colloquium Series Tuesday, September 2nd, 5:00pm in EE 119 Herschel Chandler presents: “Being an Independent Computer Consultant”

3 General Lecture Format Some power-point slides Some white-board writing Details are very important Lots of Interaction a good thing

4 Lecture Outline Syllabus Learning Grading Your Expectations My Expectations Material: High Level Overview Motivation Foundations, History and Perspective Applications of Algorithms & the Future

5 Lecture Outline The book by A. Levitin Design paradigms approach Nice way to think about design & analysis Classifications of challenges on how they are solved Commonalities are the solutions Let’s get started Chapter 1.1 to 1.3

6 My Expectations Exercise gives strength This is an exercise course Excellent Students give excellent results Given some work What are your expectations? Survey

7 Motivation How hard is it to solve Computer Challenges? Deep Question…heavy ramifications Optimization Applications Networks Financial Models, business issues, etc. Real-Time Applications Airplanes, trains, missiles Sensors, medical applications, etc.

8 Motivation Foundational questions Sorting & searching Exhaustive Search Apparent hardness of old and new challenges Cuts across engineering and other math & science disciplines

9 Algorithms What is an algorithm? Unambiguous list of instructions that solve a challenge Gives the right answer on legitimate input What about algorithms that use randomness? Designed with randomness in mind Really, pseudo-random numbers

10 Algorithms: what to do… Page 10, Figure 1.2 Understand the challenge! Design an algorithm Easy sub cases first, perhaps Prove correctness Analyze the algorithm Check & improve design if analysis warrants Iterate, iterate, …

11 Euclid’s Algorithm The challenge Greatest-common divisors GCD(12,6) = 6 GCD(17,16) = 1 GCD(20,15) = 5 Euclid’s method GCD(m,0) = m GCD(m,n) = GCD(n, m mod n)

12 Euclid’s Algorithm, cont. Book example: GCD(60,24) = GCD(24,12) = GCD(12,0) = 12 Euclid(m,n) While(n != 0) { r  m mod n; m  n; n  r; } Return m;

13 Euclid’s Algorithm Correctness? Halts? Prime-Factor approach How? Which is better?? Relative costs?

14 Sieve of Eratosthenes Challenge: given an integer n, find all primes <= n. Example: n = 18, then output: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17 Elimination of prime candidates by potential factors Claim: the largest potential factor: floor(sqroot(n))

15 Types of Problems Sorting, Searching Stable Sorts String Processing Graph problems Combinatorial problems TSP Geometric Problems Numerical Problems

16 Homework set Due Tuesday Page 8, #5, #6 Page 17, #1 Page 18, #3, #8

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