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Access through BlackBoard Phone: 309-438-2165 Office hours- by appointment, After Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Access through BlackBoard Phone: 309-438-2165 Office hours- by appointment, After Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access through BlackBoard Phone: 309-438-2165 Office hours- by appointment, After Class

2  If you were going to design a school and curriclum for all children that would prevent behavior problems before they would happen, and support students with all levels of needs, what would it look like? Discuss this with your group and draw a creative representation of your school (e.g., what kind of instruction, who would receive it, any special kind of assessment tools, how would you monitor outcomes for the whole school and for individuals)?

3 Quality of Life

4 ?

5  Reflect on your life and the choices you made.  Discuss in your group what the ability to make choices meant to you, how did you feel if your choices were restricted?

6 Trasformation of the quality of life of a chid or adolecent through effective instructional support Applied principles of instruction Scientist In the Classroom Specialized Support and Systems Application Instructional Application

7 1). Understand principles of applied behavioral analysis and positive behavior support can be used to improve students’ quality of life 2). Understand how to evaluate instruction and expand your knowledge of data collection (focus is on application) 3). Understand how to be systematic when teaching students 4). Understand principles of reinforcement/ behaviorist learning principles and how to apply them 5). Understand prompting strategies and how to apply them systematically 6). Be familiar with some evidence-based interventions for instruction 7). Be familiar with functional assessment and PBS planning 8). Be familiar with wraparound supports and issues with families 9). Understand the impact of cultural diversity on behavior and the issues it prevents in providing positive behavioral supports

8  BE PREPARED means having all assignments read/ completed before class begins.  BE ENGAGED means that you READ assigned material critically and also have STUDIED it prior to class then use your best knowledge to actively contribute in a meaningful way during class.  BE ON-TASK means that you are engaged in conversations activities that are not related to class content (Non examples of on-task behavior are: Cell phone conversations, text messages, private signing, talking about practicum when it is not relevant, talking about last nights TV program, failure to read homework, failure to read assignments more that once).  BE SUPPORTIVE means that you will collaborate professionally with your peers and the instructor. It is an assumption of the classroom that no one individual has the truth and we are all here to learn from each other.



11  Causal and deterministic model of behavior  Positive Reinforcement  Negative Reinforcement  Punishment  Modeling (Also Social Learning)  Shaping  Stimulus Control

12  Goal- reduction or elimination of problem behavior  Focus on problem behavior  Generic intervention for all problem behavior  Intervention is reactive  Quick fix  Goal- enhance lifestyle and improve quality of life  Focus on arranging the environment and teaching new skills  Intervention matched to purpose/function of the behavior  Intervention is proactive- prevention  Long-term outcomes

13 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity For Example: Student Study Team Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures For example: Individual Intervention Plan Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response For example: After school tutoring program Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response For example: Group Social Skills Instruction Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive For Example: Academic instruction Through the math curriculum Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive For Example: Core values Instruction: Instruction in Schoolwide Expectations Academic Systems Social Systems

14  Number One Rule: Don’t Panic!  Number Two Rule: Do Communicate!  Read the Syllabus Carefully and Write down your reactions and questions

15  Mid-Term  Evidence-based Intervention/Lesson Plan  Applied Project 1&2  Homework  Reading Summaries  TKSS Self-Evaluation  Final Exam?

16  Reading Summaries must consists of a visual organizer of the major points (what you learned) of the chapter/readings with well developed paragraph below  4-5 or major concepts/ terminology from the chapter/reading  Post on Blackboard  Post question on Blackbord  Do not post as an attachment unless with the expectation of the visual organizer.

17  S & H Chapter 1 & 2  Read S&H Chapter 4  Review Chapter 2 A&T, no reading summary

18  Class Attendance: Students must have an average 94% attendance rate across all students  Check for Understanding Average & Quiz Average: Students must have a 80% average test score across all students  Reading Summaries: 95% turned in on time and of acceptable quality  Participation: 98% of students must participate on average as measured by “participation sticks”


20  Discrete behaviors  Duration Recording  Event Recording  Interval Recording  Time Sampling  Latency Recording  Frequency  Rate  Topography

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