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Alfred Alder (1870-1937) Dreams important in understanding human personality Rejected idea that dreams only about sexuality (Freud)… unlike Freud, Alder.

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Presentation on theme: "Alfred Alder (1870-1937) Dreams important in understanding human personality Rejected idea that dreams only about sexuality (Freud)… unlike Freud, Alder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alfred Alder (1870-1937) Dreams important in understanding human personality Rejected idea that dreams only about sexuality (Freud)… unlike Freud, Alder believed that humans motivated by all kinds of power, not just sexual “inferiority complex”- people feel inferior at times, especially children. They try to compensate by seeking experience of power (ex. Promotion, biggest house, fastest car) Developed a system of therapy, individual psychology- guided people’s goals and values

2 Carl Jung (1875-1961) Analytical psychology Interested in how personality develops Each person is unique Personal unconscious and collective unconscious (contains memories from our ancestors Developed a system to define personality (introverts/extroverts) Introvert- some people use the psychological “power” inward into themselves, they are often emotionally self sufficient and do not need many personal relationships to give them reassurance and confidence Extrovert- use power to draw people closer to others, outgoing and more comfortable in large group of people Psychological Functions: Sensation (experience of the physical world) Intuition (deeper perception of inner meaning) Thinking (evaluation of fact, intellect) Feeling (emotional, based on our ideas of likes and dislikes)

3 Jean Piaget (1896-1960) Interested in and influenced childhood development theories Believed that differences in child’s capacity to reason and learn could be measured Chronological, you can’t skip stages (30% of 30 year olds do not reach last stage) 4 stages of Learning Sensory motor (0-2: touch) Preoperational (begins to understand symbols) Concrete operational (logical- water in cups) Formal Operational (reason- other persons point of view)

4 Erik Erikson (1902-1994) Interested in human development People suffer from identity crises (each individual must resolve conflict between wants and needs) Developed a theory of 8 stages of development To pass onto the next stage of life in a positive way, the conflict within each stage needs to be resolved positively ( Ex Teens: Identity Vs. Role confusion… to be a successful adult important to know who you are and what you stand for) Focused on individual and the way he or she relates to society as a whole

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