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1 Solar array for portable electronic equipment technology Conference From science to business 11-12 October 2006 Kyiv Anatoliy Makarov Telephone: +380.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Solar array for portable electronic equipment technology Conference From science to business 11-12 October 2006 Kyiv Anatoliy Makarov Telephone: +380."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Solar array for portable electronic equipment technology Conference From science to business 11-12 October 2006 Kyiv Anatoliy Makarov Telephone: +380 044 525 1866 E-mail: Special Desing and Tecnological Bureau with Pilot Production of V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv

2 2 Talk outline 1.What is needed in the market? 2.Brief design and technology description. 3.Stage of development. 4.Who needs it & how many will they need? 5.What is our design and technology advantage? 6.Competitive matrix. 7.How will we beat the competition? 8.Opportunity for joint work.

3 3 Proprietary information statement The technology material presented in this talk is available for licensing or joint product development. None of the slides contain any confidential or proprietary information which would prevent patenting the technology.

4 4 Problem Description & Market Need In last 5-10 years we are the witnesses and participants of revolution in the fields of information systems, digital electronics, communication and power engineering. As a result of it is appearance of hundreds of millions independent portable (pocket) electronic equipment in mass usage of the ordinary people. Such equipment are portable computers, audio - players, radio, photo- and video- cameras, satellite navigators and telephones, multifunctional cellular (mobile) telephones, medical equipment and others.

5 5 Problem Description & Market Need Independent power supply of this equipment in most cases is provided by portable batteries, which require periodic recharging. Batteries can be charged by traditional charger which use centralized electric power greed or car electric power system. Very often millions people (in business trip, vacation travel, military action) have need in charging battery of cellular or satellite telephone or computer, in situation when there are no traditional charger. In this case it is necessary have another, alternative electric power supply. Such source of electricity can be solar array (SA). Using of ordinary SA with large sizes for charging batteries of pocket electronic equipment are not comfortable.

6 6 We propose New design and technology of folding solar array for portable electronic equipment Fig. 1. Folding solar array for mobile phones SBMT-S-8.0-0.23 (experimental samples).

7 7 Brief design description Transport position Operation position Solar light Flexible cable Intermediate position during folding Submodule

8 8 Brief technology description The principle of generation of electrical energy by solar arrays is based on photovoltaic effect in semiconductor structures with p-n- junction. The monocrystalline silicon as material for solar cells is used. It allows have high efficiency of photoconversion and the large service life. The hermetic sealing is carried out with use of technology of hot lamination in vacuum. In a Fig. 1 the photo of vacuum laminator VL540/290 which was developed and made in our company was used for manufacturing experimental samples of solar arrays is represented. Fig. 1. Vacuum laminator VL540/290.

9 9 Advantages Folding construction: large sizes in operation position and small sizes in a transport position. High reliability: high resistance to negative climatic and transport factors, large operate resource. High-efficiency: possibility to use high- efficiency crystalline solar cells.

10 10 Experimental results Specifications of solar array SBMT-S-8.0-0.23. Open-circuit voltage* - 8,0 V Dimensions, in operation position - 75,0х270,0х3,8 mm Сharging current* - 0,23 A in transport position - 75,0х55,0х15,0 mm Weight - 0.096 g *АМ ( 1,5 ), 1000 Wp/м2, 25±2 оС.

11 11 Stage of development Experimental samples are made. Laboratory test arе carried out. Laboratory technology are create (on the base of developed and made in our company technological equipment ). In a Fig. 2 the photo of experimental sample of solar array for mobile phones SBMT-S-8.0-0.23, which can be used and for other portable equipment is represented. Fig. 2. Folding solar array for mobile phones SBMT-S-8.0-0.23 (experimental sample).

12 12 Targeted Market Segment Portable solar arrays can be used in such areas of application: Communication. Computer equipment. Military equipment. Photo-, video- audio- equipment. Tourism and everyday life. In one word anywhere where it is necessary to have electric energy but stationary electrical grid is absent. The potential buyers our SA can be part of the users of any portable equipment, which sometimes get in a situation when there is no an available usual source electricity for charging battery of their portable (pocket) electronic equipment. As number of portable equipment owners is very great (hundreds of millions), the market of our SA is very great too (tens of millions). Well known problems of ecological and raw crises give the basis to consider, that the market our special SA for the portable electronic equipment will be constant extend.

13 13 Competition solar charger & mobile computing company. Solar Energy Allians. Other companys producer solar arrays for portable electronic equipment. We will beat our competition by more high resistance our SA to negative climatic and transport factors, high reliability and large operate resource.

14 14 Competitive Matrix

15 15 Opportunities We am seeking potential partners and licensees for further research and developmentin the field of solar power engineering. In our estimation cost of project for development of new tipe of solar arreys or solar micro-power plant for modern portable (pocket) electronic equipment is 70-90 thousands american dollars. Necessary time for project execution is 1-2 years.

16 16 Contact information Anatoliy Makarov Telephone: +380 044 525 1866 E-mail: Special Desing and Tecnological Bureau with Pilot Production of V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv

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