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Lecture 2 Fundamental Data Types. Variable Declaration.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 2 Fundamental Data Types. Variable Declaration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 2 Fundamental Data Types

2 Variable Declaration

3 Rules for Identifiers

4 Numeric Types

5 All Numeric Types have Finite Ranges 011111100000000101111111011111111000000000000001 value is 128 but the leading 1 indicates negative value value is 127

6 Floating Point Values are Approximate

7 Numeric Operators

8 Integer Division and Remainder

9 Increment and Decrement Operators Notice: In this course, we will NOT be using increment and decrement operators in regular assignment statements. (More on this later.)

10 Assignment Statements

11 When is "=" not Equal to "Equals"? In Java (and most other programming languages) the symbol = means assignment. X = X + 1 "X is assigned the value X + 1 X = X + 1 ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit ADD LOAD STORE

12 Augmented Assignment Operators

13 Declaring Constants

14 Mathematical Expressions

15 Ingredients 1 stick butter 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour Directions Mix the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg, then vanilla and salt. Mix slowly while gradually adding the flour. Do not overmix. Shape into a 1-inch-thick disk, refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Heat oven to 350° F. Roll the dough ¼ inch thick, and cut the dough into shapes. Place 1 inch apart on prepared baking sheets, sprinkle with sugar. Bake until the edges just begin to brown, 12 to 15 minutes. Transfer to cooling racks. Sugar Cookie Recipe

16 Circle Area Algorithm Computer Algorithms can be simpler than a recipe for sugar cookies. ;-)

17 from Algorithm to Computer Program

18 Completed Program comments are ignored by the computer

19 Completed Program

20 Getting Input from the User We can use the Scanner software package provided as part of java.util to get information typed on the keyboard. Some of the methods provided in Scanner are:

21 User Input

22 Interactive Version of Circle Area Calculator

23 Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

24 Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds Get total seconds from user. Calculate number of whole minutes. Calculate number of remaining seconds. Display results.

25 Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds

26 Numeric Type Conversions Java performs automatic type conversion in mathematical expressions. For example, when an integer and a floating-point value are multiplied, the integer is promoted to a floating-point value. We can override the default type conversions by specifying the type of each parameter.

27 9 2+ i 3 25 Oh great! Here come your friends, the odd couple. For starters, they're a couple of squares. Why can't you keep it real? I can't imagine why you don't like them. As usual, you're being irrational. Why do you insist on running on forever? Conflicting Data Types

28 ShowCurrentTime

29 Using Type Casting So why would we want to multiply and then divide by 100? 197.55 x 0.06 = 11.853

30 A Sample Problem

31 An Implemention

32 Character Data Types and Operations

33 Unicode and ASCII Code no parent

34 Samples of Unicode

35 Escape Sequences for Special Characters

36 Format Specifiers

37 String Operations

38 Types of Programming Errors syntax errors - This type of error prevents the compilation of the program into an executable binary or into bytecode. runtime errors - This type of error prevents a running program from completing its normal execution. logic errors - With this type of error a program can complete its execution normally but the results obtained will be incorrect. easiest type of error to detect relatively simple to correct can be data dependent don't always occur (consider the divide-by-zero error) most difficult to detect (especially when they are intermittant) amenable to unit testing and other SW engineering methods can never be completely eliminated in large programs

39 using Input and Message Dialogs

40 The Math Library of Methods

41 Algorithms are like Recipes The Input-Process-Output Design Pattern Comments help make code understandible All Numeric Data Types have finite ranges Values can be converted from one data type to another Floats and Doubles approximate Real Numbers java.util Scanner methods support user input Understanding Assignment Operators Increment and Decrement Operators Introducing Unicode and ASCII Code Escape Sequences Programming Errors Input and Message Dialogs Chapter 2 Summary

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