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1 Preparatory Discussions on Promoting Sustainable Ship Recycling through the Global Programme Ingrid Christensen Officer-in-Charge/Sr. Specialist on OSH.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Preparatory Discussions on Promoting Sustainable Ship Recycling through the Global Programme Ingrid Christensen Officer-in-Charge/Sr. Specialist on OSH."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Preparatory Discussions on Promoting Sustainable Ship Recycling through the Global Programme Ingrid Christensen Officer-in-Charge/Sr. Specialist on OSH ILO Dhaka/SRO-New DelhiNew Delhi Delivery of international technical assistance programmes: The practical experience

2 2 ILO and its Strategies and Objectives UN-organization – concerned with issues within the World of Work Overarching goal: Promotion of Decent Work for all Four strategic objectives –Standards and fundamental principles and right at work –Employment –Social Protection –Social Dialogue Cross-cutting themes (gender, statistics)

3 3 Technical assistance Assistance to the countries enabling them to improve or address better different aspects of Decent Work (DW) Governments, employers and workers organizations are key receivers DW Country Programmes, the framework for technical assistance - consensus Programmes, projects and activities (core budget/external budget) Upstream – downstream, often a combination

4 4 Decent Work Country Programme Bangladesh Child Labour (Urban informal economy) TVET Reform in Bangladesh SAFEREC Post-SIDR response (livelihoods) Flood-affected weavers Violence against women Specific activities for employers (competitiveness and productivity) Specific activities for workers (reaching out to informal economy) Employment, migration, OSH policy, SME, entrepreneurship development, standard promotion

5 5 Practical experience Preparatory work essential– stakeholder/beneficiary consultation – reach consensus on objectives and implementation modality – monitoring mecahnism Lead partner(s), but active involvement of other partners in activities and in oversight/advisory committee Definition of roles and responsibilities A combination of upstream and downstream activities (sustainability) Involvement of employers and workers Tangible results important

6 6 Shipbreaking in South Asia Key Interventions ILO Guidelines on Safety and Health in Shipbreaking in Asia and Turkey translated into Bangla, Hindi and Urdu National Tripartite Seminar in Alang on Safety, Health and Environment in Shipbreaking (presentation of guidelines) SAFEREC Draft training modules produced in India Limited activities in Pakistan

7 7 SAFEREC Results –baseline survey, development of training materials, training of trainers, training for 5-6000 workers and supervisors, govt. officials, establishment of training cells in active yards, study-tour to China, equipment More work needed –Framework development (national guidelines, regulatory framework), interagency cooperation, more involvement of employers and workers and promotion of social dialogue, strengthening of institutional capacity; –capacity further training, best pratices, data collection and impact assessment, strengthening of institutional capacity; –Other aspects of decent work; –Closer linkage to the environmental and shipping aspects;

8 8 SAFEREC Translation of ILO Guidelines on Safety and Health into Bangla Training needs assessment (5 yards) Training manual on OSH issues Training of trainers (govt., shipyard management) Establishment of training cells in active yards (approx 24) – refresher course, PPE equipment Training for workers and supervising staff (5- 6000)

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