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Yongzheng.Liang | Juergen.Jaehnert | Telemaco.Melia | Taming Monsters.

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Presentation on theme: "Yongzheng.Liang | Juergen.Jaehnert | Telemaco.Melia | Taming Monsters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yongzheng.Liang | Juergen.Jaehnert | Paul.Christ @ Telemaco.Melia | Taming Monsters like Daidalos UML and ITU Languages in large Telecommunication projects – including Reliability aspects RUS Communication Systems ISSRE04 WITUL Workshop Rennes. November 2. 2004

2 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 2 Goals of our paper and talk Overall- Goal: to possibly improve the applicability of UML and ITU Languages in large ‘modern’ time-constrained Telecommunication projects such as Daidalos to show the present usage of UML/SDL in Daidalos to discuss Daidalos in the general and OMG context to possibly propose contributions to the OMG and ITU concerning (testability – only in the paper- and) model driven adaptability and ‘reactive reliability’ based on Reflection

3 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 3 The Daidalos Vision is a world in which … Mobile users can enjoy a diverse range of personalized services – seamlessly supported by the underlying technology and transparently provided through a pervasive interface Mobility has been fully established through open, scalable and seamless integration of a complementary range of heterogeneous network technologies Network and service operators are able to develop new business activities and provide profitable services in such an integrated mobile world

4 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 4 Daidalos Reality IST FP6 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MOBILE AND WIRELESS SYSTEMS BEYOND 3G Daidalos - Designing Advanced Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent optimised personal Services. Start 01.11.03 - Duration 24 + Duration 24 + 6 month End 31.05.06 49 Partners ~ 100 people working in parallel

5 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 5 3rdP SP WP3 Service Provisioning Platform WP2 Access Networks WP4 Pervasiveness Context Location … Access tech Signal Q … Provider … Mobility Dynamics Daidalos Overview (trivial version)

6 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 6 Daidalos Overview (confusing version)

7 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 7 Example WP 4 - Pervasive Services Enabling Platform

8 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 8 Example WP 3 - Service Provisioning Platform Service Provision Platform MMSPP A4C QoS broker Home Agent Network info broker KDC AAA in AN A4C in other domain Federation/SLA QoS Broker in other domain MMSPP server in other domain AN Network info AAA, Identity, Charging Mobility services Multimedia CallControl services QoSB QoS broker service AN QoS Broker AN MMSP Proxy/CAN Mobile Terminal Corresp. Node KDC in other domain, Key Interconnection NI UserLocation service, etc. security security services MCC MS Multimedia signaling services AR/ CR/ ER NI Mobile Terminal QoSB QoS Mgt security AAA service discovery service PBNMS CMS AN QoS Broker AR/CR/ER/ Mobile Terminal Network Info In other domain MIP MS NM NME AAA SD Service Discovery Server Federation/SLA

9 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 9 Modelling in Daidalos so far Convincing the non-convinced (ongoing) Push Telelogic Tau – license agreement, training Detailed UML/SDL modeling in Terminal Mobility Collect all type of input from all parties – ppt, visio, Rational, EA Convert the input to Tau 1st Tau integration: 1Workspace, 1project/view-element WP-organization-view functional-component-view scenario-view (“Mobile University”, “Automotive”) 2nd Tau integration: 1 Workspace 1project for all => inconsistencies become visible

10 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 10 High-level elements of the Daidalos service framework Mobility Context awareness – Pervasiveness Service discovery and composition Both operator- and user-orientation Heterogeneity both in the technology and provider domain Cope with heterogeneity in a technology independent manner

11 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 11 Daidalos standardization context: OMG – ISO/ITU OMG e.g. EDOC (Enterprise Distributed Object Computing) Joined ISO JTC 1/ITU SC 7 ITU ODP, X.9xx CORBA centric

12 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 12 Daidalos context: Adaptability – Reflection - Reliability Reflective Middleware Approach to …. Grid Middleware Reflection, Self-Awareness and Self-Healing Multi-Level Reflection for Fault Tolerant Architectures Exploiting Reflection in Mobile Computing Middleware The case for Reflective Middleware – CACM June 2002

13 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 13 Daidalos - Integrated Reliability and Adaptability Reliability Adaptability ProactiveReactive…………. Model-driven…………. Reflective structuralbehavioral …………

14 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 14 Conclusion concerning UML and ITU Languages … Address UML/ITU Languages applicability etc. in ‚real‘ projects: large, time constrained A small testing and an UML/SDL etc. converged environment with improved semantics and treatment of time could support this goal (see TTCN-3 below) Continue work of Question 17 of ITU-T SG 17 and ETSI STF 250: UML profile for Communication Systems

15 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 15 Conclusion concerning UML and ITU Languages … Evaluate Reflection both in the context of Reliability and Adaptability as possible extension of the UML MOF evaluate related effort to exploit UML action semantics to provide Reflection Compare/align(?) TTCN-3-Testsystem_to_SUT with/to UML/MOF-based Reflective Architectures

16 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 16 Thank you Thank you! Questions?

17 RUS Communication Systems WITUL 2004. November 2. 2004. 17 UML Reflections

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