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IPv6 in UMTS IPv6 in UMTS IP in UMTS Addressing Migration IPv6 over the air Mobility Support Presentation Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "IPv6 in UMTS IPv6 in UMTS IP in UMTS Addressing Migration IPv6 over the air Mobility Support Presentation Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPv6 in UMTS

2 IPv6 in UMTS IP in UMTS Addressing Migration IPv6 over the air Mobility Support Presentation Outline

3 IPv6 in UMTS 3GPP UMTS Standard Network

4 IPv6 in UMTS 19961998200020022004 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 (Millions) Fixed Mobile Internet In 1999: 100 M PC’s 275 Mobiles Mobile Internet 4 year8 year (1992-2000) GSM 150 Million new users by 2003-2004 implies 500.000/day 1980: 200 user on 1 mainframe 2000: 1 mobile + 1 PC per user 2020: 200 Embedded, wireless devices per user @ 2B humans is 400B IPv4 addresses: 4B theoretical China: 9 Million Europe: 80 Million US gov. 168 Million Growth of the Mobile Internet

5 IPv6 in UMTS Benefits of IPv6 Almost unlimited number of addresses Built in security support (IPsec) Built in mobility support (MIPv6) Efficient routing Features for simplified Network management Same level of QoS support as in IPv4 with potential improvement

6 IPv6 in UMTS Addressing of a 3GPP Network

7 IPv6 in UMTS User level addressing in a 3GPP Network Possible scenarios –Stateless Address Autoconfiguration* –Stateful Adress Autoconfiguration (DHCP client in the UE) –Stateful Address autoconfiguration (DHCP client in the GGSN) –Static Addresses in the HLR

8 IPv6 in UMTS End to end incompatibility vs connectivity layer incompatibility IPv6 domainIPv4 domain V4 backbone Edge router Translator V4 edge router / GGSN V6 UE V4 host End to end

9 IPv6 in UMTS Translation RBS GERANUTRAN Core Network GGSN SGSN RBS RNS RBS RNC Service Network Translator IPv6 Domain IPv4 Domain

10 IPv6 in UMTS IPv6 domain V4 backbone 6 to 4 edge router V6 edge router 6 to 4 relay router 3 13 241664 bits8 TLANLASLA001Interface ID RES Public Topology Site Topology Interface Identifier V4_Addr 6-to-4 tunnelling

11 IPv6 in UMTS IPv6 over the air ROHC approved by 3GPP For optimal Header Compression, changes in headers within one connection should be minimised. Limit the use of IPsec for IP signalling and other mandatory scenarios. Enable partial UDP checksum for real time applications (UDP Lite)

12 IPv6 in UMTS IPv6 mobility support (MIPv6) Home Network System A (UMTS Foreign Network) Mobile Node (MN) Correspondent Node (CN) Home Agent System B (BT/WLAN Foreign Network) HA/MAP Access Router Correspondent Node (CN) GGSN

13 IPv6 in UMTS MIPv6 …cont UTRANOtherGSM Mobile IP GPRS CN (GTP) RAN Core Network IP Network

14 IPv6 in UMTS Questions ?

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