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Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban THE PARTNERSHIP IN INITIAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban THE PARTNERSHIP IN INITIAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban THE PARTNERSHIP IN INITIAL FORMATION OF SOCIAL WORK Conception and practice of partneship in the reform of the diploma and the studies in France since 2004 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008

2 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban Reference texts and 4 domains of compétences Décret n°2004-533 of june 11th,2004 Decree of june 29 th, 2004 Circular n° 2005-249 of mai 27 th,2005 The professional intervention in social services department The social expertise(assessment) The professional communication in social work The involvement in the partnership, institutional dynamics and inter institutional

3 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban LA FORMATION INITIALE

4 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban Two elements in link with the partnership in the formation (training) The qualifying site: training course has a practice in working situation, on-site professional The domain of skill 4: centred on the involvement in the parternship, institutional and interinstitutional dynamics

5 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban What is the partnership in social work, in initial formation training? Dare a definition : Anglo-saxon origin « partner », (cf: Nouveau dictionnaire critique d’action sociale, 2006) Complexity of the situations and the problems Social action(shares) centred on the person Collective skill,ability, in the service of the user Search for the efficiency: the work in networks

6 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban EMERGENCE OF THE NOTION OF PARTNERSHIP In social action 1945 welfare system creation 1970 report Bianco Lamy,Schwartz 1980 decentralization 2002 users rights In Initial formation of social worker 1932 first diploma 1980 reform,social expertise, assement 2004 reform, partnership

7 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban The qualifying site: partnership of the formation (training) in the alternation formation A qualifying organization The actors The practical formation (training) on qualifying sites Trainers ground Learning trainee Trainers training center

8 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban Qualifying site All the professional actors: institutional, practitioners are concerned by the reception of the trainees on the ground The trainee is welcomed by a service, a collective of professionals: a referent of site coordinates, guardians accompany the learnings

9 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban Conditions of success of the partnership in the alternation The involvement of all the organizational and professional levels of the institution The appropriation of the social workers and the opening to the other socio-educational professionals The commitment of training centers in the partnership The understanding of the students-trainees of it

10 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban DC4 : implication in the partenariales dynamics Aimed skills : develop actions, shares in partnership and in network Identify the interinstitutional partners, know their culture Stimulate professionals network Decode locations, strategies of the various actors Establish relation with these actors Value his/her knowledge - make

11 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban The partnership in the social intervention The actors: users, professionals, other.. ( Cf: Crozier and Friedberg, 1977) The place, the position for the users The context of the social intervention

12 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban Brakes and obstacles The misunderstanding of the other cultures and the professional practices sometimes A professional identity very anchored, based on values and strong professional business ethics The centralized and vertical institutional organizations sometimes

13 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban What impacts on the formatives and social practices ? As regards the qualifying site: For 5 years allowed teams to formalize their project of trainee's reception, to value their formative skills The “integrative alternation” is an aim in the initial formation (training) (cf: A. GEAY) The development of learnings and transverse theoretical contributions is desirable, even indispensable

14 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban What impacts on the formatives and social practices? As regards the social practices: A development of the questioning on the collective practices encouraged and reaffirmed in the reform of the studies A check of the partnership assets in term of efficiency and mutualization of the resources ( cf: Le Boterf )

15 A-M Gutierrez / mars 2008 Master Social work & Europe Christ church university college Canterbury Univerté catholique de Lille/Institut social Lille Vauban To be continued … The network The consideration of the user as partner The partnership in the European, international mobility

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