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Spelling 3 Hello lovely students, Please number and take notes on each slide (10). The Siege Paragraph is due Monday, and I will be grading for spelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling 3 Hello lovely students, Please number and take notes on each slide (10). The Siege Paragraph is due Monday, and I will be grading for spelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling 3 Hello lovely students, Please number and take notes on each slide (10). The Siege Paragraph is due Monday, and I will be grading for spelling. I will also be checking your notes for ten slides. There are eleven with the title slide. Cheers, Ms. Stewart

2  A phrase like “My niece is nice” can help you remember to put i before e niece.  Or the more popular, i before e except after c. Of course, there are always exceptions to English grammar rules, so watch out for those.  A device like “2 m’s, 2 t’s, 2 e’s” can help you remember how to spell committee. 1. Make up mnemonic devices.

3  Use it to record the words that you have had trouble spelling. Here are some suggestions for organizing your spelling journal.  Write the word correctly.  Write the word again, underlining or circling the part of the word that gave you trouble.  Write a tip to help you remember how to spell the word. 2. Keep a spelling journal.

4  weirdweirdWeird is weird. It doesn’t follow the i before e rule.  Others? 3. Examples:

5  Knowing common spelling generalizations can help you to spell hundreds of words. Some of these generalizations are based on spelling patterns, such as the choice between ie and ei. Other generalizations deal with forming plurals, writing numbers as numerals or as words, and adding prefixes and suffixes to words. Understanding certain common word patterns can help take the guesswork out of spelling many new words. 4. Spelling Generalizations

6  When you spell words with ie or ei, i comes before e except when the letters follow c or when they stand for the long a sound. 5. Words with ie and ei

7 Examplesiebelievefield ei after cceiling receive sounds like aneighborweigh 6. IE and EI

8 Exceptions ancientefficientneitherseize consciencespeciesheightweird sufficienteitherleisureforeign 7. IE and EI

9  The generalization about ie and ei applies only when the letters occur in the same syllable and spell just one vowel sound. It does not apply when i and e appear in different syllables. be ingre imbursesci encesoci ety 8. IE and EI in Different Syllables

10  Often confused words alert! Be certain you use the word that suits your meaning!  siege-[noun] the surrounding of an area by military forces trying to stage a takeover; a steady try to get something  The rebel forces planned a siege of the capital. 9. siege and seize

11  Write a paragraph about a fictional (made-up) or nonfictional (real) siege. Answer the following questions to develop your paragraph. Sentences do not have to be in any particular order. Be creative, and dazzle me! 1.Who 2.What 3.When 4.Where 5.Why 6.How 1o. The Siege Paragraph HW due Monday! I will also be checking for 10 Spelling 3 slides.

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