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Nov.2008 Miss.TAHANI AL-SHEHRI Haemoglobin ( Hb) & anaemia.

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Presentation on theme: "Nov.2008 Miss.TAHANI AL-SHEHRI Haemoglobin ( Hb) & anaemia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nov.2008 Miss.TAHANI AL-SHEHRI Haemoglobin ( Hb) & anaemia

2 Objective To estimate the Hb concentration in the blood sample. To assess the condition of patient by such an estimation. Further experience in the use of kits.

3 Introduction and principle Haemoglobin

4 Introduction and principle Haemoglobin

5 Rate of Hb Synthesis & RBCs Formation related to Oxygen content of blood O 2 content Hb Syn Ex. Anoxia / Hypoxia Blood loss or Hemolysis Hb synthesis 6-8 folds Anaemia Hb synthesis

6 Erythropoieosis Synthesis of erythrocyte Tack place in bone marrow erythrocyte are derived from primitive nucleated cell in bone marrow by successive process of mitosis & maturation.

7 Factor required to manufacture RBC Varity of hormone Trace metals Enzymes Co enzymes Essential a.a e.g glycine Iron

8 Hb Catabolism

9 Anemia State in which the Hb conc. in blood less than the normal level. Normal level of Hb : Man 800g =14-18g/dL Woman 600g =12-16g/dL Causes of anemia : Excessive blood loss due to bleeding rate of erythrocyte destruction (hemolytic anemia ) rate of erythrocyte production

10 Classification of anemia Dyshemooietic anemia Hemolytic anemia Iron deficiency anemia Megaloblastic anemia Membrane defect Enzyme Deficiency

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