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Structures.  Skeletal system is the bony framework of the body  206 bones in an adult  Functions ◦Support of the body and shape & structure ◦Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Structures.  Skeletal system is the bony framework of the body  206 bones in an adult  Functions ◦Support of the body and shape & structure ◦Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structures

2  Skeletal system is the bony framework of the body  206 bones in an adult  Functions ◦Support of the body and shape & structure ◦Protection of the vital organs ◦Movement & anchorage of the muscles (levers for muscular action)  Tendons – attach muscle to bone  Ligaments – attach bone to bone ◦Mineral storage – calcium and phosphorus ◦Blood cell formation - hematopoiesis

3  Collagen – a chief organic constituent (protein)  Inorganic calcium salts (Vit D is essential for the absorption of minerals, i.e. calcium)

4  Cells ◦Osteoblasts-bone building, bone-repairing cells in the periosteum ◦Osteocytes-mature bone cells within the bone matrix ◦Osteoclast-causes the reabsorption of bone  Periosteum ◦A dense, fibrous membrane covering bone ◦Contains blood vessels ◦Essential for bone cell survival and bone formation

5  Grow in length at the epiphyseal line  Grow in width by the addition of bone to the surface  Controlled by the anterior pituitary (growth hormone) ◦Dwarfism-hypofunction ◦Gigantism-hyperfunction ◦Acromegaly-hyperfunction after puberty; enlarges bones of the hands, feet, and face


7  Epiphyseal plate ◦ Growth plate, found towards ends of bones  Diaphysis ◦ The long shaft, major part of the bone  Condyle ◦ A rounded, knuckle-like prominence usually at a point of articulation  Foramen ◦ Opening in bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass  Tubercles ◦ A small, rounded process

8  Bone marrow ◦Red marrow  hematopoietic tissue  Forms red blood cells, platelets, some white blood cells, destroys old RBCs and some foreign materials ◦Yellow marrow  Fat storage  Pg 39

9  Axial ◦Central bones along your center axis ◦Protects the major organs of the nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems  Appendicular ◦Appendages ◦Extremities ◦Protects the organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction


11  Skull ◦Cranium-major bones  Frontal  Parietal-Right & Left  Temporal-Right & Left  Occipital ◦Fontanelles-fusion of the cranial bones is not complete at birth so babies have a “soft spot” ◦Facial

12  Thoracic ◦Ribs ◦Sternum  Spinal column-26 bones separated by intervertebral disks to cushion ◦Cervical-7, smallest vertebrae ◦Thoracic-12, progressively increase in size ◦Lumbar-5, largest and strongest ◦Sacral-five fused bones with the pelvis ◦Coccyx-3-4 fused bones, tailbone, slightly movable to assist in childbirth


14  Sternum ◦Manubrium-top part ◦Body ◦Xiphoid process-end tip  Ribs  Shoulder girdle ◦Clavicles (2)-the collarbones ◦Scapulas (2)-the shoulder blades

15  Upper extremities ◦Humerus-upper arm ◦Radius-thumb side of forearm ◦Ulna-little finger side of forearm ◦Carpals (8)-wrist bones ◦Metacarpals (5)-hand bones ◦Phalanges (14)-finger bones

16  Pelvic Girdle ◦Os coxae (2)-contains the acetabulum (hip socket)  Ilium  Ischium  Pubis ◦Sacrum

17  Lower Extremities ◦Femur-thigh bone ◦Patella-kneecap ◦Tibia-shin bone ◦Fibula-lateral bone of the lower leg ◦Tarsals (7)-ankle bones  Talus  calcaneus ◦Metatarsals (5)-foot bones ◦Phalanges (14)-toe bones

18  Synarthrotic-immovable joints ◦ Sutures in skull ◦ Pg 39  amphiarthrotic-flexible, but not movable ◦ Symphysis pubis ◦ Pg 46  Diarthrotic-freely movable ◦ Synovial-movable joints of the body

19  Ligaments-band of fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to another  Bursa-a fibrous sac that contains synovial fluid  Synovial fluid-a lubricant to make smooth movement of the joint possible

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