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The Endocrine System Lesson 6-3. Objectives Describe the endocrine system Identify hormones and their function in the endocrine system.

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Presentation on theme: "The Endocrine System Lesson 6-3. Objectives Describe the endocrine system Identify hormones and their function in the endocrine system."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Endocrine System Lesson 6-3

2 Objectives Describe the endocrine system Identify hormones and their function in the endocrine system

3 Bell Ringer Read Exploring Psychology p. 170 Discuss adrenaline rush Also caused by epinephrine

4 The Endocrine System Sends messages to and from the brain –Called hormones Hormones produced by endocrine glands –Carried in the blood

5 Hormones Affect growth of body structures Affects metabolic processes

6 Pituitary Gland Is controlled by the hypothalamus Acts as the master gland Secretes many hormones Controls growth and reproduction

7 Thyroid Gland Produces thyroxin Too little-feel lethargic, gain weight –Called hypothyroidism Too much- lose weight, can’t sleep, overactive –hyperthyroidism

8 Adrenal Glands Active when a person is frightened or angry –Release epinephrine –Causes heart rate and breathing to increase –Generate extra energy for handling situations Also secrete cortical steroids –Helps muscles to develop

9 Sex Glands Testes- in males –Produce sperm and testosterone –Testosterone decides sex of a baby –Important for male secondary sexual characteristics

10 Sex Glands Ovaries- in females –Produce eggs and estrogen –Regulate the female reproductive cycle –Can cause hormonal changes that lead to PMS Fatigue, irritability, and depression

11 Hormones Vs. Neurotransmitters Both affect the nervous system Neurotransmitter- released right beside the cell that is to excite –Fast acting Hormone- released into the blood and spread through the body –Slow acting

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