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Anorexia nervosa. Diagnostic criteria 15% decrease in wt. Fear of gaining wt. Disturbed body image Amenorrhea.

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Presentation on theme: "Anorexia nervosa. Diagnostic criteria 15% decrease in wt. Fear of gaining wt. Disturbed body image Amenorrhea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anorexia nervosa

2 Diagnostic criteria 15% decrease in wt. Fear of gaining wt. Disturbed body image Amenorrhea

3 Anorexia nervosa more in women adolescence dieting exercise,vomiting,purgatives binge eating

4 Psychotropic drugs in pregnancy and lactation Lithium Teratogenic, 2nd trimester Can reach toxic levels by lactation Tricyclics and antipsychotics No evedence for teratogenicity Better avoid during lactation BDZ Floppy baby, withdrawal syndrome

5 Anorexia nervosa Complications emaciation,bradicardia,hypotension,hypot hermia,lanugo hair,odema,dental enamel erosion

6 Anorexia nervosa Lab findings Dehydration, anemia, lucopenia, metabolic alkalosis, liver function impairment, low sex hormones

7 Anorexia nervosa Etiology social,thinnes,ballet sp. Pathology Control Avoid maturity 15% death

8 Anorexia nervosa Management Behavioral Drugs Psychotherapy

9 Bulimia nervosa Binge eating Behaviors to compensate: exercise etc. Normal body wt. Again adolescent female

10 Bulimia nervosa Etiology Similar, wt.preoccupation Complications low K, renal damage, arrhythmia, enamel erosions Management; cognitive behavior therapy

11 Post partum psychiatric disorders maternity blues puerperal psychosis depression

12 Post partum psychiatric disorders Maternity blues 2-3 days after delivery Resolve rapidly Liability, tearfulness, irritability 1 st delivery, 3rd trimester depression, PMT

13 Post partum psychiatric disorders Puerperal psychosis 1/500 births 1 st child, previous or family history Affective, schizophrenic, organic 15-20 relapse

14 Post partum psychiatric disorders Mild to moderate depression 10-15 % 2 weeks Poor social support, Social and psychological interventions

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