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1 Comprehensive Strategic Operating and Capital Plan FY15 Update April 2, 2014 RELATED TO AGENDA ITEM 7.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Comprehensive Strategic Operating and Capital Plan FY15 Update April 2, 2014 RELATED TO AGENDA ITEM 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Comprehensive Strategic Operating and Capital Plan FY15 Update April 2, 2014 RELATED TO AGENDA ITEM 7

2 2 Purpose Provide the District’s roadmap for the next ten years Documents NCTD’s Short-Range Transit and Strategic Business Plans Includes NCTD’s Service Implementation Plan (SIP) that must be submitted to SANDAG annually Summarizes NCTD environment: –Contracted operations and maintenance, infrastructure needs and constraints, operating standards, and regulatory requirements

3 3 Table of Contents Section 1 – Introduction Section 2 – Transit System Overview Section 3 – Existing Transit System Section 4 – Service Area and Customer Demographics Section 5 – Service Design Guidelines Section 6 – Capital and Operating Investment Priorities Section 7 – Operations Plan Section 8 – Operating Budget Section 9 – Capital Budget Section 10 – Regulations, Oversight, and Compliance

4 4 Key Updates Short-Range Transit Plan –FY 2015 Service Implementation Plan (SIP) Ridership forecasts Service improvements Application of BREEZE Performance Standards Additional Updates –Contractor information –Service description –Budget-related information –Approved Policies

5 5 FY 2015 SIP BREEZE – Service levels remain the same as previous year –Minor adjustments based on performance monitoring framework COASTER/SPRINTER Rail Service –Service levels remain the same as previous year LIFT –Revenue Miles increase due to transition to new service model; ridership decreases slightly as riders adjust to new service model FLEX –FLEX 374 was transitioned to dedicated vehicle and remaining service will not change

6 6 BREEZE Route Performance Route-based performance metrics to assess route productivity ‒ Passengers/revenue mile ‒ Passengers/revenue hour ‒ Cost/passenger ‒ Farebox recovery Route Performance: August 2013 to February 2014 –All Core, Corridor, and Local routes performed above standard –Two Commuter routes determined “Deficient” based on adopted service standards New Route Category: Rural/Low Density

7 7 BREEZE Route Performance BREEZE Commuter Service

8 8 BREEZE Routes 445/446 Route 445 Carlsbad Poinsettia COASTER Connection to Palomar College ‒ Serves High Tech High School – North County; San Marcos High School; and McClellan Palomar Airport –Weekday Peak Service Only: Four (4) total round trips –Averages approximately 46 riders / day Route 446 Carlsbad Poinsettia COASTER Connection to Legoland via Paseo Del Norte –Serves Carlsbad Premium Outlets and Flower Fields –Weekday Peak Service: Two (2) round trips –Averages approximately 13 riders / day

9 9 Deficient Routes Route are deemed deficient if they fail three (3) or more performance measures If a route is deemed deficient for two non-summer bid periods in a 12 month period, NCTD will take measures to improve the route: –Targeted marketing of the route –Recommend service span/frequency modifications –Recommend restructuring of the ro ute If, after two additional reporting periods, the route continues as deficient, NCTD will conduct public hearing a recommend route elimination

10 10 Rural/Low Density Service Transit service for non-urbanized areas of North County Access to employment, public services, education, shopping, and healthcare Funded/Subsidized by Federal Grants –Job Access/Reverse Commute (JARC) –§5311 – Formula Grants for Other than Urbanized Areas –Tribal Transit Program Lifeline service for nondiscretionary trips Three (3) BREEZE Routes in this category –Routes 306, 388/389, and 395

11 11 Additional Updates Section 2 –Updated contractor information and NCTD organization chart Section 3 –Updated service levels and ridership through FY 2014 –Added summary of FY 2014 service changes o Amtrak Enhanced Rail-to-Rail Program and BREEZE changes Section 5 –FLEX Service Design Guidelines o Performance Standards o Service Monitoring

12 12 Additional Updates Section 8 and 9 –Updated Capital and Operating Budgets based on latest five-year grant revenue forecasts Section 10 –Added information related to NCTD’s Title VI Policies and Language Assistance Plan (LAP) –Updated contractor and compliance monitoring

13 13 Next Steps Finalize Updated Plan Recommend Board Approval (May 2014) Submit SIP to SANDAG (July 2014)

14 14 Questions?

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