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Automata Based Programming Margarita Spitšakova Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology 19.03.08.

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Presentation on theme: "Automata Based Programming Margarita Spitšakova Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology 19.03.08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automata Based Programming Margarita Spitšakova Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology 19.03.08

2 Outline Introduction Definition of FSM Usage of FSM FSM as programs Example Future work Conclusions Software, further reading

3 Introduction Master thesis: “Genetic Inference of Finite State Machines” Finite state machine is something abstract Why I need to generate FSMs?

4 Finite State Machines States, transitions, input and output alphabets, final state, initial state. Moore machine (output at state) Mealy machine (output at transition) Deterministic machine

5 Using FSM FSM as hardware model Text recognition (regular expressions) Text transformations Pushdown automata in parsers

6 FSM as program Event Controller = Finite State Machines Controlled object Event Controlled object

7 Example. Traffic Lights Red Green Yellow Blinking green Red + yellow

8 Model

9 Source code. Controlled object public class TrafficLight implements ControlledObject { public void red(StateMachineContext context) { System.out.println("Red"); } public void green(StateMachineContext context) { System.out.println("Green"); } public void yellow(StateMachineContext context) { System.out.println("Yellow"); } public void greenblink(StateMachineContext context) { System.out.println("Green Blinking"); } public void redyellow(StateMachineContext context) { System.out.println("red yellow"); }

10 FSM

11 Source code. Controller switch (s) { case green: switch (event) { case next tick: if (counter_x4 < 20) { make transition to state “blinking green”; return new StateMachineConfig("blinking green"); } if (counter_x4 >= 20) { make transition to final state; return new StateMachineConfig(" final state "); } … } Switch technology

12 Conclusions Modeling system Modeling=writing the code Step-by-step Easier to verify Good for modeling reactive systems

13 Future work Event Controller = Finite State Machine Controlled object Event Controlled object Can be generated

14 Software. Further reading Unimod. Eclipse plugin for designing object- oriented event-driven applications using automata-based programming adapted for UML. http://unimod.sourceforge.net AutoFSM. http://autogen.sourceforge.net Сайт по автоматному программированию

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